Daddy, why didn't you buy ethereum back in 2016?

>daddy, why didn't you buy ethereum back in 2016?

>is that why we're poor now and mommy moved in with uncle herschel?

Nocoiners, your fate awaits you

>he didn't buy in to the embryonic future internet currency

How will you explain it to your children? That you fucked their lives up

ah.. and here we see the average eth bag holder, coping in his nature habit.

Ethercuck daocuck samefag cope at its WORST right here, anons. Don't be like this loser

>future Internet currency

Thats some heavy delusion. You really think people are going to switch from physical paper to numbers on a screen? Theres centuries of a little thing called "network effect" that basically means fiat is here for good.

>he uses physical paper over the internet

What do you do? Fax notes to people?


Don't let sour grapes cause you to make the worst financial decision of your life: not buying ethereum

i'm good. if i were to get duped it would be by someone of a much higher caliber than a goofy looking college dropout kek

Now I'm an ethereum missile

It's looking pretty good. I dropped a grand on it for keks back when it was at it's low of .017 BTC and I've been pleasantly surprised. I think it's going to do some huge things over the next two years.

I'm thinking about buying just for the memes

Why would I want to buy something that sounds like a chemical to clean glue off skin.

Stay poor nocoinz

More ETH pump and dump? You crypto shills are always on the look out for the next crop of dummies.

What a pointless comment. The fact is, the price will rise with or without you.

Yes.. Yes goyim.. Keep buying ethereum.. Hehehe

What is Ethereum? New to Veeky Forums.

Some shitty new scamcoin that a few of these kids have latched on to. The last ones before that was pandacoin and dogecoin.

It's like bitcoin except less popular, less established, less well known, and nobody uses it. Kind of like the Zanazibarian shekel.

By the way, I have a bunch of Zanzibarian shekels I'm willing to sell. Their value is going to shoot through the roof, so it's a really good investment! That's why I'm selling them to you!

If you really think it's going to take off, then invest what you can afford to lose. This means if you can flush it down the toilet and not end up on the streets and still have plenty of money for retirement, then go for it.

I remember back in 2008, 2009ish when Veeky Forums was bashing bitcoin and I was convinced it was worthless. At the time it was. $1 could've bought many bitcoin, or I could have mined on my home PC in a few hours. Now bitcoin is $447 each, last I saw. If I ignored the internet/trolls, I'd be a millionaire right now. Ignore the haters/internet boards, they're just trolls. If you feel the project has a good use in society, then invest what you can afford to lose.

>Hey there is a facebook replacement coming out. Buy stock in the new facebook. I remember back in 2008, 2009ish when Veeky Forums was bashing facebook and I was convinced it was worthless. At the time it was. $1 could've bought many facebook shares. Now facebook is $117 each, last I saw. If I ignored the internet/trolls, I'd be a millionaire right now. Ignore the haters/internet boards, they're just trolls. If you feel the project has a good use in society, then invest what you can afford to lose.

>This facebook is way better than the facebook we already have. Everyone is going to leave the old facebook and go to the new facebook.

Nice b8 m8. To be honest I can't tell if you're trolling or just dumb. Facebook share value tanked because there were already tons of social media sites and tons more getting ready to open its doors. Bitcoin was (and still might be) a good investment because nothing like a decentralized digital currency has ever been attempted in history. Ever. I don't know any thing about ethereum so no comment.

>I don't know any thing about ethereum so no comment.

>I can't tell if you're trolling or just dumb

I am not trolling, and you are dumb

I tip the fedora of rhetoric

You're American aren't you...

>Son jokes on you I bought 2300 ETH when they were 6 USD :)
>Now go play with your two tiger cubs but be in time for the puma steak. After that we will have a little trip in one of my numerous supercars

What was the price at the start ? I remember wanting to take some but didn't. I saw it's 15$/u now ?

What ethereum qualifies over bitcoin is this smart contract thing, no?

I have no idea what that is though. Maybe someone knowledgeable could explain

Its just bullshit hype. Etherfags are like "hey we can code snippets for our fake money so it can execute contracts!" and us web developers are like "that's nice junior, we can do the same thing with real money."

Someone explain to me how DAOs will not get scammed to death and dont give me that hurr durr it will all be programmed into the contracts shit. At some point there had to be a connection to the real world to check results of a company and a DAO has no legal recourse.

Wanting to know this as well.

A proposal will suggest an oracle (trusted source of information like to report accurate statistics. Then the proposal relies on the oracle for funding, and the DAO relies on the oracle for rewards. People will probably vote against a proposal that suggests shitty oracles

I got ETH, DAO, Lisk

I'm set for the long road. Surely one of these will hit?

> hey there is this new myspace replacement coming out it's called facebook

same goes for btc-eth it's an upgrade not the exact same thing

Its stupid to compare cryptos to social media anyways. Social media is something that every subset of society uses. Cryptos are mostly a fringe technology touted by libertarians and speculators.

>b-but one day they will be mainstream

'no, son, it's because after she started fucking my brother, I divorced her, she took the house, sold it, and they bought a rural townhouse and a duplex downtown for rental income, I had a similar idea, but I was working double shifts at the time, saving the principal for the duplex, and she fucked my brother while I worked nights, and that's why I live in a single room rented from Mrs Chang and you can only visit on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Now, son, I have a fun project for you - I want you to teach mom how to make crystals using bleach, does that sound fun?'

