Bedroom/bachelor pad ideas?

I'm 23m looking to design my student flat that i'm moving into in a weeks time.. Looking for something that looks cool, bit classic yet still my own.. starting from (almost) scratch; have a bed and a desk together with a PC and two screens. The room is 4m wide and 3.5m long and have around 2.8m from the floor to the ceiling. Last thing: the room has a 45cmx3m long windowsill in a jade/greenish color.. Any ideas? Pic related


nothing screams man child more than movies/videogames posters

I'm going to dump some inspo for you, hope it helps.

That's Banksy



>those cushions
>le beer






side table rescued from garbage

did i do well?




As always, everything is either gimmicky disgusting pseudo-retro or overdone with no sense of measure.




Done dumping.

Anyways, you're probably pretty poor being a student and all. So the best tips I can give you are:

1. Ditch as much clutter as possible. Store your shit away and make your place look clean.

2. Buy a shit ton of plants. They'll make your place look wayyyyy better.

3. Get some curtains. Get the longest curtains you can with your wall height and also look up how to hang them properly.

4. Get a rug that matches multiple colors in your room. Get the biggest rug you can. Most people go way too small with rugs and they end up looking out of place

Post some pictures of what you like?

Enjoy your acari.

How do you direct reply without a (You) ?

I don't have any inspo saved. But think of movie interiors, organic looking retro. and not this furniture store tier shit.

If you have the monies to decorate, hire a movie set decorator.

What's with the fucking plants? How many middle aged women posting ITT?

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I like plants

Fuck you, plants are gay as fuck.

One little plant in every other room is alright if you're into that I guess but these are fucking ridiculous. Might as well live in a garden

Enjoy the lifeless box you call home.

Enjoy the botanical garden you call home?

I will thank you

Botanical gardens are great.
9/10 they beat museums.

well he is 23

oh look another pulp fiction poster with a twist
this person must be depressed
wiping dust from those plants gonna be a bitch
white wall with black/white paintings... really nice
more motivational speeches... ugh
pretentious cunt

Are nepotism and sucking dicks the only ways of getting into the interior decoration business?