Female Beauty in Ancient Times

How do you think women from B.C. era would compare to our contemporaries?

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Dude how the fuck should I know lmao, they would probably be short and have oily hair


stop this senseless cherrypicking
we all love chubby girls, we just don't want our parents and peers to meet them/represent them in artistic ways (unless you are rubens or bottero)... they our guilty pleasure and they always have been

Would you rather sleep with a modern average girl or Miss Ancient Egypt 2016 BC?

>we all love chubby girls
not really user

Contemporary women are dee-generate!

With one with better hygiene.

Wouldn't you kill her afterwards due to all the venerial or otherwise diseases that came to exist since her time that she would have no resistance to?

Bobcuts are cute. I'll take miss egypt.

That's what I call a /thread

There would be a few idiosyncrasies and most of them would be relatively malnourished womanlets with relatively poor grooming but the ideal for "I want to put my penis in that" would probably meet our contemporary standards as well.

I'd assume Ancient Beauty is as fake as the modern one. Most ancient women would be ugly but people pretended they were beautiful and made some 'harmless' edits in their paintings.

>implying i've actually fucked women
hahaha, you s-stupid fag...

No better hygiene than ancient egypt m8. They even shaved their entire body, including the head.

Virgins until marriage and loyal to their husbands because of fear of God , that is all the beauty I need.

For reference, here is the modern miss Egypt

Christ, I know about the "WE WUZ KANGS" meme but I'm having a very hard time seeing those women as anything other than black.

Could someone help me out here? Did ancient Egyptians really look like this while still being caucusoids?

The images are a misrepresentation. Egyptians were Greek white. The only reason they are brown in their images is because painting white on sandstone is hard.

I think different characteristics were considered attractive in a woman, the 10s now would be like 4s

Some were black, some were white, but most were predominantly brownish.

yeah no

And smell horrible

qt tbf

Hip to waist ratio has and always will trump actual weight. I think it's 0.7 or so.

Chubby or skinny, that ratio is the golden rule. Usually you'll find attractive chubby and skinny women alike have prominent hips, skinny women without just look like sticks, chubby women without look like landwhales.

That was only the ptolmeic ruling class after alexander.

>the 10s now would be like 4s
Just imagine finding that 10/10 historical qt who all her life thought she was a 4 to everyone until you turned up.

Isn't it proven that men don't see women, they see a set of tits an ass and a pussy?


Go back just 100 or so years.

Le femmes are much hotter today.

This is denial, the post.

>They really were white it's just the brown walls and fading white paint fooling you!

Most Egyptians were brown/tan user.

I don't think there were many fat people back then, precisely because women were expected to do work in society.

Now they just sit around the couch, eat, and shit all day long.

(Same applies for fat men as well)

when i say everyone i'm talking about normal people
so get out of here before i call the police, turbofags sh*tlords


Anyone who doesn't like chubby girls has never had their dick between those sweet thighs


Dress her up in gold and lapis and my dick will be diamonds.

>we all love chubby girls

i don't

I'd rather sleep with a barely fuckable ancient Egyptian girl than today's miss universe.

This is Veeky Forums man!

where are they getting the monobrow from? they seem to be pretty rare in ancient greek art.

ancient Greek art was so based

Veeky Forums is low test. What a surprise.

Skinny chicks are beginning to disgust me, I need a thick ass in my life at all times.

Yeah I was going to comment on that.

The Monobrow would be an ancient Iranic Schtick as opposed to Greek. Heck, it still survives in parts of Iran and Tajikistan

ayy lmao

*wealth, a

Jesus, learn to proof read

its buzzfeed

they pick a black american girl for the egyptian and an arab american for the greek

because 'fuck you'

People back then still knew how to shave and pluck.



And it's sexy t.b.h. I don't get why the plebs sperg about it.

What country is this from? Nigeria?

Nah, it's disgusting.

Unibrows obviously weren't considered beautiful else they'd be present in statues.


