With more millennials turning to socialism, do you think capitalism will still be sustainable in 30 years?

With more millennials turning to socialism, do you think capitalism will still be sustainable in 30 years?

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Uh , that is not the reason capitalism is about to be in trouble user.

With our without socialism the wealth inequality is a thing

Then automation....

It makes me pissed off that they think they are entitled to hard working peoples money.
They get their shitty degree in marketing, womens studies, education etc expecting to get paid above 40k a year, find out that either there isnt enought jobs to go around or there is no pay then decide to take hardworking engineers, miners, business owners etc money.

Some of them understand that what they are interested in makes no money or they aren't good at math so they start this socialism fad in high school because they are so fucking scared of competition.

I say we decrease social welfare, let the rich get richer because they earned it.

How many of the rich people actually earned it though? The self-made man is something that capitalism allows but I'm guessing that it's mostly not the norm. Dig a little deeper and you'll find that they came from a family of means or their daddy gave them 1 million to invest. That's the kind of shit that people don't like.

>millennials turning to socialism
Not all millennials are socialist, desu.

Can you name any rich people that haven't earned their money?

Bill Gates grandparents were millionaires. He was going to inherit a lot even if he did nothing. In school he got thousands of dollars of mainframe computer time because he had money.

Ditto Jack Nicklaus.
As a result, instead of busting his ass with a summer job, he went and hit hundreds of golf balls a day.
I was amazed how he turned in to a worthless individual when I learned this.

Capitalism will evolve as humanity evolves.

It always has.

Donald Trump -- given 1 million by daddy to invest. Made far less than he could have made by doing jack shit for the next 10+ years and investing all the money in index funds.

Bill Gates -- lied to IBM about an OS he never had and then paid some neckbeard a pittance for his OS. His background was also exemplary in how close he could get to computers in the days when they were still giant vacuum tube pieces of shit lucked behind university research labs. So this was mostly extreme luck + connections

Steve Jobs -- exploited his autistic friend, Steve Wozniak for money and sold personal computers to other autists at the personal computer club. Daddy was an engineer who had connections at several companies so the man never did shit

Could probably go on.

>he took the money he happened to be born into and invested it in his education to make exponentially more money and make everyone better off
wow what an evil bastard vote bernie 2016
The Donald and Bill Gates had parents who contributed to society and earned the money. What those parents choose to do with the money they fairly earned is up to them.
Steve Jobs was the creative mind behind the most of Apple's best products. Had he not been there Wozniak would be shitposting on /g/ right now through a Xerox PC.

>I'm guessing that it's mostly not the norm
That's why I'm ok with fucking everyone who has that kind of money.
I mean, as long as 51% suck, right?


They definitely just lucked straight into billions

read Outliers. Bill Gates was the perfect age and was given the perfect opportunity to do the things he did. I'd call it luck.

Your parents don't have to be that rich for you to get a huge advantage in your career. Becoming rich is mostly about not giving up and trying hard - something which is a lot easier when you know you won't end up on the street if you fail.

>Becoming rich is mostly about not giving up and trying hard
That's not what Bernie Sanders told me.

I don't care or know very much about politics. If socialism even takes over - it's not going to be like we vote for it or we participate for it - most likely it will be by force and without people willing.

>3 cherry picked, mostly false examples represent all rich people

it's just going to be gradual. progressives will move the goalpost further and further to the left every year until eventually we just basically have socialism.

which is fine by me honestly

itt I'm really a rich person in a poor person's body

I'm just down on my luck is all

I'll be rich no time because I'm different from everyone else in this country

>I'll be rich no time because I'm different from everyone else in this country
This should be on the nonexistent Veeky Forums sticky

You realize that there have been no less than 3 moments in the past century where actual far-left policy has been advocated by the youth, right? What the fuck kind of society do you think the hippies and social activists of the 60s wanted, and the labor unions and government policies of the depression era?

How are people so ignorant of even recent history that they don't see we've only moved toward increased capitalism since the 1980s? Us moving toward more socialist policy (if it happens) not only doesn't mean we're going to turn into socialists, but it's the natural ebb and flow of economic policy.

>millennials turning to socialism
Kek. Millennials havent turned to socialism. They were born into it. "Turning" is an act that implies they had a choice in the matter.

