Why didn't God just use his omnipotence to give all of Adam & Eve's descendants immaculate conception?
Worked for Mary
Why didn't God just use his omnipotence to give all of Adam & Eve's descendants immaculate conception?
Worked for Mary
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Because God is relationship, and no he didn't do it for Mary
Also, what the fuck is up with Veeky Forums becoming
>Teenagers who have less than a 5th grade Sunday school understanding of Christianity
Wait, so you're trying to tell me that some people really are just born sinless naturally?
Hold on
Because there was no immaculate conception, and because everything in creation suffers from the ontological contamination of original sin, that's why everything perishes, even the Theotokos, though sinless, had a dormition.
Constantine - when did the flood happen? - around what date?
I'm glad the Orthodox don't believe in original sin the way the West does.
Nah. This user just doesn't believe that Mary was born sinless.
The Orthodox conception is pretty different from the Catholic conception. The former sees original sin as the act which causes all decay in creation, the latter sees original sin something you inherit through sexual conception.
Orthodox don't believe in immaculate conception? Never knew that.
You got that Orthodox reading list on hand, bro?
>the act which causes all decay in creation,
what act
I'm not Conny, but here
Well, depends what you mean by it. They believe she stayed sinless in behavior but was still affected by the main contamination, if I understand orthodoxy right.
Then again I personally am a Lutheran, so what do I know?
>They believe she stayed sinless in behavior but was still affected by the main contamination
That makes sense I suppose.
Thanks. I've been lurking these threads trying to understand more, hopefully this will help.
If its orthodox you want to leave l learn more about, the orthodox church in America website has a great FAQ.
Want to learn more*
Damn phone.
Thanks again. Don't know why I never thought of checking a website of the Orthodox church.
>there was no immaculate conception
Why didn't God just use his omnipotence and make the earth made out of of spaghetti?
Why don't you just use what little intelligence you already have and not ask such stupid fucking questions, OP?
Orthodox confirmed for schismatic heretics
>everything perishes
That body is encased with wax. We Orthodox don't even embalm bodies, let alone encase them with wax. For us, an incorruptible body means there is no stench, and instead of rotting, it gradually mummifies. We don't use cosmetic trickery. Pic related
>Worked for Mary
Spotted the heretic.
>though sinless,
Spotted the other heretic.
The fuck would he know?
About 4550-4600 years ago.
And as usual, both are wrong.
Explain. Mary is the new Eve, so she has to overcome what brought down the old Eve. Plus Christ was made out of her flesh.
>That body is encased with wax.
>We don't use cosmetic trickery.
There is no trickery. She has been opened up and her internal organs are perfectly preserved. There was an incident regarding her face so they applied a small layer of wax to hide their fuck-up, which had merely caused a decoloration of her skin
Eve was born without sin. How can Mary be more impure than Eve whose sin she is supposed to overcome and represent an opposing example of?
Because God is evil and want people to suffer?
Eve? She is Eve.
Mary? She is Mary.
See how that works? Because now it gets tricky.
God told Eve that her seed would crush the devil's head, and that the devil would bruise His heel. Eve obviously took that to mean that Cain was the messiah, but that did not work out well for anyone involved.
But the seed of a woman; a messiah born only of a woman, and not the union of a man and a woman, that's Jesus.
And Jesus crushed the devil's head on the cross, while the devil bruised His heel.
Not Mary.
Not Eve.
Not Cain.
So there's no wax but for the wax.
Why don't women have fuzzy catlike tails that would make them more beautiful than they already are?
Because Mary was born in fallen Adam and Eve's image, while Eve was made out of Adam's rib, himself made in God's image.
Romans 3:23 in the Heretic's Bible
For ALL (except Mary) have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
Romans 3:10 in the Heretic bible
As it is written: “There is NONE righteous, no, not one (except for Mary)....
>Mary was born in fallen Adam and Eve's image
Mary was born to represent a new model, a new image upon which to model humanity.
Jesus is the new Adam, Jesus is without sin. For the plan of salvation to work, a new Eve is necessary. That new Eve has to be without sin.
Your cherrypick line does not mention that the humanity of Jesus was without sin either. You interpret the Bible by the letter and not by the Spirit, and are therefore deceived.
there is a thin layer of wax on her face because of an accident where people have ruined the colour of their skin. The wax simply fixes the colour and is not for protection. There is no wax anywhere else on her body. She was opened up and all her internal organs were perfectly preserved.
By extreme spirituality. You can choose whether or not to sin, Mary chose not to. You do have freewill. It's just very difficult, but Mary had grace. The noun form used to say she is graced (or "favored" as some translations have, translating the word differently in this context) is the Greek form which means "full"--for instance, there is a form for "grown" in Greek that means "full grown", that is called "perfect participle" form. Even if you chose to translate graced here as "favored", it wouldn't be highly favored, it would be perfect participle favored, which is to favored as full-grown is to grown. In other words, she has the highest possible favor.
You just went full pagan.
Go ahead and back any of that garbage up with bible verses.
Jesus is the Second Adam, not the New Adam.
You're literally implying Jesus had relations with Mary to make new creations.
