ITT : shitty /sp/ memes you fell for
pic related.
horrible materials and creasing on first wear.
ITT : shitty /sp/ memes you fell for
pic related.
horrible materials and creasing on first wear.
If /sp/ made you buy why the fuck are you complaining here. Go to /sp/
/heem/ here and I am laughing at you.
at least i got mine at nordstrom rack for like $42 ayyyyyy
>dressed by /sp/
You're not gonna make it.
>horrible materials and creasing on first wear.
Even nappa leather on my CPs & EU leather on my SLP SL01s have creased within one or two wears
My Allen edmonds crease, even with the perfect fit, within two or three wears
it's part of the sprezzatura of leather shoes.
The key is to use leather lotion and light cleaning when they start to look dilapidated & always keep them in cedar shoe trees. that's what helps them keep form and age well (and prevent wear creases from becoming cracks)
tl;dr OPs a pleb
You should have got the butter soft
Are those the exact same as the ssense ones for 80 that looked more cream?
Oh shit I just bought these. Got em for $40 though. Is that bad?
No you didnt
didn't get the right ones kek
>when you fall for the meme but still buy the wrong shoes
o i am laffin
Is it cause they're not butter soft or whatever? I don't like that color, so I got em in white. They look the same as the others though. Is there a difference in quality?
The ones that Veeky Forums likes to meme people into buying are the ones in the OP. They have this off white/vintage look that this board loves to jerk off
You probably bought pic related. They dont have the off white/yellowish sole and the tongue say "Reebok classic" instead of just rebook. As far as I know they're literally the exact same shoe otherwise. You just bought a boring white sneaker when theres plenty of other options
Tfw no shell cordovan sneakers
I see. Thanks, user.
being a sneaker expert doesn't make you effay, Schaub
I got op photo with the cream some for $45 off Nordstrom rack. Yes they are the exact ones. I think they're great shoes. The materials are retro. I see that oj/yellow foam in the padding that I never see anymore. Not extraordinarily comfy but I played tennis fine in them.
Sergio looks like an socially awkward IT student here.
They were the Ivory Chalk ones... so yes, they were the cream off-white ones.
Didn't get meme'd into spending $120 CAN on them mafuckas, so Nordstrom rack had a sale that I copped from.
Stay hatin'
paying more than 40 dollars for these shit shoes is not worth it
they're literally on the same level of quality as my adidas sambas and gazelles
What's your deal, man?
sorry you slow nerds didn't catch this shoe's thread a month ago and caught the rack clearance
sorry your slow ass didnt get them when they were $30 bucks
shut up, fart mouth
anybody want to sell a size 11?
womens version
same colorway just blue instead of green reebok logo on sale for $30
Watching the UFC is nothing to be proud of user
Fuck me for having big feet. I'm an 13/13.5 in womens sizes
I have these in blue, they're really comfortable. I also have stan smiths which hurt my feet.
Fuck off, Brendan. Just because Travis Browne fucked you up and stole your girlfriend doesn't mean you have to act tough over Veeky Forums.
>SIZE 12
uncommon sizes often get good prices
find me size 10
12 is around the average in your country.
>US size 12
even 10 is below average in the US aka manlet size
There's a huge difference between size 10 and size 12. I wouldn't advice copping for cheaper in 1.5-2 sizes too big. You look like a poor schmuck in clown shoes.
still uncommon unless you live in a manlet country. The average 6 foot tall person usually has a shoe size over 10.