As a male what is the correct way to dress if im tryna get a girlfriend with this style?

As a male what is the correct way to dress if im tryna get a girlfriend with this style?

where's the "techno interests me" infographic when you need it.

wear black and look sad all the time. thats my strategy and it works


be huge and black

fucking gross

Dress like Mac Demarco.

No. These type of girls only date white guys despite beig huge sjws.


People using "aesthetic" as an adjective really makes me want to commit suicide

Same with "metal"

>wah wah why don't white women I pathetically chase after love me I don't want those inferior colored women I'm not jaded

Shut the fuck up so sick and tired of you types "Please someone notice how smart I am I know how to use Google"

I don't understand your post.

congratulations you're a faggot

you sure? this pic is pretty old, seen it tossed around on Veeky Forums and reddit for a few years now

I'm just trying to help OP out.

this, but I'm also a pajeet


>projecting this hard
Nothing user said was even REMOTELY indicative of being a snowbunny obessed brown guy

uhh, im black and match with 80% of girls like this and a ton of them follow me on ig.

i just wear plain colored t's and black skinnies. if anything my hair is more of an accessory.

have some memes of yourself or a cute exotic pet and your good to go

kill them

she always 10 lbs overweight too

lazy bitches. i hate canada.

come 2 georgia

just dress like mac demarco e.g vintage windbreaker, obscure t-shirts/odd printed button downs, slim fit black jeans or "mom" jeans, doc martens, accessorize with a "dad" hat. So basically just dress like her.

No they are not

are you sure youve ever actually seen mac demarco

That's Logan Square Chicago as fuck

It should a striped, black and white T-shirt.


These faggots look so unbelievably tryhard

That is an instant turnoff for women. It is literally advertising that you seek approval from effeminate men interested in minute, autistic fashion "microtrends". Lack of character, metrosexuality, lack of any 'roots' or authenticity to the outfits.
I guarentee you all of these men would cry if you made them crawl under a car to change its oil in their kooky 'slacker edgy weathered' clothes. They wear combat boots, yet you could probably break their legs. The holes in their shirts are not from wear, but from autistic manicuring with scissors. Their clientelle in their shops are literally Brooklynite insecure estrogen bug men.

Do not be like these people. Choose clothes that suit you, choose clothes you aren't afraid to do masculine and physical activities in, choose clothes that are conscious of both your roots, your occupation in life, and what you aspire to be - and if the end result is a metrosexual hipster faggot, it's time for the noose.

You can be the exception to your feminised teen friends. The younger you start dressing like a man, the more they will look up to you and the more you will have a sense of self and dignity in this sea of globalism and consumerism. Reject faggotry. Reject hipsters. Reject quirky or edgy trends. Be yourself, and make yourself masculine and dignified.

You know in "the good old days" men did not casually wear clothes they weren't afraid to get dirty, don't you?
Work clothes were worn TO WORK. They went to church in their "Sunday Best."
Jeans were unacceptable for casual wear because they were for working in.

too bad rejecting memey hipster shit and being a nationalistic conservative kind of person is the new edgy trend

dress however you want, just don't be a social retard

if your livelihood doesn't require safety boots you arent actually working hard: the post

nigger, I've been listening to him for 2 years. I know this dude

>2 years
>being condescending about it

dude what.

go back to /pol/ you stupid faggot holy fuck
why are you on Veeky Forums

>replying to old copypasta

Where in Georgia, I can't find anyone interesting.

no you're just black, and anyone, when they're on tinder, they're being their darkest self, "i wanna try bbc this time but hopefully my friends don't know."

whenever I go on urban outfitter's website to poke around I close the tab not even 3 minutes later, ugly ugly stuff man. how do people make their whole lifestyles revolve around that stuff?

>starter pack
And wheres the muffin top?

>I've been listening to him for 2 years
Do you think that you're super underground?He was popular back then....
I saw him in 2013 and 14, all of those macfags trying to look like him already existed.He became popular popular around 2013.

They're not your friends, they just dress exactly the same. All these faggots wear the same shit while simultaneously believing they're dressing originally.

My buddys gf has literally all of those. Even did half a semester at nyu kek. He just wears plaid shirts and is skinny and pale.

uhhh just wear plain, dark shit

i wear a baggy hoodie, dickies and one stars all the time because I can't be arsed and I've been with wealthy international students, slags, wannabe alt girls, even women nearly 3x my age. attitude is more important

Can confirm, but dressing like them from time to time also gets a lot of attention

you don't want that

trust me

you don't



what the fuck this is by my subway stop
every kid in philly dresses like this lmfao

>earliest it's been on Veeky Forums is last month
sure is summer in here

Women are horrible in general. But these kind of hoes are somehow worse. Easily the worst kind of people I've been with.

dress like Bones, $uicideboy$, Xavier Wulf, or whatever edgy white internet rapper is cool this week

I really good friend of mine from high school turned into this kind of girl. She's completely insufferable now. I think the main reason is because she's really not that level headed, and constantly makes awful life decisions, but she blames the rest of the world for it and gets a tattoo saying "stronger" or some nonsense.
Long story short: Avoid.

"Alt-girl"? The most boring of high-schoolers wear these awful pants, and shitty white trainers are everywhere now.

Be a lesbian

find your own style and then meet them and say hi while wearing the clothes you like.


xavier wulf aint white

here u go

HowHow I get a girlfriend

It is an adjective

he might as well be

my english theory professor dressed like this, black shirt, black jeans, and black nike airs, every damn day.

Just b yourself ;)

>Mac Demarco

My new favorite copypasta


This is what white guys who don't get matches actually think.

I'm gonna second this. Be black. Wear black skinnies. Plain t's from H&M or some shit. Trendy haircut (Still working on this part). You're set.

>this entire thread

Summer needs to end soon