Is there any way to make it if you have kids?
Is there any way to make it if you have kids?
I guess, if you don't go about it like a nigger.
>Knocking up 3 women on a minimum wage job.
I'm not angry, just disappointed.
If you're making more than someone at a McJob, sure.
Asking when they will learn is redundant.
These are the kinds of people your tax dollars support
>love kids
>am a total cheapskate
>have long term gf with son from other father
>get to play with the kid
>gf pays for all of her own and the kid's shit
Go ahead, call me a cuck. I'm living the fucking dream.
As a black man, this is why I don't work and pay child support. Fuck you and them kids.
You aint gettin none of my welfare check! What now bitches?
As a Republican this is why I support cancelling welfare and increasing prison funding and police funding.
You don't work because you're lazy. That's not even a racial diss, I'm lazy too. If you don't want to pay childsupport, just don't have children.
Increasing prison funding and police funding won't do shit about that. If you really want to stop this behavior you would put money in free abortions. I know your primitive neo-libertarian brain is thinking "b-but it's not the taxpayer's responsibility to pay for hurr durr" right now. If you get your head out of your own ass for just enough time to take a quick breath of fresh air, you would realize that just paying for the abortion would save you American taxpayers way more money in the long run.
Yeh dont spoil them
Its like "new car payment" expensive minus the insurance costs
The big thing is the time sink - you cant just go all out and do 80 hour weeks for overtime money and the like - the tradeoff being that in some businesses it can help you get promoted and other perks (not worth the tradeoff really)
But yeh with sensible parenting and hustle it can be done - I have 2 kids and between me and the wife we pull 108k after taxes - we save 68k a year (well invest it) , thats 2 adults a 3 ear old and a 9 month old on 50k and we pay 800 a month for student loans
depends where you live. My girlfriend and my combined income is ~150k and we can't afford a home, let alone children. I'd expect 500k-750k spent on a child through college, I'd much rather have a nice house and car and a fat 401k to retire early than some little shit running around.
What is modern day slavery?
$8.5/hr hahaha I make 5 times that.
Maybe make it first, then have the kids.
Maybe fix the issue rather than work around it?
Fuckin' Americunts.
What this guy is saying IS fixing the issue dumb ass.
What issue? Should we have a mandatory vasectomy for the poor and stupid since they won't use condoms?
Fuck you NIGGER!!
You may need to double up everything, but otherwise yes. Most people who are successful have kids anyways.
>Minimum wage
>has three children
>Is retarded enough to get split up
Maybe if you're not a fucking dumbass
having kids IS making it. The sole role you exist to carry out.
Isn't the goal of every species to reproduce? Literally the reason we're alive...
Really nigga? aahaha
Except for you, please refrain from reproducing.
>just kill the babies
Chill, Goebbells. Is this your solution for the elderly and mentally ill, too?
Time to an hero.
if that was me, it wouldnt be thinking of myself
Could this guy defualt? He's gonna starve to death.
Why Do Black People Type Like This
If you honestly believe that waiting until you can afford to have kids to actually have them is "working around the issue", then you're really just arguing that people should be able to reproduce irrespective of their ability to support their dependents.
If you can admit that, I'm sure we can agree that you suck donkey balls.
>having 3 kids with 3 separate women
>still working minimum wage
why do people do this? its really not that hard to put a condom on
also he should try to get custody of the kids
my parents are separated but my dad got custody of me and my sister since he makes a lot more than my mom
>my dad got custody of me and my sister since he makes a lot more than my mom
Thats not why he got custody of you. Theres something they arent telling you.
he fought for custody of us he didnt just pay child support. he got a lawyer and everything. my mom couldnt afford a lawyer
Everyone has the ability to support their dependents. Some choose not to. If you are saying only people who make a certain amount of money should be allowed to reproduce, I hope you never reproduce.
Yea that makes sense but just because you fight for custody doesnt mean they give it to you. Even without a lawyer I cant see a mediator/judge not awarding at least partial custody to her unless she willingly gave up those rights or he was able to successfully prove she was an unfit parent.
>Everyone has the ability to support their dependents.
not even close to being true
>If you are saying only people who make a certain amount of money should be allowed to reproduce
never said any of this. but I like how you slipped "allowed" in there.
