ITT: Shit-tier philosophers
I can't decide between Stirner or Hume.
ITT: Shit-tier philosophers
I can't decide between Stirner or Hume.
t.assblasted Christcuck
Sam Harris
Thomas of Aquinas
I'm an atheist.
>Hume is bad
Oh boy.. either he is a mad christian or a mad scientifically illiterate who thinks he is good at science -person
What's wrong with Hume?
Naw user is right christcuck. Very unchristian of you to want him to die. The hypocrisy with some of you.. You sin while you're shilling out your value system, violating it at the sametime.
I'm not even sure how his wikipedia page lists him as a philosopher in the first place.
He studied philosophy. graduated, practices philosophy for living and makes money off of it.
He's a philosopher, whether your god disagrees with him or not. Alternatively, you could ask your god to smite him, and he'd be gone from your life.
Karl Popper, Ayn Rand
Decent writer, shitty philosopher. I don't even know why he's called a philosopher.
I assumed user was saying "this" in African American Vernacular English.
All philosophers are shit. Just get a real job instead of pondering what ifs?
Rock kicker detected
Someone who agrees with a shit-tier philosopher detected
Truly the worst. He should be jettisoned from the canon.
Everyone that disagrees with my worldview
Existentialism, mate. The only requisite needed to be a philosopher is to want to be one.
He didn't regard himself as much of a one. He just liked writing about things and hanged out with existentialists.
t. assblasted commi
Aquinas is actually really overrated and I'm saying that as a Christian. Babby tier philosophy.
Woo lad
Camus' philosophy may not have been the greatest but anyone who hates commies is alright in my book.
Stupid enough to think that there's a gap between "is" and "ought."
Ironic or not, literally the worst thing I have ever read
What's wrong with his philosophy? It's a pretty decent bare-bones approach to overcoming existential nihilism.
Probably Bertrand Russell. He is a large part of the reason why logical positivism spread so widely, and why it's impossible to argue with Veeky Forums-fags because they just scream "muh empiricism".
can someone explain to me whats wrong with empiricism? I pretty much use it to problem solve all my thoughts and experiences, but I feel like a pleb.
not convincingly
actually i guess i use a combo of empiricism and rationality
Nietzschiepoo was right about these Christcucks. The religion is an expression of slave morality, regressive resentment and a desire to control though guilt and moral griping.
Verily it is the lamest, most colorless, most sexless and flavorless or all religions.
Stirner was a commie.
>I pretty much use it to problem solve all my thoughts and experiences,
I guess you don't do much math?
Math is empirical by nature. As is everything.
We've yet to prove that in any sense beyond the most immediate.
Muh theoretical physics
hilarious. There is nothing empirical about mathematics
>Shit tier
This is bait right? If I had to choose one philosopher who couldn't conceivably be considered shit even if you disagree with everything he said, it would be Hume.
Can one of you who 'gets' stirner explain to me how a mother dying for her child (i.e. that mom in China who got swallowed by the escalator) is her being influenced by spooks or how it isn't if you think it isn't? Why does Stirner get to be the authority on what is coming from the 'creative nothing' (i.e. the mothers child-protecting instinct) and what is coming from some moral she feels obligated to live (and die in this case) for?
Camus was a communist, he just wasn't a massive tankie like his mate Sartre.
That's exactly it, it's basically the tl;dr of existential nihilism. Whilst quite simple and easy to digest it's not anywhere near as philosophically thorough as the kind of philosophers he gets lumped in with.
The mother putting her childs intrests above herselfs is definetly a spook. Stirner explains the exact sitation in his book using a mother protecting her child as an example. Though the fact that its a spook doesent matter since you can follow spooks if they make you happy. Stirners stuff is mostly about being more honest with yourself than ridding yourself of all spooks. Spooks are fine if they make you happy and are useful. Just discard the ones that dont make you happy and the ones that harm you or change them so they serve you, not so you serve them.
He was a cuck. His father was a cuck.
I'm not even /pol/ but it disgusts me. Seriously what the fuck Berty and his father.
ITT: butthurt christfags being triggered by thinkers disagreeing with their special snowflake beliefs
*tips fedora*
Empiricism definitely has its uses (the scientific method being the principle one) but as a philosophical outlook it's fucking babby-tier.
It can provide us with no knowledge of things such as the nature of reality (not the nature of nature mind you), the capacity for knowledge, and hell most crucially what experience Tbh m RCN m even *is.*