Why were nazis so Veeky Forums?
Why were nazis so Veeky Forums?
dumping inspo
Hugo Boss
Because they loved cats
shut up nazi
no woman dreams of being ravished by a prog.
>nazi is hatespeech
>the nazis were more racially diverse than Veeky Forums
Nazis are fucking stupid and also I don't understand how people worship nazis and still hate the prussian haircut
because their uniforms were so finely tailored that they literally couldn't sit down while wearing them
>tfw your leader was a huge fucking loser who couldnt stop making bad decions
>invade Russia in winter
>huff opium on the reg
>be a creepy neet stalking your crush
>get gassed in ww1
>kill own dog and children/wife
>shit yourself
>keep investing in badly engineered trash instead of reliable tanks and aviation
>ever helping italy
>burning all bridges and feilds pre defeat
>bombing civilian cities and medical ships then crying about dresden
>forcing your genrals into survival of the fittest political bullshit
Christ Hans just do yourself a favor and follow your leader.
hitler was a total loser and I have nothing to do with him, I'm actually a post-pinochet anarcho fascist with francoist tendencies which is totally different
they realized that all black clothes were dope way before goth kids got around to it
unfortunately modern germans seem to have interpreted "all black" in a different meaning
>this is pepe, he's become somewhat of a symbol among the
I heard a claim that when the Sikh troops came to Germany all the German women were wet as fuck seeing their dark skin and fine beards.
Those are RAF uniforms you dipshit
>t. half sikh crossbreed
He invaded in july you fucking spastic
I fucking hate this meme.
What about it is a meme?
Hugo Boss designed nazis uniforms.
Serious answer: to strengthens moral of the soldier and lure them to a mental stage of being above everyone else, look at the skulls on a ss-uniform. The common soildier was not that special tho in european standard..
Actually i have seen some WWI German airforce wearing some uniforms pretty similar to the SS officers', so the nazis only added those badges and armbands along with better materials i believe
Fuck cats and fuck you.
Dumping inspo
Is this a meme? Regardless, the Nazis, (particularly the SS) had the best uniforms. You can't deny the Nazi's understanding of the psychological power of imagery. Their uniforms exude strength and intimidation. The baddies always have the best uniforms.
Hitler glamour shots
Because Hugo Boss use to design there outfits!!
no they didnt, they only manufactured them...
google it you fuck. They just manufactured them. What the fuck does that mean?uhhhhh.. The designed and supplied and made them for the nazi party ss and all those nazi fucks.
Hugo Boss didn't DESIGN Nazi uniforms. He only helped manufacture them and joined the Nazi cause long before it was self-preservation to do so.
karl diebitsch and walter heck designed them
He did more in a few years than you'll ever do in your whole life
>people actually believe that Hitler had something to do with politics
Get a load of with guy, lads.
how very true family
Functionally parasitic ideologies need to emotionally satisfy the people it is taking advantage of.
I really like that flag.
Not gonna try an say hitler was a good guy, he wasn't at all. Atleast once he got to killing mass amounts of people. But as a person you gonna respect that dude. Born poor, fails at everything he tries. Gets involved in politics, rises to power very quickly, elected chancellor after being in prison just awhile before. Takes Germany (which was in far worse shape than even depression era US) and makes in a prosperous world power again. Creates huge, well trained and equipped military. Takes most of Europe, gets revenge on the countries that tries to ruin Germany at versailles. And well the rest of history. He got over confidant and made too many enemies, went crazy and started doing a ton of drugs and started killing a bunch of people. Plus he was never a good military leader tactically. Anyways evil dude but you gotta put some respec on his name for
Sorry if this is badly typed. I'm on a bunch of adderall trying to emulate hitler so I can be cool like him
is this bait
Can you rebuild a country into a superpower within a few years? I'm not saying he's without faults but he accomplished and was involved in great achievements, the likes of which you'll never even dream of.