Tell me about this religion
Because in Islam they believe men cannot contain themselves when they see half-clad women, so it's the woman's job to keep covered up, instead of men taking responsibility for their actions.
It's a religion of peace. The only reason there are terrorists is because the West bombs them and occupies their countries. If the West had ever bombed or occupied another country that would surely have produced terrorists on a similar scale as the muslim ones we see today.
If you disagree that islam is peaceful you should be beheaded.
It's a religion for alpha men with conqueror genes, whereas Christianity is for women, cucks and gays.
When you think about it women being big hair droppers covering the head makes good sense when fleeing from the enemy
Have you even read the quran or just been jew cucked
Christians are supposed to wear Hijabs too. They wear it the same reasons why Christian women do. They wear it to hide/protect themselves from the Fallen Angels.
And judaism is for special people who like poo & cp
China invaded Tibet and I haven't heard of a buddhist terrorist. How strange.
Islam is peaceful!
The only reason they keep killing and terrorizing in Europe is because islamophobes keep spreading their hate!
Just let them do whatever they want and they'll stop being violent!
>attempting terrorism in China.
See how that's working out for Uighurs.
Id hate to say this but i think this might be the only topic where you'd probably end up having a better quality of discussion on reddit or whatever other shit there is due to the current political climate around here.
>China invaded Tibet and I haven't heard of a buddhist terrorist
Well Chinese media isn't known to talk about this stuff
It's satanic in nature
Covering of the hair is a normal part of many pre-Islamic cultures and traditions. It's no surprise that it would be syncretised into Islam from the start considering where it developed and expanded.
>and I haven't heard of a buddhist terrorist.
China is well known for its open journalism, free speech laws, and unbiased portrayals of itself historically and now.
>Dr. Warner’s training in scientific theory and mathematics shaped how he analyzed Islamic doctrine. The first step was realizing that the Islamic texts had been made deliberately difficult to read and comprehend. A program, the Trilogy Project (see below), was created to strip away the confusion in the texts. It became clear that Islam is not constructed on the same civilizational principles as the rest of the world. Simple statistical methods revealed that dualism and submission were the foundational principles of Islamic doctrine.
STEMlords, not even once
If buddhists made terrorist attacks China might use it to say how bad buddhists and Tibetans are and how It's appropriated to control them.
But be it China or elsewhere, I've never heard of a buddhist terrorist.
They seem to come from one religion in particular.
sanctified sadism
A stain on human existance.
No better or worse than the other Abrahamic religions.
Last i checked irish catholics produce terrorists too.
It's a religion that condones violence as a means of solving problems in very specific circumstances, making it contrast starkly with Christianity which is absolutely pacifist (new testament at least)
Yeah, but we don't go behead every fucking protestant, they want their country back the mudslime extremists in black want land that is not bleeding theirs. Kill or convert is that they do, tell me when the IRA go up to the global shit flinging the shit skin mudslimes are up to.
this desu. Even Hitler said he wishes that Germans were Islamic instead of Christcucks
Well Westernerners( Amerifats and nominally their Eurucuck Lackeys) invade Islamic countries and then call any resistance "terrorists"
It's a different gospel about a different Jesus told to a man by an angel, and thus accursed.
It directly contradicts Christianity at the main heart of the gospel, and does so based on the word of an angel 600 years later.
It denies Jesus was crucified.
It denies Jesus died.
It denies Jesus rose from the dead.
It denies Jesus is God.
While it attributes many things to Jesus that it doesn't even attribute to Mohammad, things like being born of a virgin, being the messiah, ascending alive into heaven, coming back to fight the islamic antichrist, by denying the divinity of Jesus it reveals itself to be powered by the spirit of antichrist.
That they hold one of the villains of history to be the "perfect man" is abominable.
Only Islam and Orthodox Judaism aren't paganism.
Only Islam and Orthodox Judaism worship the One true God.
The difference is Jews don't follow all the prophets like they were supposed to.
