How much of Islam is based on Zoroastrianism?
How much of Islam is based on Zoroastrianism?
Hard to say. Information on pre 10th century or so (AD that is, not B.C.) Zoroastrianism is very sparse.
the shiite sect is a mixture of islam zoroastrianism, and lately sikh.
How did a religion that was so prominent in such a long-lasting empire manage to go so unrecorded?
Did arabs/mongols really burn EVERYTHING?
The right question would have been how much of the Abrahamic tradition is based on Zoroastrianism. Islam presents itself as being a continuity in the revelations about the One true god, preceded by Christianity and Judaism.
Primarily oral traditions. It's the same in tantra except there are tons of books and sutras, but still little of the actual practice.
Not very much from what is known of both.
Hardcore oral tradition. We know that magi didn't trust written language a lot.
It's hard for us to understand because our society has the opposite value deeply ingrained.
Very little to none. Most of it obviously Judaism inspired with some misunderstood Christianity.
The super sayan aura of Muhammad is probably caused by Zoroastrian tradition.
Not a lot as Islam developed in a place where Zoroastrianism was not so prominent
A lot of Sunnis claim that there is Zoroastrian influence on Shi'a Islam
Isn't that just because most of the shiites live in Iran?
Probably since I don't recall the Fatimids being charged of being crypto-magi by their sunni rivals.
None except for Shites
Some Zoroastrian traditions included in Islam:
> praying 5 times a day
>Ritual abolition before prayers
> Concept of Shaitan from Ahriman( from earlier Abrahamic traditions)
>Mosque architecture is based off of Zoroastrian temples( Arches and Domes though coming from Romans)
all I can think of
t. Muslim
Every Islam is shiite Islam.
nope, you may wanted to mean Iran, not shiites
>How much of Abrahamic Religions is based on Zoroastrianism?
That is because the shiities of Iran still jump over fires once a year and other such practizes.
Its basicall like catholicism and european paganism.
It's a national festivity though, not religious.
How can anyone really take Hegel seriously when faced with the fact that animistic religions predate Zoroastrianism and its light-worshiping by tens of thousands of years?
It fucks up his entire dialectic of religion
Same for painting eggs and dancing around suspiciously phallic poles in europe.
It is still a thorn in the eye of the puritans :)
First there was the tanakh, as written prior to Babylonian captivity.
Then Zoroaster stole from it, in Persian captivity.
Then the rest of the bible was written.
Then Mohammad stole liberally from all of the bible.
Thank god puritans are shit and basically living memes.
Well, taking them not seriously is still foolish.
Holy shit is that a real image?
It looks like a fucking windchime.
It has a bit, especially when you consider that Christianity itself was influenced by Zoroastrianism. Especially when you look at the similarities between the two.