What's your endgame, Veeky Forums?
What's your endgame, Veeky Forums?
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100 bil
The Presidency.
Enlightenment, although Im taking the long road
living of my savings doing hobby projects maybe hike and travel do silly stuff in the woods like primitive skills and hunting
not having to worry about money is good eough
What's it like being deluded?
>mfw the avg old /b/tard is coming of age for senate/presidency
>there will be politicians in a decade who regularly shitposted/shitposts
>The President of the United States in 2030 was a chronic shitposter and troll in his youth.
>mfw /pol/acks become politicians.
I'm flipping real estate right now and doing some new construction, also some rental property. I could see myself doing this for the rest of my life.
Keep making money, get influence in my county, state, then region.
Make an empire, whether it's number 1 not, my future generations can have an easy life.
>Do Investment Banking
>Go to top 10 Law School
>Work on 2020 Pres. Campaign
>Practice various types of law for ~10 years (M&A law, corp. law, con law, doesn't matter)
>State Rep Run at ~35
>Senatorial Run at ~40
>Presidential Run at ~46
>If I fail, I walk away and sit on the board of a hedge fund and make bank doing absolutely nothing.
>If I win, then I win.
Doing IB this summer while also applying for law school. 3.82 GPA at a top 20 uni, and I'm shooting for a 170+ LSAT. With a solid essay, excellent recommendations, and "minority" status, I should be fine. Right after law school, I have every intention of working on Donald Trump's reelection campaign in 2020. After that, it's just a matter of keeping my appearances and my wits sharp. My current girlfriend/future wife will be the Heidi to my Ted as she fully pursues IB.
>You're delusional
And you're a cuck on a Japanese imageboard filled with NEETs and lowlifes.
top 1% and get access to things today i only dream maybe being possible
>top 1%
Unless you marry a Rothschild that cant happen
Retirement so I can play video games all day
Owning an maintaining a castle, not even fucking kidding. Like a nice castle that you can drive to and is on a mountain or something.
Also have enough to fully furnish said castle and make it pretty sweet.
I don't know why, but I just want to have and live in a nice castle. This isn't a joke, I truly want a castle like in the pic.
I don't fucking know why I want one. I just do.
No thats the top 0.01%
The top 1% is like anyone earning 200k and above - lots of doctors and businezs owners achieve this
Top 1% by income is very different than top 1% by wealth.
Need to be more specific or people are gonna assume the stupidest thing that is possible.
Honestly, I want to be able to buy a house in Australia in cash. I want to shove it up the "it's ok to get a 400,000 mortgage over 30 years" established mentality. That includes the general populace, banks, family and politicians. Like it's totally Ok to have to pay 450k in just interest to a bank.
If i could buy a house for cash and pay 0 interest to a bank in this country It would feel like a massive win. I'd love to throw in peoples faces too. If you could achieve that while wage slaving and renting, imagine what you could do rent/mortgage free.
Longevity and then immortality.
I figure if I can make it to 100 with current tech then tech 70 years from now should get me to 150. And 50 years from that might get me to 200.
John Goodman's speech from the gambler.
A million or two in the bank and a house paid off. never need to work again. Anything beyond that is just vanity. And I've never cared about impressing anyone.
this. I want to set foot on at least two other planets.
an owned home on 3-10 acres in a quiet area, all paid off, no debts of any kind
at least $1,000,000 liquid
if I had these two things at my age of 21, I'd be a fucking leprechaun
>implying any of the autists and social outcasts who use /b/ and /pol/ have the people skills to become successful politicians
>I have every intention of working on Donald Trump's reelection campaign in 2020
top kek. Sure thing mate.
>graduate with a first (already set to do that)
>IB for 2 yrs at a bulge bracket or elite boutique
>PE for 10yrs
>At this time I'll be 32 (I'm graduating from uni at 19, turn 20 in the summer) so I'll start my own hedge fund in my shitty country (competition shouldn't be too stiff and I'm probably in the top 0.1% of people in my country in terms of education and wealth)
>manage hedge fund for 4yrs and then hand over control to someone else whilst keeping my stake
>run for parliament
>use family connections to get to know the committee that recommends people for the position of minister of finance
>become minister of finance
>run for president at 42-44, again most people in my country are poorly educated and even our top politicians aren't that well educated or clever
Are you going to stock the basement with fine drinks from all over the world and have a stockpile of weapons too?
Are you in Shenzhen?