You're literally a heathen.
>You can choose whether or not to sin,
Is that in the bible sport?
>but Mary had grace
first you say that it was her choice not to sin, but then you say that grace is a necessary condition. She could avoid sinning because she had grace. Without grace, i.e., without immaculate conception, she could not have avoided sin.
>Even if you chose to translate graced here as "favored", it wouldn't be highly favored, it would be perfect participle favored, which is to favored as full-grown is to grown. In other words, she has the highest possible favor.
Nice damage control. It does not matter how you translate it, I could care less. The verb is only used twice in the NT. The second time it is used, it clearly refers to being washed away from sin thanks to the spilling of blood by Jesus. Mary was made without sin by Jesus, but before he spilled his blood for the atonement of mankind's sins. That is, through the immaculate conception
>Jesus is the Second Adam, not the New Adam.
It is literally the same thing
>You're literally implying Jesus had relations with Mary to make new creations.
I am not implying that at all. What they share was flesh, as Jesus' body was made of Mary's flesh just like Eve's body was made of Adam's flesh
>You're literally a heathen.
You are literally retarded
He did. But somehow this is going wrong in a number of ways.
To understand this:
- first the great commandment by Christ
-1 corinthians 6: 9-11 comes in handy
All have the same feelings on the various specialities in sexual preferences.
This is proven by e.g. the ancient Greek society and a lot of other things.
And anyone can built a ''''right mind''''. Being inspired by the Holy Spirit by conversion. This could look a bit different as is known now generally.
Why doesn't God say this: he does, but His being is different from earthly beings. It could be best described as a technical matter. And probably ignoring important information by key persons who could change this. Or other important things.
Why technical: youtube.com
Maybe this is all somewhat compressed for this sort of subject.
t. netherlands user
No, no it is not.
By the first Adam's sins, all were condemned.
By the second Adam's sacrifice, all who believe are made righteous.
Completely the opposite of your heresy.
Did Jesus exist before Mary?
So if you murder someone, it's because you couldn't help it?
>but then you say that grace is a necessary condition
Grace is required to even exist, friend.
> The verb is only used twice in the NT.
It's used 157 times
You're so theologically lost. You really are.
Matthew 5:22 But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. And whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca!’ shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire.
You don't have to kill someone to commit murder.
Do you understand the basic concept that God chose Mary to bear the Messiah?
That God did not choose some other Jewish virgin in the line of David, but chose Mary?
And that Mary was thus favored by God?
God, who is full of grace, and Mary, who was favored by God?
If you can't get that simple distinction, you're doomed dude.
You have the choice whether or not to call someone a fool.
God isn't full of Grace, God *is* Grace. To be graced means acted upon by God.
>you're doomed dude.
>it's a "human professes to know who is saved and who is not episode"
You're not God, dude, stop thinking you know His motives.
>By the first Adam's sins, all were condemned.
Eve sinned before Adam, but it doesn't matter. They both sinned.
>By the second Adam's sacrifice, all who believe are made righteous.
By the second's Eve obedience, the disobedience of the first Eve is overcome
>Completely the opposite of your heresy.
Not my fault you can't understand the Bible
>Grace is required to even exist, friend.
Again, damage control. Nobody can live even a month and avoid sinning if they have concupiscence. Clearly Mary didn't have it, i.e., she was without sin
>It's used 157 times
Don't be disingenuous. Only twice used that way, as a verb and referring to a person
Some other thing why this sounds so unfamiliar can be seen from the fact that the last pope that died did not end up well
From 56:01
>no one can live even a month sinning if they sin
No kidding
>Don't be disingenuous. Only twice used that way, as a verb and referring to a person
Yes, and in both contexts it means to be sinless. One by not sinning, the other to have your sins washed away.
No activity on itself is a sin. But John Paul II being the church leader...
Nor is music or other things a sin whatever this video shows. There is always a clear reason why apart from something on itself.
>No kidding
So the fact that she was always sinless since the moment of her conception to her assumption into heaven makes perfect sense
>One by not sinning, the other to have your sins washed away.
Here we disagree. Clearly in Ephesians it is Jesus that gives grace so that one is washed away from sins. You even admit that Mary was given grace and therefore she did not sin. You are so close to the truth but you keep missing it for a bit. Jesus washed away Mary's sins before she committed them, in vitue of her role as pure vessel for His incarnation. To do so she had to never know sin, to be full of grace and to be so from her conception to her assumption into heaven
| --All (me)
It is like it, the subject or God, His being, communication and will must be considered a science like agriculture, economics, philosophy, and so on.
Even though He is known as a person. As long as it is not done by people, it is not happening.
And it is now quite underdeveloped.
This needs special circumstances to even be able to talk about it so:
(From a Christ thread on /pol/)
To continue this discussion from yesterday.
This asks for a very based and balanced start. And the ability to do it and take into account that it could have to be left for and passed on to posterity. And seeing the sufficient benefits of it in all cases.
It needs this very realistic position. The best example could be a hobby.
