Eth shills, where'd u go?
I wanted to play :(
The eth kids picked up their toys, wiped the tears from their cheeks, and went home to mommy
Eth shills, where'd u go?
I wanted to play :(
The eth kids picked up their toys, wiped the tears from their cheeks, and went home to mommy
Other urls found in this thread:
Run along kiddies, sorry kids, you won't get rich off a meme alt/scamcoin
Your best bet is buy bitcoin before the halving
Sorry to burst your bubble, once the average person sees a picture of your malnourished Autist vitalik their first instinct is to laugh and sell, not necessarily in that order ;)
Where's it at now?
Too lazy to check / want to be surprised by massive decline since last saw threads
Follow your hero Autist role model vitalik, do we he did and sell your meme coin eth
It's being dumped, why do u think the eth shills have disappeared
Fuck, that's priced pretty low.
I didn't think it would drop beyond "distributed" but you never know with stocks.
Where's that Reddit faggot telling everyone to go some shitty Reddit site, trying to convince everyone eth was gonna moon and bitcoin was gonna tank
Lol I bet that pathetic Reddit cuck is reading this right now with a tear rolling down his cheek
Sorry cuck, it's bitcoin or nothing
Now go back to your cucked faggot land website and never return
Calm your titz, sweet jesus.
It's a simple dip. For fuck sakes.
Sorry son your autist coin has no future lol
I'd give it a .01% of beating bitcoin without that malnourished Autist face attached to your coin, but once the average Joe sees your pathetic autist he literally falls over himself trying to sell
I'm sorry your hopes and dreams had to be smashed by a 99 lb communist autist with acne
Nah I'm not actually sorry, fuck you faggot
What are you smoking? Bitcoin hasnt been above 500 for how long? Just keeps dribbling along
And the opening price for eth was what? 40 cents? That was like a year ago
Youre delusional
Im a nocoiner but cmon man have some dignity
Veeky Forums is cynical
Eth drops 7% its the end
S&p sneezes 3% and its the great depression 2.0
Except eth has no chance of going anywhere, it has that 99 pound ugly fucking autist attached to it, not to mention offering nothing on top of bitcoin
You're a fucking retard, the bitcoin price is healthy as fuck, the halving is in July and the price will be over $1k by September
Why don't you go back to make pretend faggot land like Reddit where some shitty scamcoin overtakes bitcoin, faggot
I'm kind of new to crypto can you explain what "halving" is ? I'm thinking about buying before it happens
In early July each bitcoin block distibutes only 12.5 btc instead of the current 25 btc to miners
The price of bitcoin is guaranteed to at least double by the laws of mathematics, economics, and your mother's shaved, tight but loose vagina
ETH will be $50 soon enough.
>missing out on bitcoin
>missing out on bitcoin 2.0 (eth)
Nocoiners never learn
>mfw I bought bitcoin at $70
>mfw i bought ETH at $0.30
Crypto is literally free money and OP is a faggot
>Bitcoin 2.0 (eth)
Oh man am I having a giggle
I wish I had reaction faces on my s.artphone
What can I say, yiure delusional if you think your autist coin is going anywhere
sorry to hear your bitcoin investment is doing so terribly.
Why dont you turn it around and buy ETH? You might make a profit for once in your pathetic life
Nice projection faggot
I was buying bitcoin, mining bitcoins, and selling your mom's panties for bitcoin when u were still pissing ur diaper
Jokes on you faggot, I started my bitcoin adventures long before u even heard of "crypto"
Keep dreaming ur autist scamcoin is going places
Pic related, it's you
how many dollar coins did you make with bitcoining?
Ethereum will overtake bitcoins market cap soon. It has to happen. It's a better cryptocurrency.
Stop denying reality, vitalik is a genius and Ethereum is a better cryptocurrency than bitcoin.
Just buy it
bitcoin is too big to fail
Bitcoin is for pedophiles
I have 206 bitcoins, which is worth about $94,000 today, and $200,000 in four months
Your mom let's me cum in her mouth for a fraction of that
i dont think she understands the concept of bitcoins. The haliving will ruin the bitcoins. I would sell all of them now.
