Why is it that every FUCKING time I wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner it does the exact fucking opposite of what washing your hair is meant to do and it becomes light, dry and frizzy. I'm using De Lorenzo which is an expensive fucking brand (about $70 a bottle). Any suggestions? What am I doing wrong?
Wash your hair meme
Brush it, nigga
Don't shampoo every day. Shampoo dries your hair out and makes it light and frizzy. Get a pomade or styling cream that reduces frizz and adds body.
I don't shampoo everyday. pic related is the day after the first time i've used shampoo in months
No wonder you hair looks like shit
That is disgusting.
It looked fine before I put fucking shampoo in it
That doesn't change the fact that that's disgusting. Just learn how to style your hair
I honestly doubt it
your cut tho lmfao
>Just learn how to style your hair
so teach me. I want pic related
Your hair makes it look like you can't have that
I have naturally curly hair and short sides.
I think you should continue to shampoo your hair for a while first honestly
Your pic doesn't show much and your haircut frankly looks bad. Go to a good barber, ask them for their opinion. I would say either cut short, or if your dead set on longer hair use anti frizz cream and texturer. Pic related has worked for me in the past to add weight and a little oil to my hair before I chopped it off. I'm personally not someone who likes to or needs to use product so I'm not an expert.
Forgot pic
Use different types of shampoo until you find the right one. No fucking need to shell out that much for shampoo btw.
I've tried out a bunch in the past and now I've stuck with the same 2,50/bottle shampoo for years, cause it's the one that worked best for the look of my hair.
Thanks, i'll give that a go.
Show pic of your gross unwashed hair.
Shave iit
It looks terrible
You must be jewish
Unless you have soft/thin hair then you don't need to shampoo very often. Also make sure that you use conditioner
use a better shampoo, dummy
Try washing your hair in cold to lukewarm water. Try and find a shampoo a different that doesn't dry your hair out like fuck and maybe add just a little coconut oil. I find my hair gets like this as well sometimes, so I try to wash my hair at night or maybe like an hour or two before I got to bed so in the morning its more managable.
In regards to this You'll need a hair cut and the use of product. Show it to your barber and ask him for some product suggestions if you are really that stuck.
b8 :^)
Try a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner
Stop with shampoo, i wash my hair only with cold water this entire year and that's the best i have.
this happens to me too. i tried no shampoo and it worked ok, but my hair was kinda gross after a few months. what i do now is just wash it normally, condition it if you want, and then put in some organic coconut oil from the store. a little goes a long way. it gives it a little weight to keep it from floating around, and just enough greasiness to allow you to shape it
>then put in some organic coconut oil from the store
Not OP but I'm gonna try this. Thanks user
sam thing happens to me this is why I only wash it once per 1 or 2 weeks also it takes like 2 3 days for my hair to get back to its normal state who comes girls dont get this shit?
Maybe some people are not meant to use shampoo
Who is this abomination? Good fucking lord
travis bowdish
The Adoring Fan's retarded cousin