How accurate is this from a Veeky Forumstorical point of view?
How accurate is this from a Veeky Forumstorical point of view?
Everything about that chart is wrong.
Here's a hint faggot, Cultures are inherently mallible.
Races are not and races influence the kind of culture you get.
>muh race dont real
>muh tabula rasa
Fuck off anti-science shitstain
Please bring this stuff back to /pol/
So stereotypes? Totally history related and accurate.
Whatever your ideology is that infographic is cherry picked garbage and isn't even close to what you would call "science". /pol/ makes a complete mockery of conservative ideology as a whole.
go back to /pol/
>/pol/ makes a complete mockery of conservative ideology as a whole.
Cuckservatives did that to themselves.
>Race not real!
>Democrats are the real racists!
>Just give the blacks the constitution to read and they'll be Kangz again and sheit!
Go back to your tumblr safe space.
>muh races r just like in vidya games
Take your retardation to /pol/ and you have a circle jerk on how superior you are.
>muslims/mexicans/gypsies/jews/africans are evil!!1111
>we wuz benevolent colonizers and shit
Fuck off
Pretty much all races are more or less evil.
>>muh races r just like in vidya games
That would still be much more precise than the tabula rasa shit the Jews teach you cucks and shitskins in school.
Yes, yes Mr. Stoic Enlightened Free Thinker, we've heard your schizophrenic ramblings a thousand times from all frustrated boys just like yourself.
This is just the beginning.
That's something many classical villains say.
Ironically, you yourself are powerless to change anything. Instead, you post on an internet image board in your free time.
>Ironically, you yourself are powerless to change anything.
I am just one of a million and our numbers are growing.
>believes in early 20th century drivel
>calls other people un-scientific
>races influence the kind of culture you get.
No. Where you are born and the kind of family you are born into influences your culture. PArticular races don't have specific affinities to certain cultures.
All non-whites need to be culled
Oh yes, youre such an admirable little victim of the system, user. I hope yoi finally defeat the faceless bogeyman that keeps you up at night. Or maybe you don't want to. Maybe you just love feeling like a hapless victim who can't have what he wants in the world handed to him on a silver platter.
You're right user, it's the Jews fault you dont have a girlfriend. Or that new car. Or even that big house. It's not your fault at all. Nothing ever is.
all whites are delusional
A world without niggers and kikes is a world without rats and roaches
whether or not race is real is irrelevant. Racism is real and this is a blue board. please report these threads and sage if you reply.
>whether or not race is real is irrelevant.
Truth is irrelevant!
Feels over reals!
Blow up and kill inocents everyday
Not evil in pick
You haven't been around them have you?>jews
Don't you people bitch about piggy capitalist all the time? A big chunk of those piggies are jews
Dumb, violent and destroys everything that they touch like locust
>we wuz benevolent colonizers and shit
See Rhodesia or Mexico before independence.
Took what 30 years?
Adding "from a Veeky Forumstorical point of view" does not make race-baiting Veeky Forums related.
saged and reported
Whites caused:
the American Civil War
World War I
World War II
The Napoleonic wars
The Cold War
Are whites the most evil people ever to have lived? Clearly.
Nigger culture is a thing everywhere in the world. Really makes you think?
>Are whites the most evil people ever to have lived? Clearly.
We should build walls around white countries to keep the whites in and the non-whites out to protect them!
>My pseudophilosopher god that has support every failed goverment in his lifetime has been BTFO again
>I have to pretend that this pseudophilosopher is not a retard despite supporting Chavez or Pol Pot
Chomsky in politics and philosophy is a big fucking joke
>the American Civil War
>World War I
>World War II
>The Napoleonic wars
>The Cold War
In none of them,except ww2 genocide was big thing. If you go to Africa or precolumbine America you will see way more brutal wars between those """civilizations"""
This is not even /pol/, just pure trash.
how long is it going to take antisemites to recognize that the evil corporations oppressing and exploiting them are evil because they're capitalist organizations and not evil because da jews
Whatever the fuck that means. Most normal sentient humans (which you are clearly not) measure the brutality of wars by their kill count.
Literally all Jewish wars
>Most normal sentient humans (which you are clearly not) measure the brutality of wars by their kill count.
If in a war civilian population is targeted and tortured and has a lower kill account than another war in which only proffesional soldiers die,but the kill amount is higher which one is more brutal?
You are a retard.
When they stop being overwhelmingly run by Jews
When the Jewish Talmud stops saying goyim are cattle to prey on
When the Jews no longer have such a stranglehold on western society that "holocaust denial" won't land you a prison sentence and insulting a Jew won't lose you a job
I woke up to find a spider in the corner of my room this morning.
The Jews strike again!
>implying that any of us are okay with cucked goyim who support mass-immigration for cheap labor
At this point it's a race to the bottom. The few intellectual conservatives are either too centrist or too obscure.
Why can't right wingers realize the more they chimp out the more left wing policies will take place?
Trevor Noah tier
Leave your mother's basement for an extended period of time and watch as your retarded views of the world go away.
>muh rhodesia! muh south africa!
Both states that heavily relied on Israeli weapons and trade.
You tried
>Both states that heavily relied on Israeli weapons and trade.
Again how is it an argument?
>Those regimes were prosperous
>But they bought weapons from Israel . Hahahhahah I have disproven your point
Are you autistic?
Thanks, I thought was pretty funny so I did my best to respond
it's retarded and not even humorous by any standard
Recall from the earlier post: ">jews
Don't you people bitch about piggy capitalist all the time? A big chunk of those piggies are jews"
The poster then went on to praise Rhodesia. Seeing that he is a typical polfag, I made the probably assumption that he is also fond of apartheid South Africa. As such, I broke his false sense of reality by showing evidence that which proves Rhodesians and Boers were tight with the zionists in israel.
Since you were not able to figure this out, I must ask: are YOU autistic?
The problem is that white people don't see themselves as white people, they don't have racial awareness.
All other races have racial awareness, they look at everything through a racial angle. This is also why they didn't get behind Sanders.
All that talk about socialism > capitalism ... they vote based on racial, tribal interests.
Only whites are split and this is why we loose.
Never said that the jews were bad. Said that a big chunk of the piggies were jews,which is true. But as I am not a commie I dont give a fuck about that.
Good thing there's no wiggers or oreos running about then.
>This is also why they didn't get behind Sanders.
Sanders was the most antiwhite candidate of the race. Most whites are ralling behind Trump.
That may be the second dumbest assertion in this thread. Jesus, just think before you try to disagree, okay?
Clinton is much more anti-white based on her foreign policy and based on the fact that Bernie, before he got cucked, even remarked how open borders are a plot to bring in low-wage migrants.
Also, his whole campaing felt like a white hippie festival right out of the 60s; his rhetorics also resembled that of an old socialist who think that capitalism is the "major contradiction" and has to be dealt with first, being more important than "minor contradictions" such as racism and sexism.
That's the total opposite of modern SJW-ism.
>That's the total opposite of modern SJW-ism.
>Bitch about the wage gap, a myth.
>Reparations paid by whites to blacks for no reason
>Kicking ilegals is racist
>Supports affirmative action.
Yeah,he is so fucking pro-white...
I was thinking about things such as this:
This is pretty based but from July 2015.
That his platform was overall anti-white and terrible ... I don't deny that.
I wont quit now fly machine