Ok so the whole decentralized aspect is voided by there being need for a centralized trusted oracle (hello fedral reserve!). Thought so...

my nigga

i got 10000 DAO, 10000 LISK and 100 ETH


Shills are back. That means it's time to SELL. When you see no shills, it might be time to look at buying.

I wouldn't but, but if that's your thing..

You're an idiot. I was shilling ETH heavily when it was under $1.

You think that was a time to buy or a time to sell considering the price is now $15?

Put down your trite buffet quotes and have a look at whats in front of your face you platitude spouting retard

What are talking about? I came up with that shit myself.

You sound really upset. Are you very emotionally invested here? Maybe you should take a step back from all of this, take a few deep breaths.

I neither sound upset nor are upset.

You're giving terrible advice

Oh, ok then. Are you sure the advice I'm giving is bad though? Because generally what I have observed is that shills show up after the pump, or just as its ending, to try and generate hype so they can unload.

I mean why would a shill show up before the pump? That doesn't make any sense, since shills aren't here to help people, but to take their money.

I mean, hey maybe I'm just way off. Just go ahead and correct me if I'm wrong.

Def would suspect some profit taking if these were normal investors. HOWEVER these poorfag shills will ride there $500 worth of crypto into the ground and post 50 times doing it.

Because i am actually here to help you people.

I was on here telling people to buy ETH since november 2015 every single day.

You don't get it, im not here to make money, im an internet decentralisation activist. I want ETH to succeed because it will spell the death of the centralised internet infrastructure, google, msft, faceshit and all the botnets who's primary agenda is to control and spy on the human population.

I honestly couldn't give a shit about the price, as long as Ethereum is adopted by more people.

You see, im a different kind of shill, im on a different level from you, it's burning hatred in my heart which keeps me going, i cannot be bought.

doing gods work user!

Well shit I didn't know I was talking to Che fucking Guevara. Cool, man. I mean I like crypto currency, it's really interesting. I just can't stand shills. I think its shills treating all this like it's some kind of get rich quick pump and dump that's holding back the potential of it.

So I mean, sorry if I mistook your burning desire for human progress as common greed and shady, scammy, predatory behavior. It's just that those shills have really worn out their welcome, and giving cryptos a really bad name.

You understand, of course, being an idealist. So are you help me fight those assholes, or what?

No. I want you to buy ethereum.

Yes, most other coins are scams (lisk etc.) and bitcoin has failed.

But ethereum is our best hope you sarcastic twerp.

So buy it.

At any rate.. regardless of the actual potential of cryptotech to transform "the Internet".. I still think "Do the opposite of what the shills say" is pretty good advice thank you very much. So I'll keep saying it.

Keep fighting for truth and freedom though. I'm all about those things.

Anyone on that Waves train tho?

Never bought it, so I don't have anything to lose in it, and nothing to gain. That's my freedom, know what I am saying?

No, is it worth it? What do they do differently?

Its another ICO...
The hype is real on btc
They got style and marketing down,
the rest I dont give a shit about.

Meant to say on bitcointalk

Haha props for your honesty. I might buy some and dump when the price is right

Ok what are you doing in this thread then?

I'm telling the truth, as usual. What are you doing? Seriously, I mean look again at the OP and tell me what you're doing here?

I'll tell you: lying, manipulating, preying on people's fears, doubts and insecurities.

In short, shilling. That's what you're doing. It's simple.

I am the OP

Omelette must be made...eggs

>No. I want you to buy ethereum.

No shit shill.

How about you fuck off with your Russian autist coin speculating.

Sure, whatever it takes to push the agenda, right? Who cares about the actual truth. That's for chumps. Omelette sounds good though, just saying.

>it will spell the death of the centralised internet infrastructure, google, msft, faceshit and all the botnets who's primary agenda is to control and spy on the human population

What does decentralized currency have to do with datakraken and advertising based services?

Almost every altcoin has seen this at one point or another : it peaks , market cap is high , and then it's value crashes.
People said dogecoin , dash , litecoin etc would be the future of crypto and would replace bitcoin . But none ever actually made it that far.

but those coins were nothing more then bitcoin clones, they had nothing going for them other then a different name and maybe a faster delivery time in some cases.

Ah you must not have been here when Pandacoin bagholders were telling us for half a year how different the fundamentals were and how the devs were working on all these new developments that would change the face of cryptos. You must have also not been here when darkcoin was claiming how it was revolutionary and was the first decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) and solved the problem of anonymity and privacy that plagued bitcoin. You probably werent here when namecoin was claiming that you could store data on their blockchain and use it for messaging systems, identity registers and all types of cool stuff. You surely weren't here when ripple shills explained that ripple labs showed how they created smart contracts and consensus algorithms that allowed to be used as the foundation for online banking.

Honestly, ethereum is just another in a long line of "who really gives a fuck?" They are doing some neat stuff in the crypto space but they are still a crypto and their whole success is dependant
on their adoption rate which is limited to the ubergeek libertarian. Nobody in the real world much cares.

Watch a few interviews with vitalik

>things that never happened.

Go away google shill

>things that absolutely happened
Go away newfag.

No none of that happened. There is literally no way any of that stuff he said occured

I've been here since Veeky Forums started. I remember the PND shills. I also remember the darkcoin and namecoin shills. I absolutely remember the ripple shills. Everything he said is 100% dead on. They each absolutely thought that their tech was going to be the one to replace bitcoin.

kek i agree user eth is just an other pebble down the road. there will be no revolution. just a bunch of sad bagholders.


Because I was a little bitch who did not take risks.

didn't peter vitalik and bill gates say they were going to buy into this?

Vitalik Buterin