I have a few products I'm trying to pedal online(herbal personal care remedies) . How do I sling some goods other than on ebay and ? I'm setting up a webpage to link to an ebay store but need to reach potential customers? Advice?
Web Marketing
4 words
Shill that shit on etsy
Why limit yourself to web? People who fall for those alternate medicine memes are elders who dont do much shopping online. Make flyers or something and make sure they get to old folks and local herbalist shops
Wait don't young buyers want to limit the amount of chemicals they put on their bodies? Do you know that deodorant has aluminum init and it's very bad for you? Oh well maybe I could sell on consignment like you say.
Some of the shit young people use for health
Or more commonly, for cosmetic/make-up is bad for you, true, but the vast mayority of the youth doesnt care. Elders will however give half of theor income for a product if its said to help with health in one way or another. It still depends a lot on the area you are selling in. Im sure vegan hipsters love that stuff too. Locate your target customer group and then adjust your marketing strategy accodringly.
You know you,re right. Baby boomers are about ready to expire and x geners are falling apart so they'd be open to buying even some snake oil. My question is what about sticking it to our corperate overloads? Does that idea appeal to anyone anymore? The deal is, I made this dandruff shampoo from some herbs (rosemary and thyme) and it totally worked like for the first time since I can remember my scalp is clean. Herbs work really well but aren't cheap . I mean I can see now how these co.s take a big containers of water and glycerin and cheap thickeners and put a drop of active ingredient just enough to treat but not enough to cure. That's the action I'm trying to horn in on. Pic is what my logo may look like
Who are you targeting?
Since your talking about "herbal remedies" I'm assuming it's new age bio morons so I would propose you make a lot of bs charts and start an indiegogo. Subtly brand it to women. Imply it will make you feel energized, keeps your skin young and that it's all natural. Hire a woman to do the voice-over.
>limit the amount of chemicals they put on their bodies
>on their bodies
This is the type of idiots you'll be dealing with.
>subtly brand it women
conventional wisdom would dictate this especialy in this day and age where women are waited on hand and foot. Wouldn't it be better tomarket to men witha woodsy and rugged brand? I mean aren't men being neglected right now? Won't men jump at the chance to be catered to for a change?.
Google adwords?
Jeroom! I love that dude.
Blind people are also veing neglected and not many products are targeting them
Does that mean your products all need to be in braile?
Just aim for the biggest, most naive and rich custome group you can find, later on you can think about expanding to cover several groups, but for now, that is how you get the money rolling in.
As for the *overlords* your products are *alternative medicine* people fully expect it to be more costly but also expect higher quality in return. Same as organic farm produce, its super costly and isnt as good looking but pwople buy it if they fall for the health memes.
So dont worry about the pricing and design too much, you just need to bait this very niche customer group you have.
Hmmmm. Yes. Makes sense. You don't dig a well in the desert to get to neglected water eh ? Off the top of my head I'd say upper middle class middle aged moms would be my biggest potential customers since they do a lot of shopping. I have a sister that buys a metric shitton of health items off of Amazon. I have to do some research . Thanks for your advice.
I spent so much time hiding from google I never considered the most powerful marketing tool on the planet. Thanks .
Etsy is hipster heaven . Love it.
Oh I just read your post more closely. You mean people like me. Paranoid of the system. People that are anti Mansanto. Farmers market shoppers and local honey buyers. That's a pretty narrow group to target.Thanks again.
if that's it please kill yourself.
Wait, if you are talking about some MLM shit like herbalife (like said) then you're a fucking idiot and should probably should yourself through the face.
The average scrub gets far much more satisfaction looking down on herbs than he would get from making use of perfectly good them as an occasional addition to a healthy diet.
Herbs are basically non-staple foods that provide rare nutrients and minerals that are needed, but needed in moderation to avoid toxicity - you also need to consult placebo tests and peer reviewed studies to avoid old wive's bullshit. Do you think a beer swigger wants to hear that or try to explain it to his bros?
>perfectly good
Replace with blank space.
/diy/ here. I've had this dream of basically making my own stuff (3d printing, metal working, laser cutting) and selling it online. Would it just be more cost effective to become the middle man? Buying and selling stuff online? Not a business minded person mind you. I probobly should be lurking Veeky Forums more.
I'm a Web Developer and I can say that having your own website and marketing it on social media can get you a lot of money
>get you a lot of money
how though? selling a product? physical or digital? advertising? how would you monetize?
There is a thread for questions that dont deserve their own threads, try asking there instead, what i can tell you is: depends on the type of product and your general skill level. For example there arent many iron-craftsmen so if you are a blacksmith you and abuse the undersaturated market for those niche groups, even just maming an iron fence can net you a huge profit. Same goes for carpenters. DIY electronics however arent easy to translate into cash. And a middle man can be anyone so it requres little to no diy skill. You just need a nice webshop/actual shop, and properly targeted producst within your area of expertise and you can earn some money. It wont guarantee you a living tho, depending you your skill and the area you live in.