ITT: we talk about the greatest empire in history.
ITT: we talk about the greatest empire in history
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They were tremendous faggots.
>The köçek (plural köçekler in Turkish) was typically a very handsome young male rakkas, or dancer, who usually cross-dressed in feminine attire, and was employed as an entertainer.
>The culture of the köçek, which flourished from the 17th to the 19th century, had its origin in the customs in Ottoman palaces, and in particular in the harems. Its genres enriched both the music and the dance of the Ottomans
>The support of the Sultans was a key factor in its development, as the early stages of the art form was confined to palace circles.[4] From there the practice dispersed throughout the Empire by means of independent troupes.
>The köçeks were available sexually, often to the highest bidder, in the passive role.
>Köçeks were much more sought after than the Çengi ("belly dancers"), their female counterparts. Some youths were known to have been killed by the Çengi, who were extremely jealous of men's attention toward the boys.
The Janissaries are pretty interesting. I mean the Ottomans aren't unique in having elite warrior social castes, but I kind of think the idea of semi-autonomous elite soldiers needs to be copied more in fiction.
>tfw no cute feminine ottoman bf
Did the ottomans actually have control over Iceland or was it just a meme?
>you'll never get to fondle this young ottoman
Why even live?
No. Only the Barbary pirates they supported abducted some people from Iceland and sold them as slaves. This map is a bit too big
They're unique for having the first professional standing army though.
We don't really see much autonomy until later in the empire though
>Bulgarian uprising
>Turkroaches go full barbarian on them
>Real world powers demand explanations from Ottotards
>Ottotards behave as usual
>Russia kicks their sorry asses
>releases the balkans
>Go full barbarian again on armenians
>Real world powers watch in horror again
>They give Turkey the place they deserve
Turks have a long tradition of oil wresting
Strong men gather together to lubricate themselves with oil and begin to grapple, roll around, and struggle with each other until one firmly grasps the other by his underpants
I'm not making this up
Not to mention that the Janissaries were never the entirety of the Ottoman military, and if you want to look at states that had professional elements that formed the core of their militaries who would then be supplemented by other forces, you're looking at....... lots of people throughout history.
Ah, the true inheritors of the Hellenic tradition.
>"Women for babies, boys for passion"
roach B E G O N E
>Le fake map meme xD
Why is it that Turks always have to post fake epanded pictures of the lands conquered by the Ottoman empire?
I mean when the other Empires get posted the pictures are accurate, even that Roman guy with low selft esteem and that muh heritage Italian American who always spam threads about the Roman empire aren't so insecure that they have to post fake pictures, why are Turks so insecure that they've got to make stuff up?
t. butthurt diaspora
Because they're Turks, and Turks are pathetic cowards that have to lie about everything.
Begone, turkroach
The Byzantines had a professional standing army before the Ottomans, not to mention Rome.
Why is Iceland green?
because shitposting user
Go back to cleaning toilets.
Go back to mongolia you piece of human filth. Turks are some of the grossest people in existence and their actions against the west are more then enough reason to hate them for all time.
But those are all the same thing?
>that map
How can you even deny they are the continuation of the Roman Empire after this?
They were gay af. And that map, kek iceland for real? C-c-c-check yourmaps
>Thread not about Roman empire
get out of my Veeky Forums
Bacause Sicily Sardinia and Southern France?
>global rule 3
sand nigger pls!
idk why they map all of the countries, like hat's the point of even mapping anything but the coast of Australia since fuck all of the centre is useful except for maybe a bit of mining. Same goes for canada, egypt, sudan and Oman, Yemen.
>anything closely related to islam
pick one