Keep hunting those fascists.
he was able to prove he was the better parent with his lawyer. went to my moms every other weekend and every other holiday.
I've never heard my "wealthy" (read upper middle class) friends get them or even consider it, but all you hear from the poor is yet another accidential child, but they keep them for benefits or cycle them into foster.
Time for retard reply time!
Yep. Cause now in 2016 you can't have kids at any age, has to be the age of which you're 60. Cause that's fundamentally the age you can afford it. But to bad you're to old to raise them. In 1950 though, it wasn't a problem to have 3 - 7 kids with one income.
You're right, I don't see a problem at all.
> condom breaks
> crazy gf with daddy issues pokes holes in condom
> 2016 and equality says gf gets to keep the kid while you pay (even though you didn't want it)
It's only 99.99% percent safe, as there is always a risk. Glad we could revisit sex ED.
Vasectomy the poor and stupid? Yes lets divide the classes even more? As if they're in the same category to begin with.
Stupid as hell that you twats actually agree with how things are. And instead of fixing the issue, it's easier to blame the individual. Well of course until you're in the same situation, than it's a problem right?
Arrogant as fck.
>you can't have kids at any age
Sure you can.
Just don't expect everyone else (read: "the state") to pick up the check.
>that's fundamentally the age you can afford it.
I'm sure if you get past fry cook, you'll become a manager.
And that's when the big bucks start rolling in.
>In 1950 though, it wasn't a problem to have 3 - 7 kids with one income.
C'mon man, we're not going to overturn our civil rights laws so your imaginary kids can take the jobs of existing minorities.
Arrogant as fuck.
Sorry, "fck".
You're mistaken your ends for your means breh.
> Just don't expect everyone else (read: "the state") to pick up the check.
But the good ol' tax payers do pick up the check. I mean someone has to pay for the 8 government assistance programs available to the mom.
> I'm sure if you get past fry cook, you'll become a manager.
> And that's when the big bucks start rolling in.
> doesn't understand basic economics of DSS.
> C'mon man, we're not going to overturn our civil rights laws so your imaginary kids can take the jobs of existing minorities.
Minorities being? Are we in 1992, 2004, or 2016? Not really sure what minorities you're speaking of from which era.
yes, make sure you live in an area controlled by taliban.
"No you can't," is not an argument.
There's no reason even the lowliest of dishwashers can't support their children -- and many do.
Dude works 50hrs a week and only takes home $160?
Can anyone actually survive on $640 a month? Rent would be half of that... food the other half... now I see why they ride bikes.
>basic economics of DSS.
That's Dairy Queen's parent company, yes?
They suck balls.
Great options play, but all it really does is fuck their investors in Australia and the UK.
>There's no reason even the lowliest of dishwashers can't support their children -- and many do.
I take it you don't support the idea of giving people welfare?
I never said that. This was your post:
>then you're really just arguing that people should be able to reproduce irrespective of their ability to support their dependents.
You understand the confusion if you werent actually arguing for state-approved reproduction. No matter what someone's situation, they can always better themself when they assume the responsibility of having a child. Many choose not to
>I never said that.
So tell me, why should the state give someone welfare?
Because we're trying to have a society here. Nobody wants to pass droves of starving kids on their way to Costco
>barely over 3 dollars for an hour of work
yeah this is why black niggas get a bunch of women pregnant and don't work. its literally not worth it at the point.
I would simply stop working if child support took half my money, literally makes no sense to slave yourself while some cunt spends your money on handbags and shit.
>starving kids
I don't understand.
According to you, everyone can provide for their kids.
Are you suggesting we should award welfare based on who wants to take care of their kids?
Because that sounds like a smashing idea.
Incentivization at it's finest.
your living the dream because your gf doesn't make you pay for a child that isn't yours?
>longtime gf
at the very least wait till its 18 or never get married, because i promise you that will change
>combined income is ~150k
>we can't afford a home
lol wut
You either live in a shitty liberal state, or are a canacuck, or an auscuck
>Government is the answer, not personal responsibility
>personal responsibility
Come on, man.
It's 2016!