And more things (at this moment related)
- I could also go fast suddenly
- Money (personally I don't see it should be this donate button/ influx! influx! based kind of thing or draining to participants)
- decision and reasons to open it up to anyone that is interested. Becoming and advertising it as being something that all christians should or could become a member of. In this thread or other threads here, basically yes.
- Being organised as a part of all churches and denominations. This is where its participants come from. Being their friend, part-of, famalam. Not a separate church. Just people from all denominations that are interested in this. Other people are welcome too. It is about the common local spiritual house.
- It doesn't matter where or how this is started. It should.
- As far as I can see: all thinkable or feelable problems with this have an at least ""sort of"" acceptable solution.
get off the drugs
It has a spelling error in the first ''''- ''''
This is it:
- It could also go fast suddenly
A letter missed
No no, how do you conclude drugs? What I posted is logical and typically right.
that missing letter did look weird
no, really, get off the drugs
>For the plan of salvation to work, a new Eve is necessary
Sumens illud Ave
Gabrielis ore,
Funda nos in pace,
Mutans Eva nomen.
Ok, tell me exactly why you say drugs. I don't use drugs even though I can with all these coffeeshops where I live.
Or somewhat better
Ok, tell me exactly why you say drugs. I don't use drugs even though I can with all these coffeeshops where I live.
O wait the post with the missing letter
::::: >that missing letter did look weird
get off the drugs
Is Jesus God?
John 1:14
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
He hasn't hidden them from His family.
His motives are to do what He said He would do.
My motive is to do what He said to do.
Heresy tier. Absolute heresy tier.
Because maybe what you pretend is a thing of god is actually a thing of the devil.
>Is Jesus God?
No, that is the devil, surely with this information you can pick up on the actual name of God, dude.
In this lust with conception is ruled out exactly at the point where it matters.
I understand it could look odd. But in saying this I don't combine some speciality with me. As if this is a goal. It does look just like what happened to Joachim, the husband of st. Anne that gave birth to the virgin Mary.
"Oh, this doctrine that has been spreading by means of child rape, burning people and torturing them but that claims that their members, which may or not have followed the guy mentioned TODAY in the book totally isn't suspicious".
ESPECIALLY since scripture warns it has been changed, and that one day you may not find the saviour on its place.
Good news, though, if somebody happened to know the actual name of God, and he were willing to tell you, you would be saved forever just by asking for it.
Romans 10:13 (Reconstructed version)
Everyone who calls on the name of Satan will be saved.
So in these cases we say Save me Satan.
Out of curiosity what exactly would that fix?
Sins are not free, the tree of humanity gotta be littered with the sins of the forefathers, praise YHWH.
[] me []
But I also think that how this sounds or comparing it to some Joachim thing and st Anne represents how underdeveloped this is.
Yes ahum. How is it going historically:
>burning people and torturing them
And the actual pope going to hell.
What hope is there anyway?
Knowing the right thing and as Dee and Kelly found out in the last Enochian key. Or they didn't find something out they reproduced something.
So below by not doing weed out, and thereby not defacing your pump the discouragement to live should be broken. the discouragement also mentioned.
O you heavens which dwell in the {Number of Aether, eg First Ayre}, the mighty in the parts of the Earth, and execute the Judgment of the Highest! To you it is said, Behold the face of your God, the beginning of comfort, whose eyes are the brightness of the heavens: which provided you for the government of the Earth and her unspeakable variety, furnishing you with a powerful understanding to dispose all things according to the providence of Him that sits on the Holy Throne, and rose up in the beginning, saying: the Earth let her be governed by her parts and let there be division in her, that the glory of her may be always drunken and vexed in itself. Her course,
[post was too long]
let it run with the heavens, and as a handmaid let her serve them. One season let it confound another, and let there be no creature upon or within her the same: all her members let them differ in their qualities, and let there be no one creature equal with another: the reasonable Creatures of the Earth let them vex and weed out one another, and the dwelling places let them forget their names: the work of man, and his pomp, let them be defaced: his buildings let them become caves for the beasts of the field. Confound her understanding with darkness. For why? It repents me I made Man. One while let her be known and another while a stranger: because she is the bed of a Harlot, and the dwelling place of Him that is Fallen. O you heavens arise: the lower heavens underneath you, let them serve you! Govern those that govern: cast down such as fall! Bring forth with those that increase, and destroy the rotten! No place let it remain in one number: add and diminish until the stars be numbered! Arise, Move, and Appear before the Covenant of his mouth, which he has sworn unto us in his Justice. Open the Mysteries of your Creation: and make us partakers of Undefiled Knowledge.
This is from the same thing as here, the video link
The merits of Christ's life, death and Resurrection granted all men the ability to be freed from the taint of Original Sin. Most are freed only after the fact, through Baptism. However, Mary's position was unique, as Mother of God she was freed from the taint of Original Sin before her birth by the merits of her Son. To be conceived Immaculately, one requires the merits of Christs' life to play out. If all men were freed from Original Sin, then Christ would have no need to be Born, which would mean he would not be born, which would mean the merit's of his life, death and Resurrection do not exist, which means we are right back at square one.
not an argument. Try to refute what I said or shut up.
Whos right?
How is obedience to truth the same as obedience to love?