So many people in this country literally dont deserve 10 percent of the cucksucking salaries they make. And mind u, im a libertarian trump supporter saying this. I cant wait for the crisis to hit, so that all the little kids at goldman who had to study math in hs get financially raped like the whores they are.
So many people in this country literally dont deserve 10 percent of the cucksucking salaries they make. And mind u...
Why don't they deserve it?
Does anyone else cringe internally at people with soft hands? Cant trust em. These are the kinds of people that spend literally 99% of their day in a conditioned box
>libertarian trump supporter
That's pretty confused.
soft hands?
>softhander detected
You and me both man. I'm sick of seeing the people that make this country work get paid dick all.
How much do they make?
>soft hands?
you know, someone who has never touched a hand tool in their life
No but I cringed at this post I like my bitches with soft hands
>talking about men, not women
women dont belong in the workforce anyways
>dont deserve
>im a libertarian trump supporter
>little kids at goldman who had to study math in hs get financially raped like the whores they are.
Nice false flag Bernout
Fuck off back to Plebbit
Next time, try to be more subtle with your bullshit memes, buzzwords, and victim complex
I have to disagree pal...I have realllly soft hands but have held jobs such as
>Auto detailing/ mechanic
all well as assorted labor jobs...The way I see it is my body is an hands included. they are the first thing a potential / employer ,client has contact with...they are the last thing a potential employer, client has contact with. Why would they hire someone who cant take care of their hands...this would mean they say fuck it to eating healthy and taking care of their body..because if someone neglects something as easy as putting on lotion they obviously can hack it when shit gets tough
>thinks having calloused hands mean you dont take care of them
Also it means you are shitty tradesman/ businessman because you didn't invest in gloves. Your hands are your should prevent the callous. So to sum it up
> Having a calloused hand means you didn't take care of yourself.
Depends what you're handling, if chemicals or other solvents then sure I'll wear gloves, But gloves can't be worn for everything and I'm not going to put on bitch mittens if I'm doing some landscaping in my own backyard
Im gonna have to call bullshit. If you were a mechanic or a roofer for over a year at least your hands would be hardened up quite a bit
Goldman saggots have hard hands because they are stupid enough to think oil and lotion to soften them when in fact they make them looser and more disheveled. Soap keeps your skin happy, because grease/oil is just a bacteria buffet/lounge for them to hang out in. I dont want any bacteria for my skin to have to deal with, so i make my skin like a desert for them. Hydrating by drinking water is by far the most effective way to get/keep beautyful/youthful skin.
G sachs fags probably bathe in cocoa butter
Does anyone else cringe internally when working class people think their feelings matter?
Go to the bar and watch the big game. The counter's like the fucking Yalta conference. Hoot your opinions there.
A men
Go securitize some derivative markitecture synergy swaps, you parasite.
I always wear gloves least when I'm doing something remotely labor related. Great grip now though..not so great farmers tan.
I agree. I don't trust any American who hasn't done manual labor at some point.
I cringed at you using the word cringe. Quit using neckbeard vocabulary, time to grow up.
Wants to end the drug war, which is one of the most important goals of libertarianism.
>man does manual labor
>changes jobs to something that doesn't require manual labor
>calluses fall off and he is no longer to be trusted
Yeah no you're just mad you're poor and will make up any excuse to pretend it makes you superior.
>calluses fall off
O boy