Daddy, why didn't you buy ethereum back in 2016?

>daddy, why didn't you buy ethereum back in 2016?

>is that why we're poor now and mommy moved in with uncle herschel?

Nocoiners, your fate awaits you

>he didn't buy in to the embryonic future internet currency

How will you explain it to your children? That you fucked their lives up

ah.. and here we see the average eth bag holder, coping in his nature habit.

Ethercuck daocuck samefag cope at its WORST right here, anons. Don't be like this loser

>future Internet currency

Thats some heavy delusion. You really think people are going to switch from physical paper to numbers on a screen? Theres centuries of a little thing called "network effect" that basically means fiat is here for good.

>he uses physical paper over the internet

What do you do? Fax notes to people?


Don't let sour grapes cause you to make the worst financial decision of your life: not buying ethereum