Yes of course they can. But some choose not to, for a variety of reasons (not just welfare: there are fathers who abandon their family without the promise of a dime from the government). And as a society we have a responsibility to those children.
btw Are you 12 or have you just read Rand for the first time?
lel you know thats why we shitpost so much right?
I'm seriously considering breaking up with my 3 year girlfriend because I do not want kids (and she does), simply because I don't want to spend money on them. They seem like an expensive hobby to me. I already resent any potential kids I have for draining all my earnings. I will also probably never find a girl that is okay with being child free. Oh well.
Fascinating stuff.
Have a nice day.
make peace with the fact that she's immediately going to find some other guy to plant his seed in her cunt
Yeah that's fine at this point I'm just keeping her around because I don't enjoy being alone but also I don't want to keep her waiting around for nothing
If the court sides with a father over a mother something is seriously wrong. Your mom was probably on drugs user
Dude works 25 hours a week. Most places pay biweekly and i dont see any overtime being awarded
I've never heard any court award full custody to one parent over the other just because "they were the better parent". It just doesnt work like that. One parent literally has to prove that the other parent is endangering the kids in some way to get full custody from them.
I'm sorry but is probably right. Either that or she just didn't want custody. Again, you are missing the full story here. I would ask some questions.
this. He works to pay the child support and sells drugs to live. Not a total deadbeat, actually
It's funny as hell though that one of his kids is his profile picture. I wonder if it's the $30, $60, $90 or kid.
Jokes aside kids are awesome and one of the best things that can happen to you, just don't be dumb. I'm much better off financially than I was prekid.
>gross pay
>kids are awesome
>one of the best things that can happen to you
She said it enough that you started believing it, huh?
You moron.
Pathetic. Life isn't all about how much money you have, virgin.
>muh genes
>oops i forgot my bc
>looks like god made the decision for us user
If you are over 30 and know you dont want kids get the snip. Girls will do anything to fulfill their nesting instinct.
>Is there any way to make it if you have kids?
Live in a country not ruled by vaginal interests.
Does anyone actually take this attitude? I can imagine some extreme leftist sociopaths would, but apart from that, I doubt many people aspire to have kids with multiple women...
>babies have constitutional rights
>fetuses have the same constitutional rights as elderly and mentally ill
not getting getting into a semantics argument with you. just fuck you.
they do. everytime. its pretty funny.
my hypothesis: they learned that capitalizing a word made it "special." the first word in a sentence is "special." they think it somehow makes their sentence look more important or official.
your words give me inspiration
By that logic you are no better than an animal
You might as well leave society and live in a forest eating shit
>implying Goebbels did anything wrong
I want to travel around the world and impregnate several women in different countries so I can have bastard children all over the world.
TFW I'm told this is 2 weeks pay, not 1. So he really survives on $320 per month. Dude needs to tripple his hours. Even In n Out burger pay $10.50 so why is he doing shit for $8.50
The only problem here is that its the niggers who have 10 kids with different women. If this was happening in few remaining white countries people would celebrate.
Not everyone lives in southern california retard
What's the point of taking care of a kid when it's not even your own
Because it's a human being that you can guide through developmental stages of life. The child being genetically yours means nothing at all.
Doing it wrong.
You've got a 210k/year asset on your hands. From simple gov't subsidies
if you can't feed 3 women and 3 kids with that you're fucking up.
You don't even need to work.
Yeah; earn more than $8.5/hr
I love kids. I like being a dad to my stepkid, helping him with his homework, playing with him etc. The only thing I don't like is paying money so I don't.
It's pretty fucking sweet and the best part: I can bounce at any point without any consequences. I get all the advantages and none of the disadvantages. I don't give a shit about Veeky Forums memes. I wouldn't change my current situation for the world.
What do you mean by 3%?
Whatever makes you feel happy OP.
Can somebody answer this please?
I'll take "People who are too lazy to charge their phone" for $500, Alex.
>he fell for the "having kids" meme
Black people don't respect the kings English.
And why should they? Whites treated them like animals for 300 years.
Ebonics is a subtle form or protest.
> not that hard to put a condom on
Somebody's never had a GF on birth control before.
It's like watching HD television. Once you have had it, there is no way in fuck you could go back to standard def.