Hey. So I've played CK2 and Victoria2 a lot, and tried a few other paradox games. Are there any other good his-related games? Not necessarily as immersive as these, just games that transport you to a different, historically accurate era.
Veeky Forums-related vidya
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I literally can't into EUIV, but ckii is dank
>tfw you're waiting for HoI4 to become a good game.
If you have crippling autism you should try War in the Pacific: Admiral Edition, the games can take years and there is a truly autistic amount of detail in there
You'll be waiting for a while lad
>tfw you bought HoI4
It's just so boring it's unreal
Daily reminder
>tfw not going to even bother pirating it unless I get to hear my friend is genuinely having a good time with it.
>play paradox games
>they always suffer from "hard to learn, easy to master"
>they always hide their lack of depth with tons of surface "complexity"
they can still be really fun and absorbing for historical immersion and roleplaying, but there has to be a better way to design the gameplay
It really is, you can basically win the game by 1942 which is a fucking travesty
Bravo Johan
Once you can learn one of the major things to know about each game, you've basically learned it, like once you learn to be patient you've won CK2, and once you've learned to [spoiler] build liquor factories [/spoiler] you've won Vicky 2
History vidya devs stopped trying for increasing complexity a few years back and went all in on improving graphics and music. They realized the hardcore simulationist autismbux market is dwarfed by the casual geek audience who don't need much to feel immersed and satisfied than being able to paint a map their favorite national color or hearing their soldiers shout 'IMPERATOR' at them.
Total War games are objectively good.
Also Knights of Honor.
Who /Mount and Blade/ here?
But Paradox games have never been hardcore simulations. They were pretty advanced but it still felt very half-assed if you had any idea how the real world works. Especially anything concerning society and nations, it's always just a matter of waiting revolts out until suppression.
Guess HoI III was pretty complex, though, but I haven't played it.
Knights of Honor is cash
Vicky 2 would be legitimately complex if the economy wasn't broken beyond belief and the military and diplomacy systrms were polished.
Me and although the base game is not historical at all (that was obvious) the historical mods are great. I love that one about early modern SEA with the super strange name.
How do I get gud at total war Rome 2 warfare
This is the first total war game I've played and I suck war war tactics and shit
I always thought Paradox, Total War, and even Mount&Blade titles had a lot of potential for some very in depth gameplay, but that the engine gets stretched thin and ultimately squandered on an overly ambitious scope. Each of them could theoretically do some really complex things if they only stopped trying to expand the game to kingdoms and continents and dialed it back to a single country or even province.
Not really related since it still has the base game mechanics, but there's a new mod for EU4 that reduces the scope of the game to the HRE. I haven't tried it but it looks pretty cool
I bought Eu4 a month ago. At fist I thought this is THE game and I'd have years of fun with it.
Well, now here I am, bored as hell already.
I cant bring myself to finish a campaign anymore.
I pick some OPM, establish a power base through diplomacy and scavenging and once I am a major player in my local group I realise that I am pretty much on my way to a world power which means the campaign is basically over and then I quit.
Rinse and repeat.
What can I do about this?
To the what now?
Hammer and anvil son. Hammer and anvil is the awnser to all your problems. Now go and follow the steps of Alexander.
Well, there's Shogun Total War and it's sequel. But I don't think that's what you're asking for.
Just believe in the Roma Invicta, and the Roma Invicta will believe in you.
It's the same in every total war game, especially against the AI.
Infantry in the center, cavalry on the flanks. Hold their infantry, go around their flanks with the cavalry, slam into their backside. Enemy routs, you cut them up.
Pirated HOI4 recently and I'm going to do a Fascist Greece reclamation playtrough.
Wish me luck Veeky Forums.
fucking trade nodes though how do they work (euiv)
what is this knights of honor game you speak of senpai
to the SCGP (Secular Conglomorate of Germanic Peoples)
This is the game where your spy can become a Pope and call crusades on your enemies.
you don't even need a lot of cav which are just gonna be vulnerable to spears. a few will do. i usually have two lines of infantry. spears in the front, shock and others in back. spears hold them at bay, the others go around the back with some cav support
go on...
KNIGHTS OF HONOR is a must play game.
I'm so trash at these. Is this any different than AoE for instance?
>google images
>knights of honor
Jesus that shit looks cash. What is is and why have I never heard of it, I've been searching for a good RTS set in that period for ages. I played hours of stronghold and and AoE2
I demand that you tell me more about this game!
Link for a filthy pirate?
Knights of Honor is like Total Wars. You have diplomacy, politics, armies, spies, allies, enemies, you build cities, you build cities with different purpose - military, cultural, farmland, educational.. anything what you can and what you need. It is pretty good and it is a real time strategy game. You don't have turns it all just happens at once.
> any different than AoE
It wasn't that type of RTS.
It is on global map with tactical battles.
>tfw I love grand strategy but hate the war part
I just find it so comfy to make an economic powerhouse or bastion of culture. Am I a bitch nigga, Veeky Forums?
