> this board was created solely for Christian-hate threads
this board was created solely for Christian-hate threads
A thread died so you could make this.
Don't you feel dirty?
People who incessantly hate on Christianity are basically as deranged as anti-semites.
It's the height of irrational bigotry.
Well since the /pol/atheists focused more on Islam it's natural for a newer board to vent back to Christianity.
>anti-christianity and anti-judaism are bad
There's nothing wrong with either of those things.
why don't you shitpost about it that'll solve everything
not like they'd keep going if they knew it upsets your beliefs
Seems to me that there's a whole lot more anti-Germanics and anti-protestantism around than exclusively anti-christianism
>he thinks this board was created to serve as a Christfag circlejerk
that seems to be the way of it, I just hide those threads without comment, tis easy to do
you might want to avoid making a meta thread as well, you're just contributing to the issue
>Christian-hate threads
Am I missing the joke? This board is literally the christfag shilling board.
> thinks dumb religion bait threads isn't the sole reason people didn't want to split up Veeky Forums
If they want to discuss their idiotic religion, let them go their containment board on the Cripplechan. I don't know why they find that so hard to understand.
no thanks
Why do fedoras have the gall to insult Christianity and Ad Hominem?
They never have any arguments besides "y-you're probably a redneck"
I'm usually called a nigger.
Any negative feedback is "hate"
Kill yourself furry
nice try
>It all comes down to autism
I always wondered why /pol/fags cling to Christianity so hard, particularly Catholicism
It's literally about a brown jewish man born from cuckolding who hung out with degenerates and preached about peace, mercy, love, and tolerance for everyone
I mean the church was one of the biggest champions against slavery, and promoters of civil rights
t. Confused catholic
why dont you point out some of the Christian hate threads? then I can point out all the pro Christian threads and we'll see who has the higher numbers
>dude go to le redditchan XD
Fuck that
/christian/ is literally just /pol/ trying to turn Christianity into an Asatru-tier ethnic religion. Half the time I go there it's nothing but circlejerk of "yeah it's okay to hate fucking niggers, as long as you love them too", and craftyjew.jpeg
I don't get the whole anti-Protestantism thing either or the hatred, I assume it's /pol/ folk posting about 'proddies' and all. What do I know, I have nothing against Catholics though.
t. confused protestant
Basically their reasoning is
>I hate brown people
>Crusaders killed lots of brown people
>Crusaders were mostly catholic
>Therefore, Catholicism is for crazed genocidal racist psychopaths like me
Where most people see a theological religious war, /pol/ sees it with racewar goggles on
They hate protestants because theyre not "hardcore" enough
Catholics place strong emphasis on the hellfire and damnation part, which turns Christ into a divine fascist.
The more honest ones exploit Christ (Catholics are exploiters), the dishonest ones tell you that Catholicism isn't about that, even though it is.
You are Christian?
The problem is, when somebody starts talking, you can only assume the denomination they speak for.
Extremely profitable megachurches have their origin in Lutheranism, ironically. I've seen nobody so much of bat en eye to this.
this isn't /pol/