ITT: countries that should not exist

ITT: countries that should not exist

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>Implying the partition didn't save South Asia


Looks like goatse.

Almost everyone in this map.

I don't want it to be India. I'm of the opinion that it should have been separated even more after losing Bangladesh.


Which countries aren't shit?

>South Africa


>South Africa


>Not Russia
Who's genius idea was this?


Tunisia and Morocco are okay, specially compared to everyone else in the map.

Then there are countries that aren't shit but should not stop existing, just stop being shit. Like Ethiopia to give an example.

Shit like Equatorial Guinea or the Central African Republic are just memes that went too far.

Andorra, San Marino and all these other special snowflake states

> Central African Republic
Most bland named country in the world. Like United States of America level bland.

tfw no bongo bongo land

Yeah, Russia is shit. I wonder if it survives low oil prices and sanctions.

there is no such thing as a country that should not exist. There is no criteria for being a proper country, all that is needed is the popular consent of its citizens.

Except Belgium, fuck Belgium.


the most pervasive and efficient intelligence apparatus. Try and be successfully separatist in the federation

>pro tip; you can't

Botswana has AIDS and metalheads tho


so much this

It was working perfectly until freedom freedom something.

Fight me


That's not a country user.

All of them

Hi Nigel



Should've been annexed by America after the war.


underrated post

Smash the State Class War Now

Economy is growing

The RoC looks weird.


This t.b.h.

t. Australian.

Reasons for hating Azerbaijan:
- no culture / stolen culture
- turkified Persians and Lezgins
- claiming land that does not belong to them, want more (Derbent (Dagestan), North-West Persia)
- no history
- ...

Reasons against hating Azerbaijan:
-most Azeris I know are nice people

ITT: People post countries they don't like

Nobody said hating, it just should not exist. I don't hate belgians but it's a non-country and should not exist.

I don't mean Azeris in general. I meant the Nationalistic and Turanfanatic Azeris.

What should've been in its place? Iran, Armenia, Russia?

Something like this

turk leabe byzantium

The big one

need a pic for the USA that goes liek this
>top 10 pranks that went way too far
>top half of the image shows the boston tea party
>bottom half shows the present USA

Ghana, Botswana and Namibia are all bretty good. Zambia isn't doing badly either.

I remember reading a Human Rights Watch report that called CAR "not simply a failed state, but a phantom state that has had no institutional power or monopoly on use of force since at least 1979." Pretty fucking bleak.

It's like Game of Thrones level internecine wars that have gone on non-stop for 40+ years.

>no kosovo

India should have been partitioned more
Independent Hyderabad when

tried my best for you user

> Game of Thrones
Wow! You aren't joking here.


But the place is neither majority Iranian, Armenian or Russian. You may like those countries but doesn't mean your proposed state is stable.

>Too many ethnicity living in one country. Kurds, shiites, and shias.
I completely agree with your statement.
England's alright; however, the United Kingdom's holdings in Ireland only create problems.
The only reason this should exist is the jews don't get holocaust'd again.
Pakistan should be broken up just like iraq. Their only plus is nukes and a pretty tight government.
Most african countries are united under one ethnicity or language.
Ukrainians are alright.
The french-communists from walloon are too different from the real dutch.
>its a country that has existed for over 2,000 years
>it shouldn't exist.
It was only a matter of time before the Chinese became a world power again.

Officially not, but their ancestors are. They are just Turkified and assimiliated. Lezgins in the North (Dagestan) still are in majority in some northern parts.


>tfw there are people who think Palestine was an actual nation before 1948 and not just nomadic squatters living in a place that got its name from a Roman fuck you note to Jews

Yeah, its really important that a historically persecuted, stateless people whose entire religious/ethnic identity ties to this land have their New Jersey sized state taken away because Marxists decided ethno-religious nation states are suddenly bad if its not Islamic and is Western. Lets also perpetuate the conflict because while everyone knows its highly unlikely the Israelis will give in, its totally worth it to back the Palestinians to fight a lost cause because "some day we will return" "from the river to the sea", rather than help them get citizenship elsewhere or build an actual functioning society in Gaza/WB. A binational state is the best outcome and probably inevitable given the spaces involved, but the Palestinians need to first get over their vicious revenge fantasies and self perpetuating misery before expecting Israel to do more for them.

>catalans, galicians, castillans, andalusians, basques and whatever else all hate eachother

We could just do genocides then

Who cares ?

>Country with more than 8 million people of the same nationality does not deserves to exist while even smaller countries with populations of 2-3 million and demographic problems(Armenia and Georgia) deserve
wow lad

Why would anybody spend such time on making such a pointless map

>or build an actual functioning society in Gaza/WB

Which is impossible because of Israel you nonce. Every aid project that the world does attempt to deliver to the palestinians is highjacked by the politically corrupt in the firght against Israel or otherwise sabotaged by Israel itself.

>A binational state is the best outcome

It will never happen. Israel will continue to oppress and harass the Palestinians who have/had just as ,much right to live there and continue to erode away bits and pieces of the west bank as they like with no repercussion.

We hate guiris more t.b.h.

This t.b.h. Canada too. North America sucks, balkanization when?

United States, Germany, England, Russia, Lithuania, Turkey, Israel, Iraq, Palestine, India, China, those shitty countries bordering Russia, Yugoslavia, Romania, half of the mid-African countries, Taiwan, South Korea, North Korea, IS.

I hate pretty much everyone.

>The only reason this should exist is the jews don't get holocaust'd again.

Pretty sure there's better, more impartial options. Well not now, back then.

>Most african countries are united under one ethnicity or language.

Examples? Or examples of the ones who aren't if those are easier to list. I was under the impression that ethnic and tribal infight caused by arbitrary borders was harming Africa.

>those shitty countries bordering Russia

I know, Finland was a mistake.

Are you from this century?

>implying the Israeli blockade of gaza and the checkpoints in the WB aren't seriously dampening any chance at economic development
The palistinians have a sever case of the dindus but the next move is israel's

Belgium is the only real answer ITT (excluding Africa which is a waste.) We will see the destruction of Belgium in our lifetimes.

This. Memest land ever.

Most 3rd world countries shouldn't exist to be honest. The way countries got set up after colonialism wasn't in line with cultural or relgious ideas, more because country A had land and didn't wanna deal with it anymore.

I ain't no extreme liberal going "Evil westerns11!11" but I think you could agure that the countries could've been created more in mind with the actual population.

>The only reason this should exist is the jews don't get holocaust'd again.
Well they couldve been repatriated in their countries in a Europe that is now a thousand times friendlier towards them.

Now they have their meme country but in a state of perpetual war.

Calm down buddy.

Why is Equatorial Guinea ranked so high? It's a shithole with the some of the highest income inequality in the world.

>It's like Game of Thrones level internecine wars that have gone on non-stop for 40+ years.
Or an Ancap paradise

To be honest, pretty much all Arab states created by Sykes-Picot are memes.
>Jordan: Completely baseless state with no historical legitimacy
>Libya: literally named by Italians
> Iraq: fuck that shit
>Lebanon:more like Plebanon

Just let it collapse already

The shi'a country would likely be called Arabistan

>South Africa
>not shit


Too many blacks, the Senate thought making that many blacks citizens was icky


>ISIS in Turkey

It's not, the colored countries there are Syria and Iraq.

>I can into geography

cape verde and são tomé arent bad

Or just Iraq.

oil exporter


Their inbred retardation must be contained.
Its only sad for the sikhs and kalashs caught in it.