How can I profit when Uber collapses Veeky Forums?

They don't seem to be registered in the stock market yet...

>They don't seem to be registered in the stock market yet

because they don't need to. they have enough money being privately held.

Going long on big taxi companies obviously. Seems highly speculative though.

From a logistics standpoint, there is no way taxi takes back its market. Uber destroys it in pretty much every facet; cost, options, service, etc.

Am I missing something?

>How can I profit when Uber collapses

How delusional are you exactly? Its game over, son.

That's why I said it was highly speculative. I mean, obviously it would depend on what made it crash. I assumed OP meant that there would be some new law or whatever that made Uber illegal in some Western countries. (Which is highly unlikely imo since f.e. they just got a big law in their favor in Belgium). If it were to crash due to a superior competitor then obviously invest in that.

But just to reiterate: I see no reason for thinking it will crash. What's your reasoning OP?

short sell anything that's correlated to uber

uber either gets outlawed or subject to the same rules and legislation as taxis.
they become just an other a a taxi company in the end.

>subject to the same rules and legislation as taxis
This is what I figured, eventually.
How are they substantially different anyway?

right now they have a market advantage of the regulation gap they exist in. taxi drivers are furious they already achieved in my country that uber drivers get plates pulled and a huge fine if they don't adhere to taxi regulation to the letter.

What will probably happen is private contractors will start connect all the ride sharing services, ie (postmates/lyft/Uber/grubhub/snapcart/doordash...) into one brand to maximize profits, essentially people who use to make money will have to compete with more experienced contractors with more resources and algorithms for efficiency.

Oh, I see.
So if I make the same product as a competitor, but have better market placement/advantage, that qualifies as a substantial difference?
Fascinating world we live in.

Go short on Ford and GM. IF Uber were to fail, Lyft would likely have already failed. Both companies have partnerships with Ford and GM, respectively.

Essentially they sidestepped the regulation by being a different implementation of the concept by 1) not using a localized dispatcher, and 2) not using designated taxi vehicles. They automated/centralized the dispatcher service outside municipal jurisdiction, which allows them to sidestep regulations on dispatchers/cab organizers. Then, they require drivers to use their own car, in essence eliminating the need for taxi licenses under the existing laws in most municipalities.

I wouldn't argue the implementation hasn't been exemplary, really, disruptive tech advantage at its finest.
However, I don't consider your first and second points "substantial differences", though the law seems to.
It would be like saying that those who use a wrecking crane they purchased don't need safety certifications, simply because the vehicle is privately owned, as opposed to a company asset.

the way i see it two things will happen
1) all taxi companies become international and have dispatcher service similar to ubers with smart apps and whatnot.
2) uber will become just an other taxi company but this will happen first out of necessity because right now there is huge pressure on the politicians to do something about uber and the likes.

Buy a cab

Like I said in . Some western countries reward small sidejobs from online platforms like Uber and Fiverr by very low taxation as long as your profit stay below a certain monthly limit.

I'm not saying that what you're saying might not happen in some countries, but it's still highly speculative.

what makes you think that they will collapse? Many experts see a lot of growth potential until long in the future

the more important question is how to profit from uber raping the taxi industry

The thing I like about Uber is that it isn't a taxi company with foreigners who can barely speak English and suck at customer service.

All the good taxi drivers move up and arent driving shit tier taxis, That's why you have the foreigners driving taxis mostly cause they are just the left over trash

Long TSLA and GOOG, as Uber is looking to acquire driverless cars.


uber driver speaking here - i cant believe this shit is legal - uber basically makes a load of money off of the driver having to pay ALL expenses - net profits can and are many times below min wage. the thing is i don't see it changing because people are stupid and not unified - and uber will get away with it until self driving cars come out so its all moot anyway

I was gonna be an uber driver but then I realized it wasn't worth what you get paid so I said fuck it.

Uber takes 20%, while you get 80% of the fares. That is a lot more than what you can get from traditional taxi drivers, and you also get more freedom from driving for Uber. What's not to like?

i've never used it but from what i've read the rides are much cheaper than a taxi. 80% of fuck all is still fuck all

Uber takes 25 - 28% now. The the IRS says it costs about 54 cents to operate your vehicle per mile which is not reimbursed in any way by uber, so it falls to the driver. Someone did the math the other day and driving a prius in LA the total net wage comes out to like 8.34$ or something and the min wage in CA is 10$. Driver gets fucked. Unless its a fatass surge like halloween or something then the passenger gets fucked and is profitable. The way I look at it is in either situation either the driver gets fucked or the passenger gets fucked while uber make an assload and nickel and dimes their way to profit. And yes the freedom is nice, but to make any decent money you have to drive pretty specific busy hours so its not really freedom. Not to mention people treat you like garbage, you are not tipped, drunk assholes, people barfing in your ride (happened twice to me) as well as the ever looming threat of accidents and traffic tickets. Also most drivers dont have commercial insurance so if they get into an uber accident their insurance will drop them in two seconds.

outsource to india.

About right.
Uber and Lyft drivers make shit in the long run.

Normal taxi drivers get less than 5% of the fares... It's even worse for London cab driver, which have to take a test called 'The Knowledge' that takes 34 months to finish.

Well if you're a taxi driver at least it isn't your car if some drunk fuckhead vomits in it. With uber, that's your loss.

It won't collapse tho, sure it may be overhyped but since there's no stock they are not overvalued. Why would it collapse? do you have any insider's info? I think you're using the word collapse wrong, sure it may have a few setbacks and stuff but since it's pretty much taken or is taking over taxis I doubt it will "collapse"

No. Yhe share economy is a temporary step until automation kicks in.

Within 10 years all the truckers will be gone and taxi / delivery personnel too

They arent going to make profits illegal hence uber will win (only by then theyll own a fleet of automated cars)

>uber will win (only by then theyll own a fleet of automated cars)

Ubers main competitive advantage right now is the low fare price thanks to their drivers making less than minimum wage. Registered taxi services can't compete with this because they need to pay their drivers a real salary + benefits.

When self-driving cars replace drivers, ubers advantage will largely evaporate, because standard taxi services will be able to cut all of the employee-related expenses.

It would also be a poor move for uber to buy up a fleet of cars. Then they'll officially cross over into the fare-service provider category and have to put up with all the related expenses. Most likely they will just end up being a platform for individual car owners to have their automatic cars drive people around - similar to the way it works now.

The odds of this happening are somewhere in the realm of you winning the powerball.

Yeah, we know that you can only succeed if you put your operations in the hands of short-term fixated investor assholes.

I heard about this Chik-Fil-A place, they don't have investors and they hate gay people. They're probably going broke even as we speak. SMDH 2016.

it already happened (see the past tense?) in my country. it's done.

of course that's no guarantee but i suspect the same conclusion one way or an other. maybe there will be a horrid accident and they determine the uber car did not match the required conditions for a taxi service and then it happens. i don't know. but i wouldn't bet on them.