Floral goth

Hi effé, i've recently discovered that the style that fits me best is "floral goth". I've got a bunch of all saints or vintage floral shirts. What are good accessories, or ways to perfect the look?
(pic isn't me, but the shirt is kinda like something I have)

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There's nothing goth in there. Doesn't mean it's dark colors that it's goth..

what constitutes a goth look? I just posted the relevant shirt pic.

And here I was thinking gothic described a style of architecture which appeared in europe after the gothic invasions...

Just take summer clothes and get them in black, dude.

Also have dark hair. you will look like a faggot otherwise.

I have shoulderlength straight dark brown/black hair. My skin tone has me mistaken for being hispanic quite a bit.


With that sort of coloring, Id say Take blacks and whites, and mix in red OR yellow.

Floral anything + hispanicish is god tier.

>Take blacks and whites, and mix in red OR yellow.
what does that mean, exactly?


So, like this?

w2cop shirt op?

idk but try here for something similar pinterest.co.uk/explore/camisa-floral-masculina/?lp=true

I.D. on shirt on the right? it's gorgeous

all saints fuyugi in red. i got it on sale last year for £40. i'd expect to pay about 70+ thru other channels

i feel like its easy to find a few potentially interesting shirts like this in thrift stores. im sort of afraid of florals being a meme / looking like a tourist when i wear these tho

could i pull this off as a extremely pale guy

It was nearly a thousand years after the gothic "invasions" that what we call gothic architecture started appearing

does this qualify? I don't get the goth part, but this is flowers.

you shouldn't be allowed to wear clothes

those aren't the same garm.

>floral goth
>black floral shirt & black jeans

What the actual fuck are you talking about?

That picture isn't goth at all
Black =/= Goth

If you want to go for a floral goth look mix floral elements with goth elements. It will also help if you do your hair and makeup to look more goth.


Where to cop?

yes its ideal

dries van noten ss12 is the ultimate dark colored floral collection, you're welcome OP

What's a good store for this sort of stuff? I need a dark flowery button down, but not quite as over the top as a lot of these