> It makes me pissed off that they think they are entitled to hard working peoples money.
exactly how i feel

The tragedy of the West

> communists join left leaning parties (Labor, Democrats etc)
> impose regulation and make the market less freer
> economy suffers because of this
> they blame capitalism
> pass further regulation
> market is less and less free
> prosperity and wealth fall
> people blame capitalism
> communists get away with turning country to socialist dictatorship
> revolt
> new generation of people fight for freedom which involves blood shed and death

Most great wealth was passed down and the moment you start to realize how rigged the game was, the happier you'll be.

I have no doubt that some people succeed on their own accord but that's an exception, desu. Just look at the success rates in actual business: 9 / 10 startups fail and its probably higher now. Shit sucks but saying that most rich people are entirely rich because of their own accord is sheer arrogance desu.

I don't know what your response to that is. But the top 1% in the US have a turnover rate of 81%. I personally have no quarrels with rich people keeping their money. I have an issue with socialist stealing other peoples money.

It just makes me sick that they would use their connections to produce a product or real estate to consumers that are willing to purchase those assets.

Wow, it's a shame that they made the world a better place with new technology.

Fuck off, tell me you wouldnt do the same. I got an internship because of connections, nothing wrong with that.

> impose regulation and make the market less freer
> economy suffers because of this
> they blame capitalism
> pass further regulation
> market is less and less free

Top kek.

> If only we were more like China, then we could let businesses do whatever and choke to death on smog while we inhaled canned air that we bought with our $.06/he iPhone factory job

Purr capitalism is a meme. Corporations are amoral. They will literally destroy humanity for an extra dollar if allowed to.

>ITT: airheads talking about "earning" money and "self made" men
Intelligence, which is largely inherited, has been scientifically proved to be the single most deciding factor for whether or not one achieves financial success in life. Bill Gates, Elon Musk or Donald Trump didn't succeed because their parents were rich, but rather because their parents were intelligent and passed on the "smarts" to their children.

Everybody is a victim of fate. Got dealt a shit hand? Too bad. Got dealt a great hand? Great. However, this fact of life doesn't make "socialism" or any other form of redistribution of wealth (i.e. taxes, and therefore stealing) any more legitimate or illegitimate.

TL;DR: accept the hand you've been dealt, and don't drag down the slightly more fortunate to your own level; it always results in mutual feelings of alienation, anger and disappointment.

>Corporations are amoral. They will literally destroy humanity for an extra dollar if allowed to.
>actually antropomorphising corporations
These "corporations" are run by people who would also prefer not to choke on smog. Sabotaging the planet isn't explicitly on their agenda for this very reason.

The only difference will be there will only be RICH SOCIALISTS then the rest of us. same as we have now.

Socialism isn't the opposite of capitalism ya idiot. Communism is (the USSR/North Korea variety I mean, not the Chinese meme one). Most of the West are socialist capitalist countries.

The world is capitalistic at it's core and that is never going to change. Socialism is just a way to counter some of the negative consequences of capitalism.

Some socialism is good, too much of it is bad. It's a fine line. But you Americans have a knack for looking at the world through your black-white Republican-Democrat polarization goggles.

>looking at the world through your black-white Republican-Democrat polarization goggles
That's the impression you'd get around here, but it isn't really true.
The fact is that most burgers can see the line just fine. Our two party system however, has done a magnificent job of convincing the majority that those who disagree with them are extremists.

This thread in a nutshell

Capitalism isn't fair but then again socialism/communism is even more unfair. Free trade works for the most part as long as governments aren't making extra rules and loopholes that the common civilian has to jump through to make decent wealth. This part of the problem right now is that governments are run by the huge corporations and thus they set the guidelines that keep people suppressed. Only a retard would think that socialism will fix this. We need less restrictions and less free hand outs.

Something I saw shared on facebook(I'm canadian btw)

Lessons on Irony:

We are advised by the Liberals to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics,
but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.
Funny how that works.

We constantly hear about how CPP (Canada Pension Plan) is going to run out
of money. How come we never hear about welfare running out of money?
What's interesting is the first group "worked for" their money, but the second Didn't.

Provincial Social Services (welfare payments) is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free money ever. Meanwhile, the Parks Branch, asks us "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." The stated reason for this policy is because "The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves."

That ends Today's Lesson On Irony

Speaking as a millennial and former socialist...