>The Germans are letting in millions of immigrants to fulfill the Fuhrer's final plan
Muhammad claims to have a vision from Gabriel, shares it with friends and family, and suddenly a large Arab population begin to follow him. The leaders of Mecca, fearing unrest, attempt to assassinate Muhammad and disenfranchise his followers. This eventually culminates in Muhammad's people capturing Mecca. Muhammad then dies, his followers write down his sayings, and thus Islam is born. His nephew, Ali, had his own followers and then there was a clash and thus we have the Sunni-Shia divide.
(most) Muslims are supposed to follow the five pillars of Islam, which are: Alms giving, fasting during Ramadan, making the Hajj to Mecca, prayer 5 times a day, and declaration of faith. Muslims make note of the jihad in their lives; that is a personal struggle against sin.
In the 1700s, a cleric by the name of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab made a pact with emir Muhammad bin Saud. Wahhab's violent ideology (Wahhabism or Salafism), would be supported by Saud's state. Together, they arranged the marauder of Shia sites and Ottoman infrastructure. The Ottomans bitch slapped them, and executed Saud. Saud's family, however, would go on to honor the pact with Wahhab even after his death. And this is where "radical islam" and "jihadism" comes into play.
Islam literally worships a statue of Hubal, aka Ba'al.
Literal pagans.
>being born of a virgin makes someone God
>being the messiah makes someone God
>ascending alive into heaven makes someone God (plenty of people have done this by God's permission)
>Coming back to fight the islamic antichrist makes him God. (God does not need to come down to fight anyone, he can destroy anything he created at anytime he wants)
If he was God, why didn't Moses and Noah tell people about Jesus and that they should pray to him?
[4:48] GOD does not forgive idolatry,* but He forgives lesser offenses for whomever He wills. Anyone who sets up idols beside GOD, has forged a horrendous offense.
Which is why the other 359 pagan idols were removed from the kaaba, leaving only Hubal there.
If you're laboring under the delusion that the Arabs worship the God of the Jews, I suggest you wake up, quick.
Literally never heard of Hubal, I heard of Ba'al the other day and that it's related to sun worship but worshipping the sun is obviously forbidden
>he was God, why didn't Moses and Noah tell people about Jesus and that they should pray to him?
Have you read the OT whatsoever? It's filled with multiple prophecies concerning Jesus.
I wonder who could be behind this post.
God that people were already woshipping needs to be prophecised of to come in the future?
I didn't see anything telling anyone to worship Jesus in that link...
Historical warfare 101, this was the right hand thumb rule nigga.
Hubal was the god of Mohammad's father.
The etymology of Hubal was from the Hebrew "HaBaal", or really HBL as the Jews don't do vowels well. That god, Hubal or HaBaal is the Ba'al of the Moabites, aka Chemosh as recorded on the Meshe stele.
The Arabs have always worshiped Ba'al, son of El, brother to Asheroth and Molech. And when the Jews worshiped foreign gods, it was these gods. And they paid the price for it.
Anyone worshiping these demons will pay the price for it.
Moses and the prophets did speak of Jesus, every single time they spoke of the Messiah.
Moses specifically said a prophet would come, a Jew.
Not Mohammad.
And Jesus said that if anyone believed in Moses and the prophets, they believed in Him, because Moses and the prophets were talking about Him.
Go back to /pol/ and see if they can fix your jewdar.
They did not expect God to be the Messiah.
Even though Abraham told Isaac that God would provide Himself a Lamb for the sacrifice.
context, motherfucker, do you understand it?
When Muhammad said this, the Muslims were allied and fighting a war with TWO pagan tribes and two Jewish ones (one of the Jewish tribes betrayed their treaty).
And the word is not unbelievers. It's polytheists. Specific ones. The ones that were trying to wipe out the Muslims, who stole their land and property and banished them from Mecca.
This is shit the Catholic Church was saying as people were converting to Islam in droves because the Catholic Church was shit. None of this shit is legitimate.
You barely even have to know anything about Islam to know that this bullshit is top blasphemy in Islam.
That tradition isn't exactly from the Quran, it just says to keep modest
The one and only true religion.
In the days of the OT, people were basically damned by nature. To feel religiously accomplished, they had to make sacrifices to God and do very exact things. Jesus would undo such necessities. With Jesus, one only needs to follow His path to achieve Salvation. After all, Jesus was a man who was even tempted by Satan. Yet, He still was God.
