Violated Regulation T by selling a stock too soon

>Violated Regulation T by selling a stock too soon
>Broker calls says that I can't do that and puts 90 freeze on account
>Tell him to go fuck himself
>Open new account with another broker

What's Regulation T?

What's a 90 freeze?

You can't sell stocks that you bought with unsettled funds until the original sale clears (3 trading days from sale date).

90 day*

Yeah that seems like a stupid rule. Especially if you got a tip on a quick spike and want to make some profit before the stock goes back down.


>still humping the dead stock market horse
>not trading glorious freedom in the form of cryptocurrencies

Fucking plebs

This only happens if you have less than the 25k needed to efficiently take advantage of these opportunities.

Stop being a poor faggot OP

man, in every thread there is cryptocuck shilling his failing memecurrencies.

cryptocucks are the crackwhores of Veeky Forums

SHOO SHOO crackwhore !!!

names or gtfo

Pretty much this. Stick to cryptos, kid.


It happened to me the other day so I simply put another 30K in my account and unlocked it.

But OP is a poor retard and is trading with less than $5,000. KEK

Lol, keep losing money i don't care.


Few years ago I was day trading with less than 25K and got freezed too.

>calling up a broker

>He doesn't have a business relationship with a broker

The broker called him.

Can you not read?

>Open new account with another broker
You tell 'em!
The next broker will know better than to fuck with you.

fuck the past 15 years

>god tier
warren buffet and the likes
>high tier
high volume stock exchange and commodity exchange
>mid tier
portfolios hedge funds and other lazy investment
>low tier
penny stocks, etfs, etc...
>kiddy tier
cryptos, forex

>tfw you can trade CFDs, free ride and day trade with no security

But then again I live in a first world country.

HahahahahA dick head. Cryptos are god tier

just wondering, do shit tier countries like zimbabwe even have tax regulations on stock trading? could you simply make money there, without getting jewed?