I'm ugly as fuck but have been scouted. What did they mean by this? Have any of you ever been scouted and how does it make you feel? How beautiful do you consider yourself? I'm not posting a pic since I know for a fact that people I know IRL post here.
I'm ugly as fuck but have been scouted. What did they mean by this...
If you have to pay them then you're getting scammed.
I was downtown this morning to pick up my meds and on my way out I went to a Mcd's for a coffee. Well at the entrance there were hanging out a couple female crack whores with a homothug (I didn't realize he was homo, looked like a gangsta mud). Well the homothug suddenly tells me i'm handsome and proceeds to touch my shoulder.
true story.
Woah. How do I into homothug mire mode?
>people I know IRL post here
Jeff is that you?
wtf how did you know this is me?!?!
Wait, aren't you the really fat tripfag? I guess that explains the meds and McDonalds.
no, he is the 40 year old loser tripfag
He's just misunderstood :'(
I got scouted on the street but we ended up never meeting afterwards. This was in Korea and the dude spoke broken English. Had 10k+ followers on his fashion instagram. Clothes there fit me like a fucking glove so that helps.
That was the only time but i already knew I was a cute guy so it boosted my ego to astronomical levels. I get compliments from girls when I'm out in the night scene, not every time. After me and my ex broke up and I hit up tinder getting 75 matches in a weekend made me feel pretty damn swell. To make sure it wasn't white fever i did a test in Seattle and got similar matches.
Still want to pursue my academic dreams of being a professor while modeling on the side.
Oh a man can dream. This masters program is murdering me.
I got scouted too. As someone said, if you need to pay things its a scam.
I was always pretty Shy and rather insecure but getting scouted made me feel a bit better even though I tought I wouldn't fit with the rest of their Models. But in the end all male models are really chill.
I consider myself to be above average mostly because when you do this you learn to know your strenghts and love yourself.
Go to the agency and see with them what are the specifities of the contract they want toi to sign
> I'm not posting a pic
then gtfo faggot
getting """scouted""" at the mall to work at Hollister isn't the same as modeling
How 2 get scouted
There are no special effay places to be in order for one to get scouted, you bozo
what subject
I want to be like you user. I'm still getting there.
Whenever I walk in the mall male and female employees usually can't stop looking at me
maybe not for the reasons you think they are, fuckboy
Dual endorsements for Math and English it's a masters (+45credits)in teaching program
We're all gonna make it bruh. Thank you. I used to be hyper nerdy but my time abroad I got Veeky Forums Veeky Forums and /out/ all ar the same time and brought that with me back home.
i'm 5/10 legit
2-3 extra points for style and behavior
how did you like korea? I thought it was cool but I spent time in japan and i preferred that desu, people are too busy to give a shit in tokyo, it wasn't the same in Seoul. i tried out tinder over there and over 90% of my right swipes got matches. I guess it's kind of an ego boost when people tap their friends and look over their shoulder at you, walk a metre away from the guy they're walking with when they spot you, take photos or talk about you look, but it's almost as if you can't do anything, not with relative anonymity anyway. I prefer the attention I got back home, just a few nice stares and double takes or a chat.
I got scouted but it didn't lead anywhere. Was a pretty good ego boost though.
>masters in teaching
lol and to think i had some respect for you
Math and English? I really hope that modeling thing works out for you, man, otherwise I'll be sure to throw you a few quarters when I see you outside of a starbucks
I loved Japan and Korea man. I kinda liked the attention. It never got old. Russia was a humbling experience where everyone young looked good(Vladivostok)
Sorry that you guys are uninformed. Maybe you saw too many memes? It's a very calculated and logical decision that I made. You guys realize it's not a math or english major right? The major is a masters in teaching and I'll be certified to teach all ages in both of those subject areas.
Maybe it's different where you're from but there's an incredibly high teacher shortage especially for math and science. My state government is offering $20,000 of loan forgiveness if I teach math in public school starting pay ~$65k a year salary with the +45 credits giving a higher start pay. Summers off. If my degree set me up for unemployment or a starbucks job why would there be an offer for 20grand from the government? Where you get your information truly confuses me. Theres general sub shortages across the state as well. Washington if you're curious.
As for English it's mainly for overseas interest. Probably a professor overseas or work at an international school in which there is a high demand(math as well) especially in non-tourist countries. People that get those jobs never leave man. Highly coveted positions that get swooped up by those qualified. Not bullshitting in the slightest.They pay well with a tasty amount of vacation. Plus i actually enjoy teaching maybe you guys can't understand that.
Both of you have truly no idea what the fuck you're talking about. How old are you? What's your job I'm curious? What are your sources? Please refute my points directly without logical fallacies or personal attacks. I'll be waiting.
yeah I loved it, people were incredibly welcoming and kind in my opinion. honestly the weirdest feeling was other tourists, I felt a lot of posturing from other westerners if I was sat next to them, or frumpy white women giving me weird looks. overall my experience was massively positive and I'll definitely visit again, but that was just a small annoyance.
i'll reply cause i have an answer for this.
got scouted @ my university to do a shoot for a campaign with a p well known brand. felt cool/ was a fun time/ cool way to make some cash but also felt sorta sell-outy. for "how beautiful i consider myself" lol i guess i learned that ppl found me attractive when i started college and then recently that i had "a look" which is sorta what they go for with these things?
What's wrong with maths?
I just graduated a math degree in operations research and signed a full-time contract for 90k AUD
>75 matches in korea
uh m8 im ugly and got that much. try a picky place like sweden.
I'm curious about your matches can you post them?
Every dude i knew in Korea that wasn't at least "cute" by girl standards using tinder wasn't getting 75 matches in one weekend. you're not ugly or you're lying which is it?
I'm fine with my Seattle matches but if I ever travel to Sweden I'll test that out.
>Thinking anyone actually cares for how people look on tinder anymore
A ton of people like people on tinder who aren't as beautiful as they are, because they can expect a match. It's all about upping that high score user.
Totally man. I was just giving additional details on OP's question. Which is why I don't meet the grand majority of the girls I match with. Out of those 75 I only got busy face to face with 3 of them. Some chats fizzle out or get boring, some are just not cute enough. Some girls just want attention via chat. But it gave me a heightened self image when it first happened.
Though I'm quite certain guys swipe right with much higher frequency than girls who are usually picky bitches if they've been on tinder awhile.