what the FUCK is ethereum. little kid here dont use too many big words. trying to invest my money somewhere though so in around 10 years or so when im an adult i will have lots more money than my friends. thanks for the help wise and knowledgeable adults. :)
Invest ethereum help
Get bitcoin, get poloniex account, trade bitcoin for ETH
i am thankful for advice but i actually want to know what this ehtereum actually is. i went onto the website and i could not understand it, then i went on youtube and there was a 2 hour video explaining it. but i am only alow 1 hour of compter everyday so that wont work. any explaining from you people?
It's fake internet-money that dumbasses speculate the price of which drives the price up and down. You'd be better off going to a casino kid.
i cant cansino until im 18 but my dad is letting me invest my pocket money under his name right now. but it seems to be more than a useless non intrinsic commodity. something for apps or whatever. thanks anyway. just another bitcoin i suppose
know what bitcoin is? same shit, less success.
yeh fuck it im going to just research the ASX market and hopefully beat the market somehow. anyway it should pay off in dividends all within a decade i suppose. anything u recommend off there? i would just invest by saving in a bank but the 1.75% cash rate can go fucking neck itself.
You're a fucking turd
shut up i am thinking about my future because like dad said, money is all that matters so then u can support ur family and have fun with ur life
dividends? currency does not give dividends mate. stock does.
ASX is a stock market. look at it i know what i am saying.
I fucked your dad in his ass
i know what sex is and u didnt do that because first of all, you dont even know who he is, and second of all, thats gay. and gay people are sinners. so even if u did do that ur going to hell. have fun.
Your dad loved it. Your dad is gay, he paid me to fuck him, it was like a thousand dollars and he offered to let me do your mum in the bum too, so i was like whatever.
nah i dont believe you, but just in case, tell me my city i live in. but if u cant do that then u just made urself look like an idiot on the Veeky Forums so go to /b/ or wherever the immature shitposters go nowadays.
Dont get upset because your dad is a gay homo.
i think you are the one upset, you lose the arguement, to fail to even prove anything you said was real, and ur going to suffer an eternity in hell, while i go to heaven and enjoy a beautiful afterlife forever.
Whatever, your dad will probably die of aids
rather die of aids than lose an arguement to an 8 yr old and go to hell. (btw my mum is white so its not even possible for him to get aids)
I don't know what to think of this thread. Someone help me out here.
looks like you wanted to trade bitcoin in the Australian market. if you want to make money just go to someone who's job is to invest.
stop picking time is over
how bout you help ME out here with some advice which is what i expected from you supposedly successful adults not what this idiot has to say about being a gay person.
bitcoin drop recently it seem too unstable with this new etherum competition. i want normal stock on big company. no apple though because they fucking suck donkey dick
>Vitalik has told CNN that he is planning to sell another 25% of his Ether to buy into LISK
Invest half of your money in a low-cost index tracking ETF, a quarter in your country's government bonds, and the rest in whatever is volatile in your country that you think you can make money on. You can't touch the first two investments after you invest in them for a few years but it'll be passive income after a while and you'll thank us later.
do you think Vanguard Australia is a good ETF?
and i might invest into rio tinto because we have good iron ore and gold mining down here.