Young, privileged people have always been extremely progressive. See Churchill's "if you're not a liberal..." quote. We look around, see the injustice in the world, cannot comprehend how it can exist, and conclude that it must be fixed. At the same time, we've never really had to work for anything, nor have we had anything to truly call our own, so we decide the best way to combat injustice is to take from those who have and give to those who have not. We are not directly affected by such schemes, as we are have-nots that nonetheless are well taken care of.

This all changes when you get a good job and accrue responsibilities. When hard work, education, and self-improvement start to pay dividends you start to get an inkling of what it means to fund someone else's bad choices at the expense of your own happiness. When you see yourself being denied a non-trivial amount of money each paycheck - and everything that money entails - you slowly cease to be a socialist.

We can protect capitalism by improving the economy. More, better, and available jobs will help young people turn away from socialism.

The Double Dubs speaks the truth.
Although I am all for what Socialism's purpose is, I know it cannot be feasible in this life time. Humanity is not yet ready.
But Capitalism should evolve as the people do, wouldn't you say?

the font is too small to read

>9 / 10 startups fail

A lot of people start businesses with close to zero business knowledge, no concrete plan, and a product which may or may not have a market. Restaurants and bars are a prime example of this - they're included in that 9/10 figure - as most of them are started by people with little education who think their 5-10 years of working in the industry qualifies them to run a business. That most startups fail isn't necessarily an indication that the game is rigged.

Even if you think the game is rigged, you can still participate in the economy without participating in the rigged game. Look at people like Markus Frind, Maciej Ceglowski, and Jason Fried. They all made it in tech without taking VC by focusing on product and profit. If you have a head on your shoulders it's entirely possible. Most people just don't.

>I'm guessing that it's mostly not the norm

You guessed incorrectly. Most rich didnt inherit

The argument from sensible people is that the system is rigged in favor of wealth inequality. Full stop.

No ones saying they hate hard work and innovation or that you dont deserve reward for your toil - but the roads are public , the schools that educated your employees are public (ish) etc etx

Its society , it doesnt end at your property line. You cam be rich you just cant be "buy politicians and fix the game and fuck over the poor and middle class oligarchy" rich

You could go on but anecdites arent evidence

Go examine the actual evidence and youll find most millionaires are self made

Billionaire? Yeh to get to that level you probably did aomething shady - different story

But most wealthy and the "technical" 1% (earning above 200k I believe) are self made

Nah - hillary isnt even pushing universal healthcare. This is late stage capitalism. Pragmatically - with resource scarcity and environmental catastrophe on the menu , all we'll get its a sort of dystopian increase in the welfare state. Not UBI just shotty subsidized government housing , a soylent ration monthly etc

I imagine in 20 years theyll give you a one time cash payment to get sterilized

>a bunch of edgy teenagers like socialism therefore we should make the rich richer

Sometimes I wonder why I still try to get a good discussion on Veeky Forums

>hur dur i'm greedy and think 90% of people should be dirt poor because I think I'll make it
Wew lad

The American economy relative to the world economy will continue to decline until we trash laissez-faire
You can whine about how your wealth is being taxed ;_; but if we continue with feudalistic rich-get-richer economics we're ALL going to be sucking on 3-inch chinese penises before too long :^D

>I imagine in 20 years theyll give you a one time cash payment to get sterilized
I see nothing wrong with this. It's all about what costs less.
It's like how the LA Unified School District paid a pedophile teacher $50,000 to resign - because it would have cost them 10 times that to actually fire him.

truly ignorant of Gates's story, he dropped out of Harvard, lived in autist fantasy camp for the 1970s, then used his mother's connections at IBM to become a middleman for selling a DOS which another company developed

i'm not saying he isn't genius, but if you are trying to defend the elite's moral claim to their wealth, he is a poor example. he's smart enough to have turned his attention to trying to lift up as many other people as he can (while never giving up his scrillions while he's alive, tho)

Yes after capitalsm we go back to building Pyramids the old fashioned way SLAVES. millions of salves.AND those slaves will build vast temples to the leaders of the Socialist enlightenment, they will pronounce themselves GODS . You will spend your lifetime constructing their "terracotta warriors" never to see it completed.never to be paid because you do it for the your Dynastic leaders.

a vast Necropolis will be built for our socialist gods the likes of which will eclipse the terracotta soldiers of Qin Shi Huang. millions of citizens will find glory in fulfilling labour needs of the essential construction of this dedication to modern socialism.

We don't have capitalism now, so what are you moaning about again?

I guess because the millennials will just keep bringing us farther and farther down the socialistic path.