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Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

>MyFitnessPal: "Veeky Forums friends"

New /thinspo/ tumblr:
/thinspo/ for guys:

What's with that furry stomach

It's likely a comfy sweater.

How's your diet going today?

>thinspo for guys
>post punk
>picture of some guys ass

British girls are notoriously hairy. Personally I like it, it's like they're part cat.

why the fuck would u want to be a skinny guy, if you're average height and skinny, the only girls who will like you are fat girls. being skinny as a guy only works if you're really tall


I think it's her tiny body trying to keep itself warm... and yeah I saying this because of 'to the bone'

im pretty much at my goal. how do i maintain? can i eat normal again?

also wanted to start taking vitamins, any essentials?


Your stomach growling is really your body getting another chunk of fat to burn

At least that's what I tell myself :3


I'm trying to look more androgynous, I'm 5'11 which is honestly to my disadvantage for my goals


you can easily live without food for about 20-25 days if you just drink water

I read the post and thought this same thing and typed out something similar to your post and then deleted it :-)

And cause permanent damage to your digestive tract, sure

No it's producing acid to split the food you ate, but because you are starving faggot and there is nothing to work with, it burns through your gastric wall causing the ulcer. Happy starving, you mental scum.

>Happy starving, you mental scum.

Alright, big man, settle down.

You eat your TDEE. I take a general multi.

>people actualy drink that

how much more should i lose?

Looks good, not more than 5lbs.

what the fuck is this hellspawn

I'm only on the second day of my diet and seeing this almost made me gag and increased my willpower, thanks user

>all that salt

For literally what purpose? I understand why there's fat and sugar out the arse, but why is there a boatload of salt?


i'm a guy and it disgusts me when i see girls with bigger legs than me

If you need more confidence about loosing weight, I suggest the fat people hate threads on

Salt brings out flavor. So when you have people that abuse sweet things, their taste buds literally detune where something like an apple isn't sweet anymore and they have to drink disgusting garbage like this. So in order to give these people their "flavor" fix they have to add a ton of sugar and the sodium helps bring out the artificial flavoring.

too tall to be that skinny
jesus. i question how overweight you have to get for that to be appealing. may as well eat a jar of mayonnaise
is 6"2 enough for skinny?

>i will never slap that ass
Life is fucking stupid

I'm 5'5" and a dude and thinspo worked out well for me

I whish I was that tall...

>I'm 5'5" and a dude


it's a sweater, my lanugo isn't that long :^(

OP pic makes me miss my old legs.

what were your stats in the op pic?

fucking thigh muscles

can't remember the exact date of that one but if it was november/december like i think, about 5'4 and 82-84lbs?

November 4th

>eat 500 calories or below
>feel tired
>eat TDEE or 500 calories below
>feel sick, stomach hurts, gain weight
>eat 700-800
>feel good, but guilty and anxious that I will loose weight too slowly

I don't know what to do

That's too underweight to be healthy at all

Stats and TDEE so I don't have to calculate it?

Thanks for filling us in, Linda.

64 in, 138 lbs
TDEE is 1700 something

>TDEE 1700 something
Dude even 800-700 calories is pretty low for someone with your TDEE. Subtract 500 from your TDEE and that's what you should be starting with. If you think 1200 cals is too high than at least do 1000. I felt the same way as you when I started my diet and was scared I wasn't gonna lose if I was eating more than 800 calories, and my TDEE was a little more that 1600. 500-600 calories is pretty hard to maintain right off the bat. You have to be patient, don't expect to look like the people in the pics posted in these threads in a month.

I get what you're saying, I just get so impatient, so I try to fast and end up binging. I gained a lot of weight after going off to school and felt terrible enough to lose 23 lbs pretty quickly, but now it's getting harder.
Ty for your reply

how many lbs should I lose?

Any advice for a man who's got one of his two nipples bulging? It's not gyno, I believe it's a Prolactinoma. Can I get rid of it whithout surgery?

>900 calories from fat


anyone else compulsively go to supermarkets and not buy anything? i have today and tomorrow off work and i spent it walking around going to supermarkets which was fun and sad

i also am sized out of pretty much every store. oh well. yesterday i weighed which i haven't been doing and hey, i'm under 100 lbs with food weight in me. so i'm 5 lbs from my lw!

time to go do more coke, i guess :^( ???/

When I walk to the grocery store to buy gum I linger to watch people and look at junk food

None you look great
Also I swear to god I've seen this picture a thousand times before

You can rush it and be thinspo for a short time, or maybe not as all, or take it slow and make it part of your lifestyle and be /thinspo4lyfe/

Take a pic friend. Curious what an anorexic cokeheads body looks like, probably spectacular.

this desu
good job user
don't lose track of physical activity

>lost 2 pounds in the last week
>ate too much today
>probably gained it all back


Iktf. Best to just carry on like normal tomorrow. Don't do any extreme cutting to compensate or anything. Speaking from experience, what's worse than a single bad day is creating a cycle that breeds even more bad days.