Are you the same guy who started the castle thread the other day? About trying to get a group of guys to all pitch in and buy a dracula castle?
Wew lad
>Have a summer home with a pool on Cape Cod
>Have a winter home with a pool and about ten acres of land on a lake outside of Tampa
>Have a nice cabin with a hot tub in the Colorado Rockies to spend Christmas and ski vacations at
If I can just have a middle class house with a pool I'll be set. I fucking love house pools and I've wanted one my whole life.
>learn as much coding, and algorithm integration in finance
>make enough money that I can afford overpriced Italian cars (not that ill buy them)
>anonymously donate large sums to charities started by my unattainable crush
>travel and read books till i die
Own a nice waterfront property in south Florida with my own boat dock, and a nice 35ft or so boat with a cabin and twin engines. Go boating/fishing/drinking all day everyday and blow lots of cocaine.
Also go to the casino just for fun after said boat days.
Its basically what I do now but in Connecticut with a 17 foot boat that I keep at a marina as I dont live on the water.
Rate my goal.
I like your goals. They're solid, albeit sad.
this is the one true path
Get at me Veeky Forums
the same as the rich kids of instagram
too bad i'll be old and bald to enjoy anything by then
life is trully a scam
Outer Rim of the Solar System
Space Colony
Enslaving aliums
leaving Milky Way
controlling cosmic powers at will
become god
destroy universe
create universe in my image
I will actually consider this. Thanks man.
but not the crush part. Travel and read are only 2 out of the million things i would be doing till i die.
You're fucking high.
>Mfw being poor third worlder user
>see all these first worlder anons saying they want millions and billions
I could retire on 25k USD in my country bro. My endgame is 30k USD by the age if 30, I'm 22 now.
I don't think any amount of material wealth could be as valuable as fame or achievement (although wealth is an achievement in itself...)
Maybe I'll do 40 pounds of cocaine and kill myself.
2M and pic related out in the boonies.
Find a girl with a rich father and siphon the funds away from him. Rinse and repeat until I'm worm food.
No but that idea seems pretty okish, I kinda want a private castle but wouldn't mind other people
Thats the hope, and no.
>successful people are some strange species who never went through childhood or teenage years
Look at pretty much all very successful people's adolescence/college years. Many of them showed obvious signs of leadership, many were popular, and many held leadership positions in college or in high school. If you look at the unis they went to it's also a pretty good bet that they were very involved during high school since american unis have "holistic admissions"; admissions at Harvard specifically, which has hugely successful alumni, cares about leadership. Many of the successful people you see today were those seemingly superhuman people you knew at high school or uni; you know, those people who were very well liked, participated in lots of extra curriculars, had good leadership skills, and yet managed to be very academically successful.
how did you get into this? Also, how much starting capital?
>Practice various types of law for ~10 years
I feel bad for you user
Wouldn't wish that shit on my worst enemy
He's right user. I know one (1) who is pol, maybe fitizen but doubt it. Right now he's deciding between finance and politics and honestly could probably could easily make it either way. he doesn't know I know, but id say not another soul does. I'd wager politics, and he'll win too.
Managing my own investments. I have a portfolio worth over $50,000 now and plan on growing it to $100,000 by the end if the year so I already do it now, but I want to quit my job and just focus on managing equity, bond, real estate, ect investments on a daily basis. Maybe open my own firm one day. I will have the opportunity to buy 20 acres of farm land for about 30% of actual value this year too which should be interesting.
First and most important goal by far is just financial freedom. I want to have big enough investments accounts that I can wake up one morning, decide "nah, fuck that", and never work again for the rest of my life. I'm a frugal person, and my living expenses are sub-$20k per year. Because of that, I could get away with retiring with less than a million in net worth.
I'm starting a business with my brother though, so of course if that takes off I'll be living a more luxurious lifestyle. That first goal is still my main goal: just be free.
>I fucking love house pools and I've wanted one my whole life.
Heh, this is just interesting. I'm from Phoenix, and almost literally every house here has a pool. Like it's weird when you go in people's backyards and they don't have one.
own a house, a couple of cars and a large wooded area with a lake/stream inside it, have enough money to live comfortably.
But these people always study medicine. At least where I'm from.
I always wondered why they would waste their skills for this.
