Just a friendly reminded that your neighborhood millionaire is probably driving around in a 5-10 year old car and wearing stuff they bought at large outlet.
Just a friendly reminder that your neighborhood millionaire is
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also still uses a flip phone.
My experience with the neighborhood millionaire are brief exchanges with an old, single, lonely, niggardly, bitter, grudge holding asshole who drives a 10 year old car and wears walmart jeans
.. but your mileage may vary.
lmfao got a good chuckle out of this. 10/10 would allow you to entertain me
what is wrong with walmart jeans?
Millionaire detected
lel not yet but one day, 10 dollars or less for a pair of jeans is not a deal I can pass up.
American Eagle Loose fit 34x36. They go on sale for $30 every now and then. Manlets need not apply.
arizona jeans FTW, I get them for $17 a pair in dark indigo wash
fatty detected
>loose fit
lmao you can't be serious. I'm not even Veeky Forums and even I know you're not supposed to wear loose fit jeans.
Bonus points if you think flannel never died.
Which neighbourhood millionaire?
>tfw live in marble arch, everyones a millionaire and they drive veyrons and ferraris
Nice try coping poorfag, LMAO.
>I just have a shitty quality of life and look like a borderline-homeless person... but I swear i got $100,000 in some ETFs, I'm *RICH*!
I just buy used Banana Republic shit for
My neighborhood millionaire is a jewy jew(jew hat wearing) dentist, he drives the latest Range Rover and wears expensive suits
unless you're stealing them I don't see how that's possible.
thrift store and used clothes stores...
Oh but he's not actually rich, he just makes a lot of money but spends it all on Jew toys.
Isn't that a waste of time? Most thrift stores have 90% pissed in clothing, torn, otherwise messed up and then a much smaller portion decent stuff, and then a smaller portion in your size.
If you actually value your time it would be better to just buy it from an actual store.
well nowadays with hipsters and shit but when that dies down the odds go way back in your favor
I've found like 20 decent polos and shirts, my khakis and dress pants/ actual dress shirts I buy in store for exact size but nice brand slim Medium fit casual button downs and polos haven't been hard to find for cheap.
Its basically gambling with your time. I got some shirts and suit jackets that were worth pissing the time away at Goodwill. Yes, you will have days where you ask yourself why the fuck you went there.
My neighbour's probably a millionaire. He doesn't believe in owning property, drives a fancy Mercedes, and has a garage full of expensive toys.
He owns a company that makes street furniture.
>what is wrong with walmart jeans?
They look exactly like what they are.
And that is cheap minimum-effort clothing that lasts more than a few minutes or a few washes.
Manlet detected
I prefer to buy used designer jeans off ebay at the same price as new walmart jeans.
She'll never see the shit and semen stains from the previous owner anyway.
My walmart jeans last minimum a year if not at least 2
What do you define a millionaire? A million salary or million net worth? If net worth, my mom is a millionaire. She is a nurse, owns two appartments, and have millions in her bank. She did not heritage that money, but saves quite a lot every month. I've tried to convince her to invest it instead of let it rot in the deposit account, which pays less than inflation, but she is afraid the money is going to drop in value.
man i like them but never used them
>american eagle
Lol highschool loser/virgin detected
>choosing fashion over comfort
You're not gonna make it
>not wearing pajama pants everywhere
Close bratán
>not wearing tracksuits everywhere
>not moving to a nudist colony
>People using their welfare dosh on what its meant for and not trading it for cigs and lottery tickets.
>Somebody still gets butthurt.
You can buy some nice cheap clothes from pic related tbqh.
Where are u from?
this guy is autistic but this is funny
Same, I got some Arizona jeans + chinos recently, each for ~$10. Good fit for the price.
When I was a kid, one of the people who lived in my area was an old guy who had a fairly small farm and occasionally traded scrap/farming machinery. Nothing too unusual for out here in the sticks.
To give you a rough idea of what he was like, he had no lightbulbs in his house, and he was still wearing the same pair of glasses he got in his teens (one arm was held on with a nail because he'd presumably lost the screw a long time ago).
When he died, his family were naturally quite surprised to learn that they had inherited a hotel in the Isle of Man and seven figures GBP.
just a friendly reminder that your neighborhood millionaire is the one they find dead on the toilet from being a coke head.
Underage b&
Summer is here