Could a household income of $90,000 support six kids?
What house could we afford?
Could a household income of $90,000 support six kids?
What house could we afford?
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In the UK, 90k could easily support the family however there are so many variables:
> what standard of life do you want?
> where do you want to live?
> do you intend to save or invest?
> does every child need their own room?
Depends on where you are. In a cheap part of the USA, it could be done. But in major cities, not a chance
Oldest of 6 here, short answer yes. Dad bought a 3 floor building in Chicago, my childhood was fixing it and maintaining it. Motivated me and helped me understand where money came from, felt like I earned my bedroom when he bought the next house.
Well normally you want to keep home cost at x3 annual or less but with 6 kids Id go rural - USDA loan , no money down - only way you can afford a house big enough for 6 lids
My mum and dad supported a family of 6 by getting child benefit.
Thank you based socialism.
Social democracy and policies are nowhere near Socialism, amigo.
yes but they'll grow up to be murderer rapists
He didn't say what country he was from so why would you assume that his home country isn't a socialist country by saying what you said?
Probably because no country has boogeyman socialism.
Because chances are that he doesn't live in Cuba or N. Korea.
Six? Are you and your wife god damned rabbits?
Fucking use condoms you mexican.
I'm one of 12 from the same parents.
>I told my mother last year she had no business having 12 children while she asked me to cosign a mortgage for her.
I love all my siblings even if they don't know it.
Unless everyone basically lives in poverty conditions, then yeah you could make it work.
I was one of 4 kids and my dad HAD to crack $100k a year just to make everything work.
fucking richfags. my dad made 37k a year and had 7 kids and we did fine
Nigga, 90k would not even support one person if he wishes to live comfortably.
Raising kids on a budget is absolutely horrid, and it should be a crime.
You don't need children to work on your farm any more, they are now a luxury, a liability, a full time commitment , they aren't pets, its another human being, you gotta have a net worth of 500k+ and a cash flow of 150k+ To raise Two Children Comfortably with all their needs met in my opinion.
Children are the worst investments ever.
if u cant support 6 kids on approximately 200 TIMES THE AMOUNT OF MONEY THAT MANY 3RD WORLD PARENTS SUPPORT 15 TO 20 KIDS ON...... then u suck at life....
Cost of living is lower.
not at walmart
i dont need a mansion to be comfortable.
Yes you fucking dipshit. You'll pay almost no taxes on that and if you buy a 4 bedroom house and put 2 to a bedroom, you'll be fine.
$600/mo food + $1500/mo housing + car insurance, phone, gas, utilities ~$900/mo.
3K+/mo left for other shit. If you can't manage 6 kids on $90K, an hero.
Your dad is financially retarded.
I was one of 4 kids and lived on 50-60K, in a nice neighborhood in Illinois & went to good schools.
That budget is extremely sparse and assuming op lives in bumfuck to be able to get a large 4 bed for 1.5k/mo. If so 90k would be considerably above average for one income earner
>$600 a month for food for 8 people.
6 of them being growing kids.
>$900 utilities and phone.
In this modern age you more than likely need to have a phone for 2-4 of those fuckers which could be up to $300 or more.
Schooling dues for 6 kids.
What if they all wanted to play sports
Do you care enough about your kids health to go to the dentist twice a year? Aka 12 dentist visits.
90k a year is manageable but by no means comfortable.
Well I have no idea how you did it.
I think we went through $200 a week in groceries IIRC.
> 4 boys
> all over 6 ft
most parents force their manchildren to get part time jobs or move out before they are fucking 30
>anything besides beverly hills or manhatten is bumfuck
If they can do it, so can you ;)
You must live in commiefornia.
I don't know, bro. My brothers and I hit 6 foot by the time we were in high school. Feeding boys gets pretty damn expensive. Just groceries alone is a huge expense then you have to find a place large enough to house everyone. You have to factor in extra costs for clothes since they outgrow them fast, medical expenses since boys get hurt more often, college expenses, extra insurance on cars (expect at least a couple crashes), vehicles for them to drive. Obviously the last 3 are if you want to help your kids get a head start in life. Some parents have the kids get a part time job to pay for their own car. Even then, kids are expensive, period. You don't know how much it adds up until you have some of your own. I have a couple boys and they eat everything.
I can see maybe being able to survive with 4 boys on $50k a year but holy shit "surviving" is exactly what you would be doing. Any tiny little emergency would bankrupt you. At $100k a year, you would be living comfortably, but I wouldn't consider it easy by any means. Forbid you ever lose your job in a recession, either. You would be only a few steps away from welfare and government assistance.
how the fuck would all the boys be in highschool at the same time? come the fuck on theres a 10 year age gap between the oldest in my family and the 4th oldest and we are all still fairly close in age
>buying cars for your shithead kids
nah senpai, make them work for it
Ok i embelished a bit but where i am a decent 4 or 5 bed will run you 2k per month. 90k is also about double the average salary here if not more. Im thinking about parity between rent prices and income levels
Yeah fuck your kids, i mean their just your lineage. Spend on yourself, goy!
what's that goyim? you want insurance for a car driven by a 16 year old male?
yeah that'll be about 6 gorillion a year, plus fees
it's worth it tho goyim
They might not? I have 2 brothers and only 2 of us were in HS at any given time. I don't think he means that all 4 of them are 6 foot and living with their parents (I could be wrong). My point was that if someone reaches 6 foot in life, it usually happens in HS, which means still under your parents roof. The expense of raising 1 boy to a 6 foot adult is the same, regardless. It might be harder if they all hit 6 foot a few years apart, like if you had twins or triplets for example, but $200 a week food expense doesnt seem too unreasonable for 4 teen boys.