Of course, you ought to be seeing this in an allegorical fashion. Jesus' story shows that mere men can achieve union with God. You can take this as reality, or you can see union with God as being a mere metaphor for enlightenment. Either way, the message still stands.
That Jewish tribe was not at war with Mohammad. They lived in peace.
They did not deserve to have their 800 men and boys lined up and decapitated in front of their women, and have all of their goods stolen by Mohammad.
Mohammad is a godless butcher.
Islam itself is blasphemy against God, as Jesus is God.
They signed a treaty with all the other tribes of Medina and the Muslims, and as soon as conflicts started, they warned the Meccans of the Muslims' battle plans.
They also attempted to fight instead of surrendering their leaders.
Sorry, in the lawlessness of the Arabian desert, they got what they deserved. They did not live in peace, and were about to go to war with the other tribes of Medina before the Muslims arrived and united them under the charter of Medina.
Stop trying to rewrite history. Even secular scholar European Scholars agree with me.
They signed a 10 year treaty and attacked during Year 3.
Sound familiar to anyone?
>That Jewish tribe was not at war with Mohammad. They lived in peace.
They broke their treaty with Muhammad and allied with the Meccans during the Battle of the Trench. As such, they aren't innocent and weren't peaceful.
Saying Jesus is God makes no sense, and is blasphemy, because either everyone is (a part of) God, or no one is.
God is all powerful, to believe God has the limits of man is blasphemy. To believe God can't eliminate the original sin effortlessly is blasphemy. To believe that God had to be tortured to forgive sins is blasphemy.
To believe a cruxification, a mild form of torture when compared to all the tortures mankind has made, can delete all the sins of all people across history, implies God didn't know about other forms of torture and is stupid, and is blasphemy.
There was no treaty with that tribe; they were butchered and robbed.
Your "holy man" was one of the most evil people to ever step foot on planet earth.
Hell was made for such as him.
not at all. You must be making a weak (at best) connection to some stupid modern historical event.
he spread the word of Jesus across all of Asia and Africa, ended brutal pagan practices, and triggered a golden age of logic and reason.
Also, you aren't God, and passing judgement like God is one of the gravest sins in Christianity, isn't it?
>my holy man
I'm a Christian.
You do not know what hell is. Protip: it isn't fire and torment; it's your mind.
You think?
10 year non-nuclear "treaty" with Iran.
As Mohammad did not know that Jesus was God, all he spread was death and misery.
>I'm a Christian.
>I don't believe in hell.
Pick one.
Revelation 19:20 Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.
Revelation 20:10 The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
Revelation 20:14 Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
Revelation 20:15 And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.
Rebellion isn't terrorism, user.
>implying hell isn't the rejection of God and His love
If you take the Bible word's literally, then you are unfit to read it.
>People ITT actually believing Islam is either peaceful or beneficial towards societal progress
Are you fucking stupid?
Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 18:
"I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and I will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him."
The Christians say that this prophecy refers to Jesus (pbuh) because Jesus (pbuh) was like Moses (pbuh).
However, it is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who is like Moses (pbuh):
>Both had a father and a mother, while Jesus (pbuh) was born miraculously without any male intervention.
[Mathew 1:18 and Luke 1:35 and also Al-Qur'an 3:42-47]
>Both were married and had children. Jesus (pbuh) according to the Bible did not marry nor had children.
>Both died natural deaths. Jesus (pbuh) has been raised up alive. (4:157-158)
>Both besides being Prophets were also kings i.e. they could inflict capital punishment. Jesus (pbuh) said, "My kingdom is not of this world." (John 18:36).
>Both were accepted as Prophets by their people in their lifetime but Jesus (pbuh) was rejected by his
people. John chapter 1 verse 11 states, "He came unto his own, but his own received him not."
>Both brought new laws and new regulations for their people. Jesus (pbuh) according to the Bible did not bring any new laws. (Mathew 5:17-18).
What part of those verses says it's all in your mind?
>However, it is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who is like Moses (pbuh):
Mohammad was a Jew?
