Minimal/low-key rick fits

Minimal/low-key rick fits









you seem to be confusing the word simple with minimal

Was Kingdom Hearts inspired by Rick?

Minimal in the sense of rick owens aesthetic


when did his chin/jawline become so bad looking

oh my god that is so bad


So clowns off the duty?


For real though why are his shoes so bulky? They always look ridiculous.

oh christ this is so bad

rick has a lot of minimal pieces but there's some i know you wouldn't post with this type of stuff because it's too out there despite actually being minimal from a design perspective
rather you are interested in simple, unobtrusive rick fits or low-key as you put it, not minimal

Throw those meme shoes in the garbage.


Kingdom Hearts 3 is looking pretty good

Only Rick's I would buy, others look like clown shoes

they all look like clown shoes, this pair in particular

just look at the sole

These look like jester shoes, but they look cool