who was the worst president?
Who was the worst president?
I got to go with Buchanan, just because of his inability to avert the civil war, which is probably the biggest fuck up in the history of America. It really can't get any worse than that.
William Henry Harrison, obviously.
Third here for Buchanan, with his douche predecessor Pierce as runner up for spending his entire presidency inflaming the tensions that led to the war.
>an idiot
>massive expansion of executive power
>started the whole the government should "help" the economy may may
Paradigm shifts in industry required alternative approaches
Oh sure, blame the only guy was not married while in office, fucking Normie's. REEEEEE.
>if I write two blatant lies, pretend all of mainstream modern macroeconomic thought is a meme, and whine about muh expansion of federal power, maybe one person will agree with me
Even the summerfags aren't that dumb user.
Wilson is objectively the worst President. You can blame Buchanan all you want for the Civil War, but maybe if a candidate who stood against everything the South stood for (although he was not a staunch abolitionist) wasn't elected by the North rather than a moderate, it wouldn't have happened. Buchanan didn't have a hand in that.
How is Wilson the worst? All he did wrong was lie about getting into WWI
>tried to create a government monopoly on steel
>overthrew democracies in Latin America in the name of democracy
>lied in order to get into a war leading to the deaths of thousands of Americans
>expanded government considerably for no other reason than he could
That's how.
>it's all the north's fault for electing Lincoln
Is it already time for the weekly cuckfederacy apologism thread?
Captcha: 1857, the year of the Dredd Scott decision
Considering only the North voted for him, yes, yes it is their fault.
>it's the North's fault for electing someone we didn't like
>not our fault for chimping out over the results of a free and fair election
Cuckfederate apologists never cease to amaze me.
He wasn't a robot, just gay
>country founded on representation in government
>amazed when people who are held hostage by the North and are not being represented decide to pack their shit and leave
Mao: 90 million
Stalin:60 million
LBJ: 15 million
The clear option is too recent to be considered Veeky Forums
>country founded on 3/5's representation in government*
Hey don't shit on my uncle Pierce, he was the best.
>Killed Bretton Woods and gave us the petrodollar and the EPA in its place, reserving American land as the only additional collateral. Resulting in nearly every problem we face today.
>Effectively killed the manned space program out of petty jealousy of Kennedy's moon mission, setting us back forty years and counting, quite possibly resulting in the death of all humanity and the story of life on Earth for eternity.
>Began the fraud that is the modern US presidency, forever removing faith in the office.
You forgot
>committed treason to get into office
>TR did it in 1903 to get the Panama Canal
>TR did it again in 1905 to the Phillipines and Korea
I love what TR did for the States, but his foreign policy was utter shit.
hillary rodham clinton
>Effectively killed the manned space program out of petty jealousy of Kennedy's moon mission
>Happened when Nixon was President
>Nixon authorized it
>Kennedy's moon mission
>More moon missions happened under Nixon
>committed treason to get into office
So did Kennedy
>TR did it in 1903 to get the Panama Canal
He didn't overthrow a democratic government. He used the Panamanian Separatist movement to detach Panama from Colombia with German money in order to get the land from the canal. Don't even get me started on Samoa. Fucking colonialists I swear to christ.
>refuse to industrialize and keep most of your population as slaves ensuring northern states will have more votes
>amazed when the better half of the country doesn't treat you equally
HEY! William Henry Harrison dindu nuffin...literally.
>Johnson (Both of them)
Best president since WW2 was Eisenhower, best since WW1 was FDR, best since the Civil War was TR, best since 1812 was Lincoln, but the best of all time was Washington.
>refuse to industrialize
>what is Mobile
>what is Terminus (Atlanta)
>implying industrialization is objectively good either way
>most of your population
Not even fucking close.
>amazed when the better half of the country doesn't treat you equally
>don't receive the rights endowed to you by your creator
>Yankees will excoriate this
But that's wrong. TR wasn't even a good President by any measure except trust busting. In fact, he was a walking disaster in a lot of measures. Coolidge was the best President since the CW. Madison is both the best President since 1812 and the best President of all time. Washington a shit but you're going to suck his sterile dick anyways because he was the first President.
>what is Mobile
>what is Terminus (Atlanta)
the exceptions, not the rule
>implying industrialization is objectively good either way
yes, industrialization is objectively good for an economy, you imbecile
>Not even fucking close.
you're right, they were "only" a fourth of your population, with 99% of the rest being whites in horrific poverty
>don't receive the rights endowed to you by your creator
>having an unfavorable election = not receiving your rights
>rednecks actually believe this
>industrialization is objectively good for an economy
>implying what is good for an economy is what is objectively good
t. An Cap
if you think the objectively higher living standards brought about for the entire population by industrialization is so bad how about you go live in the amazon with a hunter-gatherer tribe instead of using a machine made possible from industrialization to shitpost on a network made possible by industrialization
But I'm a rancher user. I already shirk most industrialized bullshit. Industrialization isn't objectively good just because it gives you pretty lights and shit.
Wilson or FDR. God save us from "visionary" presidents.
Also L. Johnson.
>oh i dont use ALL the fruits of industrialization so i can still act like its terrible
>oh I can ignore all the shitty parts of industrialization so i can still pretend that it's objectively good
How do you "prevent" such a war exactly. Because I'm pretty sure Lincoln didn't help either. It was in everyone's interest to either allow the souther states to do what they want for now and wait until they want to rejoin the union or allow slavery to die by itself.
You mean who IS the worst president?
i don't have anything to argue with a hypocrite
if you hate industrialization so much then give up your electricity, car, computer, phone, and water supply (if you don't pump your own, but even then you could be using an industrially-created pump) and go live with the hunter gatherers in the Amazon rainforest so you don't benefit from the protection of our industrialized military and police force
How do you reconcile beliefs between two diametrically opposed groups of people? You don't. People like to pretend that the North and South were like East and West Germany, two groups that want to be together but were separated by ideology. Truth is, the South didn't want to be a part of the union almost from the get go. The civil war was literally brewing from 1789 forward.
i don't have anything to argue with a hypocrite
if you love industrialization so much then give up your food, wood, cotton clothing, and anything not having to do with absolute capitalism and go move to your fictitious an-cap state so you don't have to benefit from the necessities that come from the rural agriculture areas of the world. Faggot.
The CSA had no medals if I remember. The dude is so disrespectful.
you clearly don't even know what industrialization is, which i should have expected from an idiot redneck
go drink bleach
>25 year rule
>(Besides, the last four presidents have all been toeing the same line so much they could all be one in the same...)
So upset that I don't buy into the industrialization kool-aid. News flash faggot: the vast majority of agriculture sources aren't industrialized even in 2016.
>So upset that I don't buy into the industrialization kool-aid.
says the guy shitposting on the internet using a computer or mobile phone
yeah you sure don't buy into the industrialization kool-aid all right
>News flash faggot: the vast majority of agriculture sources aren't industrialized even in 2016.
they certainly are in the united states
>they certainly are in the united states
You'd be surprised. Those industrial farms are the minority, not the majority.
Bump a wump