Tired of looking young, need help

Hello guys.

I'm kinda pissed that I still look young despite being 22, going on 23. Might be my west indies admixture or my shitty weight, but I don't actually look my age and often get mistaken for a highschooler.

I know this wouldn't bother a normal person, but it did bring me a lot of shit during my school years to the point I developped a strong aversion to social gatherings and ended up dropping out of college.

What are some good clothes to look more mature overall, without pushing to the extreme where I look like a kid who stole his father's clothes?

wear black

>I know this wouldn't bother a normal person, but it did bring me a lot of shit during my school years to the point I developped a strong aversion to social gatherings and ended up dropping out of college.

Damn son, I don't know about all that, it's just annoying to me.

I'm 28 years old and last month I went to a health screening. When I asked where to sign up they asked if I was 18 or older or had an adult with me.

No clothes are going to make you look older but you can make a conscience effort to dress better--clothes that fit, get your shit tailored, spend good money on good quality, and dress more professionally at your job which will atleast make people think you have your shit together,.

you have to understand that although being 22-23 makes you very different than a high schooler in that you can experience many things in those few years, you sometimes look very much alike to them to those with older eyes. i would wait til your late 20s til you feel it's a major problem
but like said, well-fitted clothes that seem professional can go a long way

What's your kik I will treat you right

u looked at the filename and still think that bitch is OP?

Who do you think I am if you assume I read a single word or digit in the post

I see pretty I pursue pretty

She's really cute, who is this?

drink whole milk and eat whole foods products

>young looking face
a good thing
>young looking body
a good thing if you're female

The #1 cause of beta-appearance is not lifting.

Get in some fights with friends and get your face all fucked up

Katya Lischina

My man

i'd probably fuck ya bare

Pic related is me btw

please noone post the seig picture we all know he's a fat ugly moron just let it be this time

this pls

I used to not like it but I'm starting to enjoy it more.
I'm 24 I look like I could be High school and sort of have a more feminine facial structure.
I've embraced it, I just sorta find it funny that people treat me like I'm younger.
Try working out, it overall makes you look bigger, older.

dont wear yeezys and other streetwear shit, buzzcut and dont shave for 3 days

You actually will never look older. I'm 31 with your described "problem", except i do exercise so i am not as scrawny, yet really thin overall.
In any case, you need to really do a play with your hair. If you have a "boyish" haircut, you will look boyish. The probability of facial hair is zero to none, but depending on the stubble, might look daring. Embarrassing mostly. But you can try letting your hair grow some more, and explore some new haircuts. Stylists exists for these kind of "i don't know what to do with my ugly ass face"

As for the clothes, same applies to the haircut: Buy boyish, get boyish. Drop the t-shirts, start using more buttons. Due to the really low fat index you seem to show, let your clothes be fit and not baggy. Bonus points if you're tall. Embrace the fit life if not, because you're basically an famished hobbit. Your only last chance here is to be as classy as you can.

At later stages, you will find that none of whatever fuck you're wearing mattered on how you socially perform, but the simple fact that you need to stop thinking that what people thinks about you can actually affect you. Then with some luck, you will find someone as miserable as you, with the same shitty insecurities, to be with.

and most important: Veeky Forums dont look like a trap with skin tight jeans

i bet you look like this

That is not engaging.



i look very good actually apart from not getting a haircut for 4 months