Is Sam Hyde effay?

Is Sam Hyde effay?

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Very, mainly when he has a bowl cut.


sam hyde has been quite powerful

only with that sweater or the Roger Zunabias look

man his graphic design skills are actually very legit

>hiding in plain kike
whatever works

he looks like shit. funny guy but man he doesn’t care about his appearance.

When he was still a twink, sure

Way too jewish

Sam is pure truth

Most alpha man on earth

pretty decent

i-is his fly unzipped?

>he zips his flies

What the hell user, this is supposed to be a fashion board.

If it's associated with kidult swim, it's not Veeky Forums

Tfw sam Hyde fucked my ex-girlfriend after we broke up and i get reminded of his existence every time I go on the internet

Ian is this U? LOL

If it makes you feel any better, a girl I met on /soc/ said she cucked Sam Hyde because he was creepin on her while she was still a youngin

why does every board on Veeky Forums like sam hyde. i dont get it

but he is prety good looking without glasses and when he wears all black

its a crime against humanity that his show was canceled


you should see him currently, he looks absolutely fucking disgusting

>this is the power of tim heidecker

>Ironically hitting low bottom so you can pretend you're not a gambling addict
What style is this