Well, you'd have been a millionaire if you'd have bought Ethereum when I told you to buy it.
I guess being a stupid stubborn motherfucker who can't change with the times is harming you financially.
You guys should hang out.
Nah son, been around these parts for longer than you
I've seen the shills, seen the bullshit
When u been around as long as me, you've seen the scamcoins come and go
I've probably sniffed your mom's and your sisters dirty panties already
You altcoin dreamers are all cucks
Your mom's panties fetch a pretty penny, I mean bitcoin
Keep cucking for a scammy, 99 pound malnourished, ugly-as-fuck, acne-ridden, complete social-retard communist
Check these coins you fucking faggots
Fucking gook moot and his "do it for free" faggot mods and janitors are all faggots.
Your moms and your sisters pussy tastes bitter, tell that bitch to shower more often.
Everyone knows I hate etherm shills, but.. what the hell is wrong with you dude? I mean I guess they do deserve to be shit talked that way.. yeah they deserve it, nvm. Proceed.
What if something better than ether comes along ? Are you just going to keep chasing the next best thing ?
Lel, eth cucks are the worst
Ive seen a lot of scam coins, and that malnourished communist vitalik makes my blood boil just looking at his ugly acne ridden face
Eth cucks deserve to be dumped on and left holding their cocks, and when it happens, I'll be here, making fun of them
Yes. If something better than etheteum comes out, but so far, nothing
>not using the official picture
Fuck you assholes, time to watch John carpenters the thing
Enjoy your autist coin getting dumped on you in the near future
Oh, and a word of warning: don't visit this board when your scamcoin tanks in the near future, I'll be sure to make your stay a rather unpleasant one
Good film. But you should buy some ether, bitcoins days are numbered, friendly advice for you.
Shame about the nocoiners there's no hope for them, but i actually care about you guys, buy ethereum
>time to watch John carpenters the thing
You should probably say "It's time to watch as John uses his carpentry skills to build the (object)".
The other way sounds kind of dumb.
> calling a 5% decline after 2 weeks of 25%+ gains a "dump"
Ok bud. One day you'll realize.
>Crypto is literally free money and OP is a faggot
>Free money
Tell it to those who bought litecoin at 15$ and Bitcoin at 1100$.
When lt was at 15 and btc at 1100, the market was euphoric. You could smell a shorting from far.
>You could smell a shorting from far
Like when GoPro was at $98?
Pretty much this. I smelled the same thing for eth at $15.
>You could smell a shorting from far.
So did you short on leverage and make billions if you could "smell it"? No? Then shut up.
I mean... although I agree with you... bitcoin isn't doing too hot either, bro. That shits been stagnant at best and crashing at worst. It doubled since last year because of the halving coming but now that it is priced in, it's barely holding on. Once the halving is over, people will go back to offloading it.
wtf you have no idea what you are talking about
it's a possibility, might climb some till the halvening then it will be a huge dip maybe a crash imo.
You can't beat eth for growing your btc stack. It pumps like clockwork on any and all news. New dao, pump. New exchange, pump. Vitaliks' balls drop, pump.
Just like at the last halving!
This. All altcoins (in fact, all assets post 2008) are shit compared to Bitcoin, but some coins are good to guess what: make more Bitcoin out of it. So I welcome more pumps and dumps.
You have no notions. The fact that you aren't buying at this discount price proves you deserve a bullet to the brain.
This time is different faggot, we are going under 21 BTC for a reward. People that own 21 BTC in 10 years will be millonaires.
Again, you have no notions and need death.
>no notions
im an eth shill. i dont need to hype it. as long as awareness is raised, people will do their own research and the price will increase. It looks like youre doing my job for me so im just relaxing. thanks.