1. Become millionaire
2. Become billionare
3. Build castle
4. Legalize loli love
Or, if that is impossible
4a. Give all money to terror groups
4b. Huff gasoline until I die
Yeah. Many very talented people waste their skills and potential on medicine. I knew one guy who was on of these superhumans who got top marks in my country for 2 of his A-levels and was incredibly well-liked and very involved. He ended going into Oxford medicine, which is incredibly impressive especially considering the cap on international students but is at the end of the day, just medicine.
True, I realized in all honestly, I would give up any material riches if i could be with the one that got away. Its the game that entices me, not the gold.
Indeed, godspeed user
Good luck user, I do believe the furtue will hold riches for those who are versed in computer language, looking at the trends. As for the crush, we all have our downfall.
Good luck user
something something financial independence singularity immortality
This is new age nigga, billionaire material is formed on the sofa programming not at, college debate class you melon.
Education is investment in human capital you mong. Who says they won't set up a pharmaceutical company later down the line and find the cure for cancer (and rape everyone on pricing)
The high reliable income they get for being a good people mechanic says that.
Independence, freedom, security, opportunity. And I want to pay off my mom's debts.
Is this a real book? If not I could write it :3
Dude, you just hate pol because you spend all of your time on Veeky Forums. Get a fucking life and stop typing out paragraphs worth of crying and generalizations. I mean seriously, Veeky Forums is mainstream now cuck. Not everyone here is an antisocial loser like you user.
It's sad seeing faggots like you who spent their whole lives here and act like your experts on Veeky Forums. Get a fucking grip bro, you're spending too much time on here.
Uh huh. Sure. Tell me when you make your first 10mil being a friendless neet.
How many doctors set up a pharmaceutical company? Most of them (maybe 99%) don't go beyond having a private practice.
>paragraphs worth
>only wrote 4 lines
>you're spending too much time on here.
>baseless assumptions
Enough passive income to clear $50,000 - $70,000 CAD a year.
Possible for me to do this in a few years if I can live on family farm and pay no living expenses, then pump my income into ETFs through maximizing my TFSA and probably put the rest into a non-registered account.
Have fun being wealthy enough to have $2,000,000 CAD lying around in portfolios.
I love how these idiots think that they're just going to make millions and get 7% like no big fucking deal. fucking morons man.
>Implying its impossible to retire early by saving the majority of your income.
I get it, most of us are wage slaves.
50,000 CAD (38,000 USD, I'd have lowered it if the exchange rate wasn't as high) a year is entirely possible to do within a decade.
I'd have been half way there by now if I was still working in the oil patch.
No, you wouldn't have enough.
Are you actually going to tell me that you can get a spare $2,000,000 in 10 years and believe that you will be able to earn 3.5%? Lets even say $1,000,000 CAD and earn 7% on it.
Do you understand how that doesn't make sense?
well, 50k is approximately 4% of 1.25m. adjust lower for taxes appropriately.
lol. You statistically won't be able to even hit $1,000,000 CAD in a decade.
Do you understand that people who do things like this aren't doing it with their entire life savings but 20% on average of their liquid assets, meaning their net worth is actually several million, on average $3,700,000 to $5,000,000 at a minimum?
Do you understand how idiotic that is? Don't reply unless you acknowledge what I just said, please.
What if I don't have living expenses? Property tax and utilities at most.
Lets say I'm an MWD tech (avg 200k+ a year), I save 85% - 90% of this at 5%, tons of ETFs yield 5%. I'd be pushing 600k by the end of year 3.
Most of the posts in this thread are fanciful, so I'm just chiming in with my best case scenario. I would have been able to do this had oil not crashed. I know people that have.
It's not unreasonable to try to pull if off again when/if the industry in Alberta comes back. I'll probably have moved well on by then though.
Achieve enough wealth or power in order to secure effective mortality by extending my lifespan well beyond it's normal natural limits. The first is and unlikely aspiration, and even then the latter is likley an impossible goal. It's something though.
You know what they say, it's not like you can take it all with you when you go. So I'd rather keep it and not go for as long as physically possible.
Holy shit, we're talking if you DON'T have any expenses at all.
This is why you will most likely not succeed.
>Lets say I'm an MWD tech (avg 200k+ a year)
who gives a shit about your hypothetical perfect situations that aren't the reality. Let go of this.
The average millionaire in the USA has an entire net worth of 3.7M USD. These people are at an average o 57 years old.
This is statistically your best case. This is what you have to look forward to if you do your best and everything works out for you, on average; a $3,700,000 net worth at 57 years old. These people still work. They're not even retired, so your plan is even less likely for you even if you were to be lucky.