> I demand that you tell me more about this game!
It is very casual. You can put some people in your court who do things and there also big armies and such. Many shenanigans in play because most of your people are spies for other realm.
What about simulators like silent hunter (preferably III with grey wolves mod), IL2 sturmovik, or fps like Red Orchestra
How would you design a history game that's not just a spreadsheet simulator, a Total War clone, or another RTS?
Fighting game with famous leaders and legends as characters and chalked full of character to character banter.
> Soviet Russia: The Revolution
Play as Lenin, try to make your country red. Party character with their abilities, you use agitators and shit to outplay okhranka. There are other groups in play who want to win, etc.
Poltical Simulator where you try to start a coup or revolution.
No, you're just Italian.
I'm having a fun time with it, even though it's an unplayable mess.
I really think it will be a great game, all the mechanics are there. They just need to fix everything.
Kek, true.
1st world war, trench warfare simulator. slow-paced, steadily moving the frontline closer to your enemy.
Besides the actual combat the heavy focus is on logistics as in supply chains that provide clothing, ammunition, food, gas etc.
No, I do the same. I'm all about the grand strategy, as soon as the war happens, I just want it to be over.
Gerry Adam's Pro-Car Bombing Simulator: 2016 Edition.
> trench warfare simulator
Made it real time paced MMORPG.
>tfw you're a massive persiaboo but the Sassanid campaign of Attila TW is complete shit
>tfw you're having fun with HoI4
It's been out 2 days and I have 30 hours played. Currently playing as the USA and tear assing through Europe while keeping the Japs contained. Germany has capitulated, but the Soviets declared on me as soon as I invaded France in early '42. It's mid '43 right now and currently pushing the Soviets out of Germany. But yeah, the game is fun if you pace yourself.
I really want to like CKII, I really do, but everytime I boot the game and play for a little while, I get reminded of how shallow the game actually is:
>feudalism as a "form of government", unchanged for 1000 years, without any variety
>there's always a 4-tier government structure everywhere, from Ireland to India, no variation outside some flavor names
>Vassalage is tied to characters instead of beign tied to land: There can never be a simulation of the Plantagenets beign Kings of England, but vassals of the French King in Normandy and Aquitaine. Instead Normandy automatically becomes part of the Kingdom of England if William wons the crown in 1066.
>Crusades are the most boring part of the game, the process by which the King of the newly formed "crusader state" is elected, is completely retarded (the one who bringed more troops and whom more battles)
>complete absence of Independent City Laws, one of the most important characteristics of medieval europe, but status of women was such a pressing issue in the Middle Ages that it deserves its own set of rules...
>complete absence of international Monastic Orders (Cistercians, Benedictines et al) that you can grant lands to or found monasteries
turn-based wargaming, like the AGEOD or Gary Grigsby series.
I'm having a load of fun, but it's still an unplayable mess. Especially as a minor power, it's frustrating when playing with Historical AI off.
> Crusades are the most boring part of the game
It is actually most interesting compared to default blobbing.
>Every religion has "Religious Military Orders", despite them beign a completely Western European (Latin Christian) phenomenon. The Nizari Ismaili are a "Muslim military order"!? Completely retarded.
>Every "Reformed Pagan Religion" (a completely retarded concept btw), is a carbon copy of the catholic church, with their own ecclesiastic hierarchy, its holy wars, etc.
>Completely retarded concept of "de-jure empires": The HRE has a "de-jure territory" smaller than my dick, despite their claim beign theoretically over the whole of christendom. Not only that, the Holy Roman Emperor was supposed to be also King of Germany, King of Italy and King of the Romans, before beign declared Emperor, and neither Italy, nor all of Germany are inside the "de-jure" territory of the HRE.
>Completely retarded "de-jure empires": Francia, Hispania, Brittania, Scandinavia, Russia (even before the Russians themselves existed), "Wendish Empire", Arabian Empire (wich somehow stretch to the Maghreb, where there's fewer Arabs than in Mesopotamia, which is not part of it)
And many, many more
Paradox stretched the map and the timeline so much that, instead of having a good game representing the many cultures of the medieval world, we get a pastiche of badly implemented mechanics that doesn't represent anyone specifically, and only has an exotic flavour depending the culture you play (if you play as a Sogdian in the Ferghana Valley you are a petty shah instead of a count, but otherwise its the same as playing as said count in Southern France)
The worse part of it is that the retarded fanbase at ParadoxPlaza clamours to expand the map to fucking CHINA. They can't even properly represent medieval europe well and these faggots want to include China
Medieval SimCity. Not the type like Anno or Banished where you micro almost everything but instead where you just facilitate the natural growth of your town through policies, infrastructure, and services.
Ah, I haven't played a game with it turned off yet, but I've played three games. Lost the first as Italy and as Germany I succeeded at Sealion and Barbarossa but couldn't be fucked to invade the USA so I just ended the game in '43
Oh God yes.