If Colonies are said to have inherited some aspects of their master's culture, Uganda inherited Britain's Tabloid culture, and then proceeded to turn it up a notch.

Forgot my picture


Why is the whole Ancient Egyptians were white/black meme still a thing? Genetic testing has proven that the Egyptians were largely mixed race.

>alpha males like fat chicks
Too bad this isn't the truth, cause if it was, us "low test"s would have all the slender girls to ourselves

>Chinky eyes= obvious Turk genes
all /pol/fag memeing aside she actually is gorgeous


Beautiful Persian princess

just tell me, who that is, so I can gladly fap myself back to the stoneage


>she need to be a fat to have thick thighs/ass and not be a skeleton.
Landwhales detected

>the 10s now would be like 4s
What makes you think that?
If anything, the exact opposite ought to be true -modern 4s would be ancient 10s. The average woman hits puberty much earlier, has better teeth, is taller, fatter, and ostensibly more intelligent than the average person from pretty much any period in agricultural antiquity, and with modern standards would smell considerably better to boot. Do you think people spontaneously stopped liking feminine features in 1500 or something?

This is only speaking physically of course. If you're talking about personality, disposition and skills, the average Western woman...doesn't exactly stack up.

There are Egyptian depictions of Libyans with white skin so lol @ u


kys swine

Why the picture of İstan Palaioloğlu?

>This is only speaking physically of course. If you're talking about personality, disposition and skills, the average Western woman...doesn't exactly stack up.
Are you fucking kidding me? That's the area where the difference is most noticeable. An average woman is comparable to royalty in that regard now.

Peasant women have never been regarded for their winning personalities and interesting conversations.

I tried finding some articles about monobrows and greeks but could only find a book written by a fashion writer and a feminist/gender theorist and historian who specialised in mayan history. Every other article references either that book or another article referencing that book so it's likely bullshit.


user, you need to get out more.

all i've been able to find are a couple of examples from rhodes during the orientalising period, but even then it doesn't seem to have been the norm.

reply to

Pic is nonsense.

Women always have thinner eyebrows than men, so the thinnest part of the unibrow would always be thinned out further to make the depiction look more feminine.
Historically, women often shaved their eyebrows off altogether.

I was thinking more along the lines of sewing, cooking, and butter-churning ability tbqh

>Boy Drags Flashy Man Of God To Police For Terrorising His Buttocks With Monster Whopper

Is this an ad for moslem gayhaters,the Sun and fast food all in one?


jesus no wonder the greeks were such fags

Yes, Uganda is that place in Africa a few years ago where an anti-homosexuality act became law in 2014.

Also Uganda is very Christian. Hence the act.


Why is the syntax so strange here? Is there English bad, or is it just a different dialect like in the Caribbean or India?


>"Surely at this rate, the likes of Bahati have a
long way to go in their fight against
homosexuality. Word coming is that gays are
bombarding KFM Comfort Mix presenter
Malcom Musiime’s phone with explicit messages
demanding for his butt. A terrified Malcom told
our snoop, “I receive calls every night from
horny bumshafters who want to rip my rear
apart.” He added, “Man, there is this one
regular caller who claims that my voice turns
him on. Imagine! I leave studios after midnight,
so I’m scared this guy could once do injustice to
my behind. If it was a female, I’d have
understood what she wants, but a guy?” He is
now living in fear of being raped by these
whopper wielding homos"

>that first statue in the italy, roma and greece part
Every fucking time

she really isn't that good-looking. i can think of at least 4-5 girls in my old high-school class who were prettier over all

>>>that first statue in the italy, roma and greece part
Yeah, i just imagine being a the bottom eating her wet pussy and swallowing her vaginal discharges after I make her cum in my mouth.

greatest beauty in the classical world was the male form

Man I love art.

You'd find them pretty unattractive no matter what happened. Think about how many women the average peasant would have seen. Probably less than a few hundred. You've seen thousands upon thousands, most well above average appearance.