Thats budgeting well and assuming no days of take out or restaurants. 5 or 6 people eating out once will easily run 60$
I can understand why you wouldnt. Personally, I would never have had kids unless I wanted to see them grow into successful adults and I think a car and a college education is something I would want to help them with, provided they are grounded enough to appreciate it and use it fully to their advantage. You could make the argument that having them pay for their own teaches responsibilty and work ethic as well. I dont think either choices are bad ones.
Agreed. I think that would be absolute minumum.
That is not a cute loli.
$90K is overkill. My parents raised five kids on $40K.
Insurance isn't too bad if you get them a cheap car and then just get liability coverage. I would never spend more than a couple grand on a first car for someone but thats just because teenagers crash them.
Also, Jewish Shills: The Thread. Or maybe just propaganda from /r/childfree. You do not need $25K per child per year, holy shit what the fuck are you doing, taking them all out to steakhouses every night? Learn how to cook. Maybe have those little shits pick vegetables from your garden. You don't have to buy them everything they dream up and feed every narcissistic fantasy they have to be a good parent. Instead of throwing that $80 child shirt in the trash after three months, get it at goodwill for $15 and use it as a hand-me-down.
Something seems off about the dad, can't quite figure out what it is though...
implying no inflation
No one said anything about steaks or 80$ shirts. How many kids do you have and what is your income?
>shopping at goodwill
He looks like he had a stroke and his beady little anglo eyes sit four inches deep into his face.
Right but diapers etc for the baby phase - clothing...well that becomes hand me downs so thats like having a hobby maybe? Cheap hobby really - you can throft and fix
Food -
No youre right man - unless youve lost control of your life this isnt an "insanely" expensive preposition , mostly theyre just a timesink
This is pretax user.
When you consider
- the home
- the food
- the clothing
- the medical expenses
- beds and furniture
- a family car
- electricity and water
It adds up.
>If you don't buy all of your children their own cars and cellphones and computers you're a horrible parent.
For any money problem, it's almost always frivolous spending.
That would be expensive, but you wouldn't be having them all at the same time. It would take at least six years most likely.
A four bedroom house would be good enough, though I was raised in a three bedroom house. The rest can be managed. The taxes after six kids would be pretty small relative.
This. It is easy to underestimate the costs of having kids when you don't have any. I don't even spoil my kids. I don't buy them expensive toys or clothes. I don't take them to disneyland every year. Its the average everyday expenses that add up. Even the medical expenses add up. I've had to pay $4k out of pocket to doctors and thats not even including monthly medical insurance payments. I paid $12k last year on childcare and $20k on groceries. Is it possible to have a lot of kids and be poor? Yes. Those people usually have assistance in the form of government help or family members though.
How load bearing is that slide? That seems like alot of weight to put on it.
How old are you and what did your parents make per year during your teenage years? Need perspective here
90k 4 bed house in 1990 is not the same as 90k 4 bed house in 2016
Retarded cunt. You get free money from the government from each kid you have. I could have 10 and aslong as we are in the same house and together we will get a fat ass check every month to help pay for them
Doesn't work like that, man.
The tax benefits of kids taper off the more you have.
Not really.
Judging by that post your parents probably should have spent a bit more money on you.
yeh it goes down to 1k a head , so for 4 children its only 4k (should have just had one) and it can only cover your actual liability - its not extra free money - its money back on taxes paid (or money never paid if you adjust your witholdings throughout the year)
welfare stats:
so what youre talking about is like this
but its actual quite restrictive...TANF requires recipients to find a job within 2 years of first receiving aid, and gives a maximum of 5 years lifetime total of aid for a given individual.
but its as I pointed out very restrictive - it would actual be difficult to be a "career" welfare recipient (I mean , I guess if youre slinging heroin tax free then it works)
you could get foodstamps, childcare, housing
but as for just getting "cash for having kids" nah, thats an oversimplified view - like , section 8 would be rad for a college kid but any self respecting adult would rather earn enough to get a place that isnt shit tier
Its like living the shittiest life imaginable without being homeless
My fiance was the youngest child of eight. Her parents had a combined income of roughly $35,000 per year, though it was lower than that for much of her childhood. They owned a rather large parcel of cheap land and lived in a double-wide.
Living is easy. Living well is where everybody shits the bed.