
Proud to be Pew Edition


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patches suck

Is someone going to tell them? I don't have the heart to

Look who came for dinner, boys

Is /patches/ banned on /k/ now? Why aren't there any threads when I check?

Looks good bb

The new (i guess) janitor/mod on the board is a massive fucking cuck and it's been getting deleted for a while now.

Even though those threads have been around for ages plus they stay in their own threads.

Thank you my man

yeah, the threads been missing for two days now. hopefully a few of the merchants migrate. most of their patches were barely /k/ related anyway.

A phoneposter could probably make a suicide thread there announcing that all refugees are welcome here

tell them what
t. patchnoob


Well it looks like shit for starters but I assume he was referring to how much it looks like the SS skull insignia

What kind of bag would look nice covered in metal band patches. I'm planning on picking up a load at concerts this summer to put on a new bag when I go to uni.

nice brother just got me a cramps patch

is it autistic to wear this on a jacket?
also where would I find velcro to stick it on with?

oooo right ha

audibly cringed

audibly cringed was for you, whoops

lookin crisp

i ordered it over a week ago and it hasnt come yet!

there's some guy fighting with the SDF in syria who has one of those but I can't find the pic

>is it autistic to wear Veeky Forums clothing

>More weaboo and edgy neo nazi stuff
Baka haram desu

What are some unique articles of clothing that you guys have put patches on? I love patches but I don't really wanna put them on a denim jacket and I never keep backpacks long enough to warrant buying patches for them. The only thing I can think of is on jeans and I'm not sure how I would pull that off as a man.

Bombers, hats, hoodies, shoes...

Just hand sew the edges of the patch onto the backpack, that way you can remove and reuse

Its sad there's not a back patch of this

of the full painting I mean






oh heres some i made earlier

Why is your store broke?

Oh shit, that's no good
Hold up

I found no emails or notifications about anything going wrong, so I linked and unlinked the paypal to the big cartel. A friend just tried it out and says it works again

Sorry about that!

Thanks, I was able to go through now.

Thanks for letting me know!

Thanks for responding so fast!


I've never seen a patch with that kind of message before, that's really cool. I bet whoever owns that jacket is a really good person

So I got this, and it's my first patch. I thought it would be iron on or something, but it's not. I don't have any materials to stitch it in, nor do I know how. Are there any places that I can bring this to and have them do it for me?

Or you could act like a functional, able-bodied human adult and learn to do it yourself? Sewing patches on is the cheapest and easiest alterations get, you should at the very least know how to do that.

no user, it is YOU that sucks.

Remember me?

Collecting/embbroidering patches for my jacket was a winter's long project that I will pick up again in the fall. Here is a photo of one of my patches in process. My eldest daughter drew a portrait of her younger sister and it became one of my favorite patches.

I found that Etsy had a great variety of new and vintage patches, but I really enjoyed making them myself. It a way to really personalize-- i couldn't find a pre-made patch to pay homage to my favorite sci-fi book, so I embroidered my own.

one sleeve done, the other is about a quarter complete. I was treating it as a collage of sorts.

I hope no /k/ patch guys show up here. I'm trying to keep this effay, not pol retards and their waifus.

If you're just gonna print it as a shirt pattern from a old tshirt why not just sew the old tshirt on as is?

thats a bad ass patch, where did you get it?

Literally go to walmart, get a needle and some blue thread and sew it on. It's not rocket science

Sew-on patches are better anyways, you can get it off without ruining your jacket or the patch.

Looks really good. Is that a Birth of Venus patch on the sleeve?

I bought these recently. Gonna try and stitch them onto the shoulders of a leather jacket when they come in the mail.

Pretty happy with this. Shipped out a few days ago.

owo how do you know???

how do i keep printed back/patches from fraying?

you can sew them on like an applique (tuck the edges under and whip stitch into place).

A thing called fray check also exists, but it leaves the edges rather stiff. If a stiff edge is ok with you, clear nail polish will also do the trick.

Patches are bumper stickers for clothes.
Are bumper stickers Veeky Forums?

Embroidered ones are

lmao is that you in those instagram pics of this

I have two patches of the head and neck of Frankenstein and one of his wife, they're about 2.5 inches high. Not sure where to put them

One on each back pocket on a pair of jeans was the first thing that came to mind
The ones with the jacket? Sure seems like it ;)

Is that a Titanfall patch on the left?


ty senpai

If you're really into patches you could consider getting a serger. It's like $200 for a decent one, so kind of overkill if you only want to make a couple of patches, but it'll leave you with edges that make your patches look like commercial ones.

Shoes, shorts, I have a big denim overshirt I have patches on.

Yooooooo! It's finally here after 3 weeks waiting for a restock.

Oh fuck that's lush

because it might not have the design you want/need

Looks bretty gud on my denim bomber. Now I just need something for the sleeves.

sergers only make sense if you sew knit fabrics.

this. many times have i sewed a patch on, not cared for the placement, then ripped it off to sew again somewhere else. the only trace is an outline of needle pricks. plus iron-on patches never stay ironed on.

denim overalls, not on the legs, but the bib.

That Pooh Bear patch makes me think of plus sized overalls you find at the Goodwill.

my boy lookin' like a straight goofball in the waywt thread

Enjoy the view, babe

wheres that from?

Claw & Co.

Pretty cool little shop. Even gave me some free swag.

rate my stash, suggestions where to put them welcome

Is this good or too edgy/weeb? Im thinking about putting it on red bomber.

Not really, most weebs don't even know or care about older shit like Akira.

Get one with better colors though.

Really? I'll bet they're a slimeball who steals shit and doesn't pay taxes, but who thinks they're a really good person for circlejerking with their fellow slimeballs about social justice.

No one would recognize it, the words aren't even in the anime. And weeb or not Akira is fucking good movie

i got this as a velcro from amazon in like 4x4cm,
looks good desu, nobody knows akira and those that do know wont roast you for it (why should they?)

It was a joke

>denim bomber
W2C the bomber?


Aren't these boy scout patches? My shirt has the purple one on the top leftb

cute, glad to see another frenchfag in this thread

they are yeah, from my older uniform
not french, although I traded them with some french scout friendos :)

eh guess i'll eat my baguette alone then


lol why?

Awesome, where'd you get the it?

>Planning on picking up the Akira anniversary box
>Comes with an official patch
>Realize I wouldn't even want to wear it for fear of ruining it
I hope someone can be a reproduction of that.

its to subtle, people wont understand this is ironic

Got it at a Levi's outlet a few months back.

You might be able to find it on their online catalog.

A friend whose uncle works around Cape Canaveral.
It's an STS mission patch, you can get them pretty cheap and they made dozens of different ones.

Was anyone able to cop this? I just saw them today and found out that they're already sold out.

These are damn good


Where do you guys buy your flag patches? Is backpackflags dot com a legit site?

Is that you BJ? Lmao