Comprehensive list of altcoins that have not crashed and burned or faded into obscurity:
this. without retards that exchange bitcoin to altcoins hashocean wouldn't be able to mine shit.
give it a spin friends after you carefully thought about it that is.
don't get too greedy as we have no idea how legit it is the average lifespan of a ponzi (assuming) is 3 years this has been going well over a year now they pay like clockwork i just received an other payout today.
no you don't get a discount from my ref link as assholes like to lie about it i get 5% after your purchased power (it's all the same to you i'm not taking it from you it's a referral bonus).
if you don't purchase you won't receive any payments. the free 15Mhs won't make it in a month to 0.005 btc.
ROI is around 3 months when you reinvest be careful. don't be greedy and irresponsible.
use pocket change not your life savings. this site is shady as nine hells.
>mining bitcoin
>not mining ether with genesis mining.
Its like you're living in 2013
Cryptocurrencies should be a medium of exchange, not a means of profit themselves
bitcoins are a joke. they are almost identicle to freedom coins. I bet 90% of the people here never even knew they existed. It was an alternate currency that got real popular back in the 80's but the feds squashed them saying they were being used to launder money, do illegal things, and buy cp. Sound familiar?
it's just a thing i like to annoy eth cucks and bit shills with spamming their threads up with my reflink. i never make threads for this like some fuckers.
i don't care either way but eth is a long shot and does not seem plausible to me that bitcoin will be dropped in favor of it.
more likely if eth does deliver something new it will be incorporated into a btc based network.
Sure gramps
Terrible reasoning m8
identical in the fact that it was an alt currency that got a lot of momentum was working great and was being used to buy drugs cp and launder money. The feds arent going to just let an alt currency work in America. If it dont work here it wont work anywhere. Only difference is this can be used online instead of being mailed through the mail. The feds already have a bead on it and will be cracking down soon enough.
Sure gramps
>muh toy monies are real tho.
ok kiddo.
Thats what it boils down to in the end.
You're a nocoiner. Stay poor and mad while cryptocurrencies continue to exist long after you die.
>Investing in bitcoin when its at its peak.
the whole idea behind bitcoins is it was supposed to be a non centralized currency. but what do we see now? server farms selling Hash's. There are only a few companies doing this. That makes it cenralized and when one company gets enough hardware they will break the system. thats only if the feds dont squash it first.
Sure gramps. If bitcoin dies, we have ether and it will be proof of stake soon so no need for physical miners.
You are the weakest link. Goodbye
if one fails they will all fail. Also not sure how the system is supposed to work without miners facilitating the transactions. so when bitcoin stops giving miners coins for running the system whats the point of running all that hardware. Its literally designed to fail.
Who cares brah, if bitcoin fails ethereum will take over the number 1 spot making me a fucking millionaire.
And if ethereum fails i will just diversify in to the next most promising cryptocurrency.
Thanks for playing gramps
to me it seems pretty likely. if you think eth can magically steal bitcoins thunder you are retarded beyond reason. it will never bee looked upon as anything else but pale imitation with some funky fancy contract thingie stuff that actually pose some security concerns btw.
>mining bitcoin
hashocean would need to mine more than 1500 btc per day out of the 3600 btc that is daily available. with a total of 200GHs. yeh i'm sure they are mining btc you fucking retard. in fact they might mine eth and other shitcoins and exchange them to btc.
>I'm gunna be a millionaire for doing nothing.
what are you 12? besides that there will be no incentive to run the hardware that keeps it running. it will literally just stop working once the mining stops paying. there is no denying that logic. who in their right mind will use all that electricity for literally nothing.
i heard china and some shitholes like that basically gives free electricity to companies to increase competitiveness. that is why they are really big on mining. even with outdated equipment they will keep on churning until some pennies drop out of it.
but thats the thing there will be absolutely no compensation for doing it.
yeah well they will do something else then obviously or sell the hardware or melt the gold out of it.
the thing is the halvening will not immediately crush the bitcoin mining as some imagine it. some miners will drop out others will increase their market share and thus remain profitable. the transaction fees will bump up.
that is all i expect from it.
unfortunately the network isnt as big as they thought it would be so solving blocks without the block reward wont be worth it as it stands. Nothing can be changed in how bitcoin works so there will be no bump in transaction fees. I would sell before the last coin drops because the system might just stop working the next day.
