What would your dream office look like Veeky Forums?

What would your dream office look like Veeky Forums?


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pretty close to that to be honest

Not as gaudy as the one in the OP that's for sure.
Nice view though.

It wouldn't have a bunch of fucking plates on display, that's for sure.

Holy shit

those plates are from the Roman Empire

So what? They still look ridiculously out of place, just like that damn chimney. Is this guy running a museum or what?
>Inb4 hurr durr you're just jealous

hurr durr you're just jealous

>muh roman empire
Why would I aspire to fail? In case you didn't know Rome fell pretty damn quick and now their relics are fucking tourist attractions.

>Instead of pottery fill the shelves with toys
>Get work done on -three- monitors
Someday the dream will happen.

that glass table is fugly and so are those cyan cabinets, i'd probably have oxblood stained wood table and cabinets. and also a badass PC and like 4-5 monitors, 3 1080p/1440p for racing sim, 1 4k for work and, 1 4k for work/gaming

Four walls, a nice wooden desk, a chair, and a bookshelf. Fanciness is for retards and faggots.

That may be one of the ugliest rooms I've ever seen. If that's what you're dream office is like then I imagine you'll be the sort of person who smokes cigars and wears very expensive clothing but manages to make them look gaudy and cheap.

pic related is my ideal office. Simple and cozy but looks good.


Learn history dumbshit

Anything fancier than pic related is reserved for try hard faggots who are attempting to convey an image they don't truly believe they can convey on their own.

This entire post is fucking stupid. You're fucking stupid.

"fancy" isn't a synonym for gaud or ornate. Often, "fancy" things aren't too ornate.

fancy is almost always ornate

ornate isn't a synonym for gaud


>female population density; historical, current & projected: 0

'Cause I have money and people working for me, leaving me time to be free.

Something like this, I don't think an office needs a tv or anything too distracting. Offices are designed to be used for work.



These, pretty much. Either traditional or tastefully minimalist. I'd go with traditional for an office where I expect to meet people.

Spacious. Very high ceiling. Hardwood floors. Desk with a rug underneath, and some chairs in front of it. Those are my basic requirements, picked up from seeing Hannibal Lecter's office in the TV series.

I like Satan's arranged desk.

Probably something more like this on my budget, though.

puts a fucking window in the middle of his office
da fuck

The fuck is going on with that desk?
Is that a real design, or some trickery?

Female population density; historical: 3 (deceased)

Last seen alive by resident (1)


outsourcing, i'm from India, i just need to find someone from USA or some other country who can get the software engineering contracts from there and we both will make money. a lot of it.

>Not hiring office space when you need it
>not having a virtual office
>pic related

>glass desk

And what actual work could you do in your image? Read a book and relax?

This, if we're talking about dream and not what it realistically will be.

in your dream your office will have no windows.

it may be a closet at that point.

what else is in that closet user?

Not every office is meant to have windows.

That office looks like it has never seen any real work. It's just for show and the ego of someone who's daddy did all the work. Don't think your visitors won't see/realize that.

My office is floor to ceiling books and files with 3 computers and 7 screens. Anyone who steps in my office knows that I am serious about what I'm doing and DON'T FUCK WITH ME.

that's almost as big as my flat

Yeah and maybe browse around on a laptop, pretty comfy work with lots of naps to be honest.

Ah, Stierlitz
Come in.

holy fuck, you probably have contrast stitched designs on the pockets of your blue jeans and wear graphic Ts under a blazer.


Your office should be about productivity. Not a sight seeing spectacle.



what game?

Underagefag detected

where ist das from?