What does Veeky Forums think of stretched ears?

What does Veeky Forums think of stretched ears?


for once I agree with him

I love you, pls notice me

tattoo level tier retardation

that looks fine


it's kind of hot when like 35 year old dads have a bunch of shitty tattoos and floppy ear holes, in a sad way

I think it can look hot, specifically on masculine men if it's the right size (between 1.5cm and 2.5cm diameter). Otherwise, it looks like trash and I agree with everyone else.

my thots on that....already displayed

Anything past 0 is trash tier

Trashy as fuck. Don't do it.

I did years ago and there's not a day I don't regret it.

Why do you regret it?
Has it messed up employment opportunities? Has it made you less attractive?

no shit dude. especially otherwise cute girls. you see their giant fucking droopy disgusting earlobes and they can go from a 10/10 to a 1/10

overdone utterly hideous and juvenile


They're fine if you don't go overboard. Your pic related is a good size. I like when people wear hanging jewelry through the eyelet pieces of jewelry, it adds something.

Keep them at a reasonable size and you'll be fine, They only look gross when your ear is hanging off your face flapping around.

this are both my opinions

Disgusting. They make my stomach turn.

Not super Veeky Forums photos but I love the thin hoop here.

and here the ear is stretched bigger than what i'd suggest but i like the jewelry.

How long does it take to grow back to normal if it does at all?

it'll shrink over the course of a year but after it's been stretched to a certain size (1cm+) it'll never fully close