>God is dead, so everything is permitted.
What did he mean by this?
God is dead, so everything is permitted
Other urls found in this thread:
never said that
Not only did he not say that but the quote is attributed to Dosteveksy...who also never said it!
It's said by one of Dostoevsky's characters, so it's not wrong to attribute it to Dostoevsky.
When God was alive he personally stopped all of the evil acts in history. Then a Jews killed Jesus, and there is nobody to stop the Nazis.
He meant dance every day and don't let nobody hold you back! ; )
That you should be like him and stay in your room all day and extensively masturbate and never talk to any woman besides the one that rejected in favour of your best friend and die a syphylitic madman and eat lots of fruit.
Rap music and Poptimism are literally the most Nietzschean life-affirming art forms today.
You're not a nihilist, are you?
"I'm not upset that you lied to me. I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Dostoevsky was giving a shitty version of a philosophy he didn't understand through the voice of a fictional character.
Nietzsche did not say that.
This is a kickass meme thread OP, good job
How did he get syphylis if he neve talked to any woman?
"In Christianity neither morality nor religion come into contact with reality at any point." - Friedrich Nietzsche
"If Islam despises Christianity, it has a thousandfold right to do so: Islam at least assumes that it is dealing with men." - Friedrich Nietzsche
kek nice juxtaposition
"Woman was God's second mistake." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Modern diagnosis points to brain cancer.
Also, Nietzsche was an avid hiker.
> Nietzsche had brain cancer
Read about fasting and brain cancer. What Nietzsche considered life-denying actually would have saved his life.
What did he mean by this?
Cause Nietzsche worships the 'will to power' which is essentially "stir shit up and get notoriety."
Basically be a Gossip Girl or a terrorist.
But another character, an atheist, later said that's retarded in response to it.
Nietzsche tried fasting.
>i am a poor shallow retard who does poor shallow readings
You people who always try to find "irony" in Nietzsche are just wrong.
He literally worshipped Napoleon because he destroyed Europe.
Cause problems = Creating your own morality and being a stronk scary bird of prey who don't need no plebeian!
Wew lad. Nice b8.
Why do people assume they are so important that these grand forces of good and evil exist, and that they are good while evil forces plot against theme?
Three singers who may have taken cues from each other as to what's OK (I doubt that) to sing =/= a concentrated push from the forces of evil to push you back into being a babymaking kitchen slave. The rhetoric is just as religious as these fruitheads ITT.
He meant that he is going insane and will shortly be unable to not shit his britches.
Irony is one of Nietzsche's biggest tools. It's absolutely essential to understanding him.
It's the same apocalyptic shit that Christians have shilled for donations, for literally two millennia.
>If X happens, the floodgates will open and all of society will go to shit and also not be christian!
>Modern times are the worst ever! End times now lolololmuslims gonna end the world. Everyone is EVEN MORE at risk of dying forever and also not being christian. Let close out of my porn tabs so that I can post on my computer on how much of a degenerate you are!
We make fun of Y2K fags, how come apocalyptic religions get a pass when one of their leaders whiff when the apocalypse is coming?
This is essential reading if you want to find more "irony" in Nietzsche. It's not wrong at all.
You think Harold Bloom is wrong?
You mean to refer to Karl Marx.
Nice kneejerk. To both and to any.
To whom?
>He literally worshipped Napoleon
come on now, let's use serious language and not be hyperbolic about fucking everything
It's exactly the opposite, actually.
Napoleon was literally the last European man for Nietzsche and everyone after him is nu-male tier.
Except the basic fact is wrong. Nietzsche did try fasting.
As to the book, I took a quick read, seemed to just be saying "Nietzsche is guilty of the same criticisms he makes of others", except Nietzsche is aware of that. Sure, there's tension in Nietzsche, but Nietzsche knows it. The ace in the hole is always an attempt to point out some grand flaw of Nietzsche, some big blind spot in him that he failed to see, one that allows total dismissal of his work.
