Basic income will never happen will it Veeky Forums?
Basic income will never happen will it Veeky Forums?
Stop waiting for government to do things and make money yourself.
it has never been so close to happening you lazy fuck.
Part of sweden is trying it, a few cities here and there. the BCE is srly thinking about it.
Like what? I only get a 0.25% in my savings account
What about Ontario
Earn More Money.
Stop acting as if you're a peasant in the middle ages.
We live in an age with unprecedented prosperity.
It's shown to be untenable in the USA, yes
>fuck you, I got mine
This isn't the 50's most of that prosperity held by a tiny minority. Most people even middle class in developed world are struggling.
greater inequality doesn't mean that this isn't the best time for the most people
Not in the US , we still dont have our medical in order (not that socialized medicine is by itself superior - brazil fucked it up , but we could do like singapore or something)
We'll just end up with a shitty dystopian welfare state - free vr and marijuana and little cubicle apartments and theyll let you eat soylent
lol of course not. You'd have to be naive as fuck to think otherwise.
There are these things called "jobs".
>We live in an age with unprecedented prosperity.
where are the proofs?
cost of living cancels out any amazing numbers about wealth creation.
when you make 2k a month, yes you are better of than some poor Chinese peasent, but you still gotta pay the landlord 1k for rent, and a whole host of other expenses. you're wealthy in numerical terms, but in relative terms you are barely getting by, living paycheck to paycheck
>Most people even middle class in developed world are struggling.
If you live in a 1st world country and you are still struggling, you are the bottom 10% of the most retarded people of your part of the world, enjoy
>1k for rent
Get a cheaper place to live and live within your fucking means fag
>whole host of other expenses
cut expenses but cutting out shit you don't need if you only receive 2k a month, stop attempting to live like you aren't broke
>paying landlords
>not being a landlord yourself
I think it would work in Canada, which is slowly trying it out with a smaller population
It's going to replace old social assistance
I don't think it would be possible to do in the states though
>society will never be organized differently than it is now
what a
That level of stupidity in this thread ...
basic income would make people fuck each other pregnant more then ever before, it would crash to shit pretty fast i think, not sure if it will happen but would really like to see it work.
name one plan the liberals have implemented that actually worked
protip, you can't
>implying you can rent for less than 1k
>utilities are an enormous burden with electricity and water bill hikes
>Healthy food(not canned shit) costs a decent amount
>phone bill because lets face it, its a necessity
List goes on.
>what are roommates
Ontario is implementing it this autumn. None of my income is taxable and I declare only as much as I need to.
>TFW $1500 going to my rent making it only $700 for a downtown Toronto apartment.
Socialist policies are great for people who don't pay taxes.