A.E.I.O.U was on the crest of a couple of HRE Emperors.
>>Vassalage is tied to characters instead of beign tied to land: There can never be a simulation of the Plantagenets beign Kings of England, but vassals of the French King in Normandy and Aquitaine. Instead Normandy automatically becomes part of the Kingdom of England if William wons the crown in 1066.
Arguably this is represented by the de iure kingdoms. Badly represented, but represented.
>Played one game with it off as France. Went far right, got Italy to join me, DoW on Germany during Munich.
>Things are going really well. Me Italy and Czechoslovakia, inflict over a million casualties on Germany, year one.
>Italy breaks off to form it's own pact, declares war on greece, leaves, letting it's lnes collapse stakes claims on me.
>Greece Joins allies, Italy BTFO in like two months.
>Britain releases Republic of itally
>Italy has claims on me, immediately declares war on me
>Have to fight Britain and Germany at he same time because of Italy's amazing retardation.
>>Have to ______ because of Italy's amazing retardation
So Paradox outdid themselves with historical accuracy this time around?
What does it mean?
> Completely retarded "de-jure empires"
They make sense as geographic concepts for the case when someone able to control like all British Islands and such. Concept is perfectly fine. Could use another name maybe, to better reflect what it was.
It is Austria's destiny to rule the whole world or something like that.
apparently occult origins, but its fun to think that the vowels in english are spooky austrian magic.
In Rome 2 there are mini campaigns that do what you ask for. There's a Peloponesian war campaign and a Gallic wars campaign. Both are good.
it kinda simulates the vassalage while having higher titles things by having William still be an elector for law changes. Not saying it's a perfect system and definitely not CK2IDF but it's sorta kinda represented.
Extremely badly represented, because according to the game, Normandy in practice stops beign part of France when its holder aquires a higher tier title: King. That is the result of stupid mechanics, like the vassalage beign tied to character instead of land.
Its because the stupid "4 tiers" mechanic means that if you are a King you cannot have other Kings as vassals, you need to be a step up.
Also, in medieval politics, if you control the British Isles, you are the King of England, the King of Scotland, the King of Ireland, and so on, no need to invent a stupid "Empire" title for it. From a western medieval perspective, there's only two emperors in the world, the Holy Roman Emperor and the Emperor at Constantinople.
All the world is subject to Austria plebs
> if you are a King you cannot have other Kings as vassals
Was there a historical precedent to that?
> there's only two emperors in the world
No, the King of England had the King of Scotland as a vassal fairly regularly
As said, it should be possible as a King to have another King as vassal (or at least as tributary/pay regular homage)
>Bulgarian Tsar
Allow me to be much more clear: From a western medieval christian perspective, there's only two legitimate emperors in the world, the Holy Roman Emperor and the Emperor at Constantinople.
The king of Granada was often vassal of the King of Castille. i recall the King of Aragon being suzerain of the Navarran oneat some point although I don't remember when.
>shitskin bulgarstanis proclaiming an empire
Technically they did add tributaries like you described. They only last until one of the two kings in the arrangement die. After that you'd need another war to make the next King your tributary. They're forced to join you in all wars like a vassal, but you don't need to join theirs. They're also shown independent on the map, but your name goes over their nation instead of their own.
Wouldn't that be the medieval equivalent of an unrecognized state?
Any state that wasn't either subservient or within the same religious-cultural sphere of diplomacy was an unrecognized state of some sort.
I think user here was talking about a specific religious-cultural sphere of diplomacy that didn't include the Bolghar horde. Although I can concede that his term "western medieval perspective" is pretty vague.
The thing is that, shit like the Bulgarian Empire is not the problem, its obvious that it's title was created in the shadow of the Byzantine Empire and under the cultural influence of it: Simeon the Great wouldn't have created it if the Byz. Empire didn't exist, and if it didn't confer some sort of political prestige in the Balkans bis a bis the Byzantines. It was the result of the political circumstances of the time, and the game should have something like it.
The problem is that:
1. CK2 treats Imperial Titles as "can have Kings as vassals and can make increasingly more centralizing reforms" something that is certainly NOT the case with the first Bulgarian Empire, wich in CK2 terms would be simply a kingdom.
2. The idea that concepts like the "Russian Empire" or "Tartaria" are set in stone from the get go, and just depend on how much land do you posses, is monumentaly retarded
>tfw play a republic on 90% of my ckii runs
> depend on how much land do you posses
There actually more restrictions for them.
>being a faggot
I know, I know.
Its the fact that they even exist from the start that irks me.
What is that graphics mod?
Might be RDS Mapping Project, never used it so not sure.
It is in the pastebin from /gsg/
Fucking sassynigs are trying to take spain and italy, having to rerout legions to keep the WRE standing
ERE died like a fucking bitch, attila just came of age too, and the germans are pushing over the river
It's all going to shit