That sort of irony is not to be found. Nietzsche is very self-aware, to the point of absurdity.
For instance, when Nietzsche claims certain philosophical ideas were born from an upset stomach, do you really, truly think he's not implying himself in that as well?
He was. He also very explicitly wrote about his own relation to his philosophy.
Harold Bloom is a good critic, but he's not a scholar of Nietzsche, and I wasn't impressed by the bits I read.
Can you back up this statement with actual sources?
Nietzsche was arguably the first and possibly the most important Armchair Historian.
Armchair Historians are like real Historians except that they do all their research sitting in their arm chair making sweeping generalizations and never doing real archival research.
>Nietzsche is very self-aware, to the point of absurdity.
Not really. Still firmly metaphysical. Even if he was the last meta-physician.
Weird, since Nietzsche was the greatest historian of his day. Where did you come to this conclusion?
Read his books and do your own homework.
Do you want to learn or to be spoon-fed?
>Not really. Still firmly metaphysical. Even if he was the last meta-physician.
What are you talking about? I see no relation to what I'm talking about.
The exact place Nietzsche did all his archival work.
I've read his books a bunch of times, and I think you're wrong.
Cause you're still a man-child who hasn't grasped Heidegger and Derrida's repercussions for any reading of Nietzsche.
Alrighty. Well thanks for sharing your opinion.
Care to back that up with a source?
Oh okay, thanks for the valuable insight and criticism user, I take it really seriously.
You want me to provide a source from Nietzsche that says you're wrong?
Yeah that's pretty much all Nietzsche did.
I want to read a text deeply and not for scoring points and knee-jerk responses on the internet.
Thanks user, I really appreciate the insights.
Then surely you know what section of what text you're referring to, if you'd post it I'd read it over.
its probably from his least un-readable text, so not Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Nietzsche couldn't write one word without falling into hyperbolic sentimentalism.
If Nietzsche is so uplifting, why do his admirers tend to be butthurt and humorless?
Uplifting =/= joyful
Falsely sanctioned degeneracy.
there is no legal drinking age in china
Which ultimately means that he is either advocating for and from madness or so god damn unsure of himself that he needs to scream it out from the mountain tops. If Nietzsche is intentionally ironic, he is intentionally dismissive of his own work.
There seems to be a similar vein in Stirner and Emerson. The whole "you must believe your own ideas and not listen to the prattling of others and if you listen to what i'm saying then you're doing the same thing i'm telling you not to do."
It depends on what you consider yours I suppose.
If it stops being Stirner's, and it starts being yours, you follow your own creed. What makes it yours though, or what makes it Stirner's? The answer to that question is doubtful to be real or concrete. So the basis of Stirner's own work is admittedly unreal when you jump through these hoops.
>Everything is your food
>if you choose to make it yours
>then you consume it
>All beliefs and institutions are like ghosts.
>This includes what is rightfully yours, because that implies belief.
>What is yours according to you? It's a ghost, it's unreal.
>What is yours according to a court? Well what is the court's decisions based off of? Likely something unreal and thought up by men.
>What about what's yours according to a war? Well how is that decided? What is war worth? Well we either decided or one guy was dead.
>What is Stirnerian logic? Man-made roundabout horseshit that's been carefully devised to demonstrate how everything is arbitrary, including itself, and your decision as to what to do with the knowledge. So there's really nothing stopping you from being what you already are; which is arbitrary.
Normally we are geddy but you folks always ruin the mood
That's an interesting coincidence, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't find fasting for medical reasons to be life-denying, and considerably different from fasting for spiritual reasons.
He didn't worship Napoleon for destroying Europe, you goddamn moron. He respected Napoleon for being a figure capable of instilling his own values in society at large, replacing old values in the process.
Probably because everyone on Veeky Forums is butthurt and humorless.
That quote is by a character in a book by Dostoyevsky, you ignorant fool. Now throw yourself off a bridge.
>trying to be a smartass
>think that's the literal quote
>Taking the Karamazovs as intellectuals
You dun goofed, friend.