I kinda felt like I had it coming though because I had only been eating one normal sized meal for the last like 3 days. Not intentionally it was just happening

w2c shirt


very good. If i were you id go down like 5 lbs to reach true skelly mode, but if youre happy stay where u are

Rate my food for today? Bear in mind it's in kJ.

You can take a multi but you're better off just eating fruits and veggies because most of the multi will end up in the toilet and with fruits and veggies you also get fibre.

So I'm currently 181cm 75kg, goal is atleast 65kg. TDEE is 2,066 and BMR 1,781. I don't do much atm, I just stay at home reading and will continue to do it for a month until I start uni.

So, I should aim for 1250 if I don't leave my house/exercise and 1500 if I go to uni? I just started today and feeling anxious about all this

>250g of sugar

>35g of protein

muh gainnsss

1250 will help you lose faster, 1500 is probably a more sustainable way to start your diet. you can always work your way down over time, but you can't undo the rubberband effect if you overwhelm yourself

I started at 1300 eight months ago and now my daily average is like 600 no sweat. just take your time.

>raw chicken
user, please don't get a disease
Other than that, looks really good

>implying they actually ate it raw
Most of the cooked options on MFP's database probably include various seasonings and come from restaurants/pre-made sorta things, so it's more accurate to do the raw and then add on the stuff you cooked it with.

if i post a photo i will draw a n g e r y enemy fire, sorry my guy

>tfw food poisoning
Been puking. How do bullimics tolerate vomiting?

This . I don't want salmonella.

I want to be this but I have 62cm wide shoulders and am 180cm tall :-(

Wouldn't look good :-(

is that fucking destiny?

managed to fast all day yesterday and now i just ruined it by eating mcdonalds

Is slim-fast a scam? I have been taking it for 2 weeks and haven't lost a pound

I remember my mum drinking it for a time about ten years back. She's still fat.

>I drink extra calories
>Will it help me lose weight?
No. Stop believing shit they put on labels. That's basic stuff, user. I'm disappointed.

How long did she drink it for?

>>I drink extra calories
Its not extra calories, but my ONLY calories.
I drank one slim-fast in the morning. Those 210 calories would be the only thing I consumed a day.
>Stop believing shit they put on labels.
Why would they lie? Are there any diet shakes that work?

If that's literally all you take in every single day for 14 days straight, then even if you were a 5'4" 90lb girl, you'd probably lose around 4 pounds worth of fat. You're probably holding a lot of water weight or messing up your weight measurement or something. There's no way to take in 210 calories a day and not lose fat over a prolonged period of time. Just be patient.

>Why would they lie?
Marketing. It's not that they lie, necessarily, so much as they'll intentionally mislead you, like when they put "ONLY 45 CALORIES PER SERVING" in big letters on the front of thing of whipped cream or whatever, and then you look at the back and find out that a serving size is a teaspoon and there are 1000 servings per container.

>How long did she drink it for?

Not terribly long, but she's an indigo child, she can't be concerned with Earthly problems.

>If that's literally all you take in every single day for 14 days straight,

Are you working as a SPAD atm?

really? the NG tube and anorexia diagnosis didn't make me aware of that /s

No. I don't even know what that's supposed to stand for either. But I said what you quoted because the user said they'd been taking it for 2 weeks and that it was all they'd have in a day.

What was the tube like?

how can anyone have a tdee of 1700? i have a tdee of 2700, are we different species?

Wow you're a dumbass

I TOTALLY quoted the wrong part of your post. I meant to quote...

>It's not that they lie, necessarily, so much as they'll intentionally mislead you

But whatever.

And a SPAD's a special adviser, a policy wonk in British politics.

I´m 5`3 and 120lbs.
Thats how my TDEE is that low.

should gain 60, you massive faggot

So whats stopping people from just drinking water and eating vitamins?

Its the fastest way to lose weight and you will still be healthy with the vitamins. :/



We don't use that word, tyvm

anorexic faggots
get off of Veeky Forums

is it possible to be fashionable while being fat?




bait but I'll respond in kind

is it possible to be fashionable while being massively underweight?

no it isn't, not even close.
"normal" people, not landwhales nor u worthless walkingsticks all think you are fucking mentally ill, crazy bastards.

i think ur all just limpwristed faggots that are worthless to society. seriously off to the chambers with u fucks, worthless.
can't work a real respectable blue-collar job

>trying to act hard on Veeky Forums
>on Veeky Forums of all boards

Glass of water, and get yourself off to bed, mate.