I've been on Finasteride for a year; is my crown starting to go or is that just a normal part?

I've been on Finasteride for a year; is my crown starting to go or is that just a normal part?


Yea to which one?

Here is another picture, it looks fine here?

How old are you? If you are on fin and you are like 25-30, I wouldn't worry. Seems to be normal minor crown thinning with age. 90%+ of guys have some minor thinning as the get into their 30s.

If you are like 18, you might be bald by 22.

Enjoy your ED

That looks perfectly normal, especially if your hair is a little greasy

tfw I've had no sides
I'm 22

*23 WOW I can't even get my own fucking age right

It's those damn pills man I'm telling you

You should be fine, if you're really worried about it just comb your hair back/over it

Yeah everyone balds differently but I would say unless you have the worst hair genes, you could make it to 27+ with OK hair on no fin. With fin and average genetics you should have hair until your thirties easily

that's a normal crown, don't buy to fa's hysterics

is there a way to know if you're prone to the sides? is the % really higher than reported?

yes, by taking the drug and seeing what happens.

>taking fin to mantain your shitty bowl cut

your crown is fine, no worries. seriously, i wouldnt even look twice at it

anyone that says your crown is thinning has no idea what they are talking about. it looks perfectly normal. honestly i would get off fin if i were you unless your hairline is receding badly and you are super sensitive about it. shit is not healthy

Fuck off, kid. You don't need it.

t. Norwood 2

Why the fuck are you on fin when you show no signs of balding at all? Your hairline better be fucked otherwise you're a paranoid retard wasting money and fucking your hormone for no reason at all

It's a 5a-reductase inhibitor. You're literally preventing testosterone from getting made. There's no 'chance' of side effects. The side effects are literally the reason you take it. You're turning yourself into a limp-dicked little beta cuckold to maybe keep some of your hair. You need to decide if that's worth.

definitely not normal, buzzcut

Post your full haircut pls