Proof of stake means no mining needed. Solving the whole problem. I dont know what you're arguing about man, maybe bitcoin but i dont give a shit about that.
You're a fucking dumbass and it shows
how the hell does it work? do they just say ok heres some digital coins, only we know how to make them. just trust us that we wont print our own money once you idiots assign a dollar value on them.
you do know the miners are the only thing that makes the system work right? as soon as those giant Chinese server farms stop playing, the system will stop working.
not bloody likely
i mean it would be worth it for me to watch the spectacle i could jerk off using tears of the bitcucks all day.
but i think that mining is not so easily disrupted dropouts will be gradual because everyone will try to play the long game and wait for others to drop out first.
worst come to worst everyone with a pc and a bitcoin wallet could start to cpu mine the stuff the difficulty will adjust pretty fast.
he is retarded eth requires mining same as any crpyto. basically mining is running the apps in a vm and providing proof of completed work.
Do your own research in to proof of stake vs proof of work.
Im not here to spoonfeed cunts
Yes, thats bitcoin, we're talking about ethereum
Nope that isnt what mining is. You're yet again proving you dont know what the fuck you're on about
I've been following bitcoin since before Asic mining was a thing. One thing I noticed is as soon as the first butterfly miner was announced they would delay deliveries of what you ordered so that by the time you got a hold of it, it wouldnt be viable anymore. They did this for every miner until they finally just said fuck it and sold hash's and kept all the hardware they made. It has been shady since asic became a thing. I wouldnt put it past the Chinese to just bail as soon as it wasnt worth the money. Its like a computer aided ponzy scheme and probably why it has lasted longer than most.
>Ether is mined by proof-of-work
what are you on about?
Are you quoting me?
yes, ethereum is mined by proof of work currently, but on the next release it will be Proof of stake.
There are no large ether mining operations like there is for btc because the algo is asic proof. Most of the mining is done at home by enthusiasts
>but on the next release it will be Proof of stake
sorry i never take these things seriously until they actually get released.
we had hundreds of proposals and plans and whatnot in the crpyto sphere over the past ten years and hardly anything came of it.
i will only revise my opinion if i see it work.
its not asic proof. bitcoin sever farms are already mining it.
>like you're even paying attention you nocoinz pleb
Nope. you cannot mine ethereum with a bitcoin asic or any asic whatsoever.
Graphics card only
how does that work? seems to me the best thing you can use currently to mine eth is gpus as they have turing complete instruction-set and lots of rams all in one package exactly what it needs.
maybe these guys dont know what their talking about but heres the link.
>14,000 unconfirmed transactions
>1.4 tps
Big brother needs help y'all.
i just had a fun idea damnit
is there any crpyto currency that rewards you for rendering 3d images?
i mean 3d design is a constantly improving field the movies get more and more detail ever increasing difficulty to render them, the design and film studios could pay for rendering power this would actually make sense not just some made up stuff existing solely for the sake of mining some hist. it would provide value to the real world.
theres namecoins. thats about the only one that has any actual use other than crunching numbers.
uhm hate to break it to you but that article does not validate your argument at all.
>that one 14 year old who thinks everything is a Veeky Forums orchestrated pumpndump consisting of 62 people on the internet with their pocket money
Describing Ethereum as a 'coin', still, after all this time shows you're mentally retarded. That and this scam sure is playing the long game! I wonder when it'll hit. I'm still waiting on those anons on /g/ who called Bitcoin a scam in 2013 to explain why its a scam.
guess I should have read that last paragraph. So I'm guessing that miner is running just video cards. but who would do such a thing.
>he didn't sell all his ETH and put it into DAO and LISK
>not at LEAST tripling your money after they're released, selling, rebuying when they crash, and then selling again when they skyrocket in less than a year