I am a disgusting wretch. My back is particularly disgusting, however...

I am a disgusting wretch. My back is particularly disgusting, however. These freckles and moles are only multiplying as I get older. Would a dermatologist be able to zap them away? Are the procedures very costly?

Freckles and moles look great, like natural accessories I'd be more worried about picking up a burger my dude

Unfortunately I was born with Marfan Syndrome so there's little I can do about my weight. I am a born skeleton I'm afraid. But I guess as far as freckles go, you never know just how other people will see you, huh?

Dude my face is full of freckles and my girlfriend says that they're nice. Don't be so paranoid about freckles or moles. They're natural and on most people who have them they look good

>being this stupid
im gonna play along and say yeah kys for the off chance that we actually manage to take you out of the gene pool

Also, freckles go as you get older. Mine seemed to have died down as I've aged

Yeah, I suppose I'll have to endure for the time. I don't think I could afford to have them treated in any case. I have so many - more than what my phone can pick up - and it makes me nervous at times.

I'm not very clever, it's true. But that doesn't bother me so much. Stupid people succeed all the time.

Oh really? I had no idea. I only seem to notice new developments. And in conjunction with some gnarly bacne scarring, it's hard not to feel like my back and shoulders are a hot mess.

Obviously I'm not anyone's idea of a dreamboat, so I'd like to at least get my skin under control.

Dude, honestly, I'm far from anyones dreamboat but yet I got the girl of my dreams from just being confident within myself and accepting things about myself. You'll notice a huge change in life when you attempt to do those things.

Obviously freckles are abnormalities within melanin pigmentation, and were im from the UK, we don't get a lot of sun. I've just noticed, as time went on, they seemed to not be seen as much.

Bacne is just to do with your wash routine, I had it for a while. Just wash your hair first then wash your body, some people do it the other way and suffer bacne.

I have one mole and its by my dick, looks like an elephant if you put a dot on the other side of it. It's funny to me.

Don't let things like that get you down man, just embrace them

Gonna need to see that butt

Yeah, I bet self-image goes a long way w/ respect to how you present yourself. Thanks for the encouraging words. I will try to embrace them.

>being able to be confident
i'm a 20 y/o friendless virgin wsup

does your name start with j and are you from Tennessee

Being confident isn't about having friends and not being a virgin, they come after the confidence.

Dude it took me over 2 years of living with this girl to even get the courage to kiss her because i didn't have to confidence.

Everything comes with it, it's like a domino effect

yeah, i doesnt work like that, can't just decide to be confident, without friends I'll never get close to a girl. Sure I get a decent amount of matches, but so what, cant do anything about it

You look like a skeleton

Dude tinder is literally not the way to go when considering getting a girlfriend or something.

fuck that shit dude.

It really does work like that dude, go to the gym, go out to bars and maybe attempt to talk to people. Try rekindle old friendships, you probably have people who consider you a friend yet you don't even know it.

The shitty negative attitude that comes with being on Veeky Forums gets you absolutely no-where.

not a girlfriend, but at least get my peepee wet for the first time

>tfw you have two massive and noticeable stretch marks on your back but have never been fat a day in your life

also most people find freckles cute, don't worry about it my man

cope, if you have moles all over your face you NEED to get them removed

cute! CUTE! i want to kisssss those moles and freckles sweet lovely user! do not be sad!

my back is literally, LITERALLY covered in huge black acne scars, you have nothing to complain about

This is the most #bodyposi thread I've seen on this site ever

Heyo genetic cousin here Ehlers-Danlos type 3. How's that heart doing?