What the fuck do you think is going to happen? This isn't a Disney movie. This is real life. People don't get lucky.
> a $3,700,000 net worth at 57 years old
That is your future if you're an overly lucky, hard working individual for your entire young and middle aged life.
It sounds like less of a good deal after you see the facts, doesn't it?
I don't know about you and I don't give a shit, but I wouldn't work my entire life just to have some money. That's bullshit and you either know it or you're too dumb to understand why. Do something that you want to do. Having a lot of money isn't something to aspire to. Lots of people have a lot of money. Go ask them how it is. There are anons here who do and they're not any different. I'm an example of extreme luck in this area of life. It's not worth spending your entire life to obtain.
>Take a gap year to re-apply for Oxford
>Spend gap year time extensively studying the aerospace market and identifying how I could fit in it, also learn coding and public speaking during it
>Go to uni, drop out with a startup, hopefully aerospace related, but can be anything
>If startup was in a different field, sell it and use money as capital for an aerospace company
>Create a machine to clean space debris, get funding from all governments worlwide
>Create an independent space economy to encourage it's colonisation
>Also invest in the education and politics of my country for the better
>See space cities and Marsian cities by the time I die
i remember being a deluded 20 year old.
>That's bullshit and you either know it or you haven't thought about the realities of such a situation for long enough
fixing that
by that definition i'm top 1% and i guarantee you my life is not all that special.
Whats your plan?
Why not move to the West and come back?
This guy is right. Work on your leadership skills ASAP.
My endgame is calm retirement funded from what I save up now.
good luck with that when you can't even spell martian
>Love video
>Want to start local video production company for weddings, commercials, that sort of shit
>No delusions of riches
>Would be completely satisfied with 50-60k with a job I love
>Currently making 40k doing something I'm good at in a business department and have good opportunities for raises and promotions, but isn't a creative passion.
>I don't know about you and I don't give a shit, but I wouldn't work my entire life just to have some money.
>It's not worth spending your entire life to obtain.
That's why I'm talking about my endgame being to save the majority of my income in a high paying industry so I don't have to work into my 50s, unless its passive or something I enjoy doing.
>who gives a shit about your hypothetical perfect situations that aren't the reality.
But that's pretty much the purpose of this thread.
I'm not sure how knowledgeable you are about the Alberta oil industry (the pre-2014 one) but many, many people here made fortunes at a young age. It was consistently ranked as one of the richest regions in the world, the median income of some regions was comparable to those in Kuwait or Dubai.
You are so vexed about the idea of someone in his 20s having 500k+ put away by the time he is in his thirties because its admittedly a statistical outlier when compared to the average high-net worth American you keep referring to.
>make my fuck-you money
>have fun with it
Freedom. Money buys freedom. Freedom to do what I want, live where I want, spend my days doing something other than work and toil. That is the end game. Make enough money where no one else decides my fate.
Well, I'm pretty much at my end game. Have a modest home in a beach community, a good amount of passive income coming in, just hanging out.
Not sure what's next, though. That's the big question. I'll need to decide on something else at some point, want to get back into things.
Live in a penthouse either in singapore/ny/hongkong with my sexy asian wife and 10 halfu kids with over a billion networth.
A man can dream...
£5 million
It's a huge goal but it's a goal that I want to achieve in 10-15 years. Not overnight.
I think it's possible with hard work.
so money? the thread is about the method not what everybody else on earth want to achieve
Lel, have you ever, in your youth, felt dismayed by soulless, hopeless, skeptical elders?
You have become that. You can consider your life from this point over, as you will never recover from your dull state. Just because you earn 200k a year doesn't mean you have reached the limit of achievement for men.
how old do you think i am?
Wrinkly 70 yo poodle
Why are you so convinced that it's impossible to retire before you're 65? Lower your living expenses and invest in a diverse index ETF like VOO. Using a 4% safe withdrawal rate, you need 25 times your yearly expenses invested in order to be financially independent.
For someone like me, who has low yearly expenses simply due to the hobbies I have and things I like do to, I'd need far less than a million dollars to retire. About $625,000 would put me in the "financially free" realm.
Why do you think this is so unattainable?
Don't come into the conversation without knowing what we're talking about. I'm not going to waste my time holding your hand.
You must be pretty bored
I'm still not going to explain anything to you. If you can't go the first post and read through our conversation, then fuck off.