>"I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren,
Mohammad confirmed to be a Jew!!
The Constitution of Medina was an agreement of mutual support and protection by the Jews and Arabs of Medina in preparation for the inevitable war with the Quraysh. When war broke out the leader of one of the most powerful Jewish clans, the Banu Nadir, met with the Quraysh's leader (in violation of the agreement) and formed a plot to assassinate him. When he discovered this plot, he besieged the Banu Nadir. They surrendered, and Muhammad exiled them to Khaybar with all their wealth and belongings.
Some time later the Quraysh besieged Medina. The Banu Qurayza (the largest Jewish tribe), openly supported the Quraysh, even supplying them with weapons and supplies. Muhammad then laid siege to the Banu Qurayza but had no idea what to do next, so he followed Arab tradition and turned to a neutral arbiter, Sa'd ibn Mu'adh (Shaykh of the Aws tribe) to pass judgment. He decided that their fighters should be killed, their women and children sold into slavery and their belongings divided (the punishment prescribed in the Constitution of Medina).
Get your fucking facts right
>or beneficial towards societal progress
Which is precisely what it did when it came around circa 700AD and for the centuries afterwords you mong.
Then other ideologies/social events came out and dominated - imperialism, industrial age, communism and so forth.
Islam had it's era and it was a great and interesting one no doubt. There are issues but these are more due to greater social events of which Islam is only a lesser factor.
The only people here who are fucking stupid are the ones who just say 'Islam is the problem' and only the problem with no introspection into the events or history surrounding it. You people are historically illiterate and ground in your stupidity.
>all he spread was death and misery.
As much as you hate something that shouldn't be the basis for being wrong about it. Your statement is demonstrably false and narrow minded when one actually reads a fucking book on the history and events.
Concise and informed
Thank you
Islam believes in jesus you dumb cunt
great post
You get it
The facts you stated back up the slaughter of 800 men before their women, on the advice of this other goatfucker.
I don't know what's worse, being an illiterate mong and defending Islam or knowing how to read and still see no flaws in it.
It's just another abrahamic religion, even if it has some poetic writing style or esotherical narrative. We're in the year 2016 and people like you are still treating it as if is a cure for modern day societal ailments.
As a work of literature the Qur'an is nice, as a source of law it should never be implemented.
Why won't you admit that this ideology is turning every society affects into a quagmire? Name any modern day progressive muslim society that has a strong Islamic influence :)
> Name any modern day progressive muslim society that has a strong Islamic influence
Fuck off you sanctimonious self righteous blind retarded faggot Veeky Forums is flawed but it is one of the last bastions of free speech we have. Do you want PC socially acceptable wiki definition or do you want to know what people really think?
Reddit and Veeky Forums literally the same people
Christianity is a Jewish trick to subvert the white goyim, Islam is Judaism itself without the legalese bullshit and self deception.
Jews are the ultimate evil in this world and always have been.
Nice /pol/itical opinion, dude.
Except it is literally not the religion of peace. It wasn't founded on peaceful principles. Mohammed was literally was a warlord. He literally led armies, literally conquered cities, literally killed male civilians to literally enslave their women as sex slaves and I've literally said literally too many times in this post.
I don't believe any child of any ethnicity or race is born bad.
But children born into Islam are exposed and taught certain things that turn people bad.
Just like blood and gore aren't evil, but showing a young child blood in gore is. It won't make them a better surgeon or even a better soldier, it'll just make them mentally unstable.
Islam is the blood and gore of spirituality. Concepts that justify suicide bombing can be found in any religion, as a form of martyrdom.
But Islam seems to be crafted for use as a tool to manipulate and create religious control over people.
And who gives a fuck about algebra being invented by a Muslim a thousand years ago. The Nazi invented some amazing technology and advanced mathematics as well. Does that make Hitler a Prophet?
And so what? There was much more peace in the Arabia after Islam than before it. Sometime you need a small war to install big peace.
> The Nazi invented some amazing technology
> invented some amazing technology
> amazing technology
Like what?
The point isn't if it made Arabia more peaceful, it's that it gave islam an violently expansionist culture that has morphed into 21st century cultural imperialism. Mohammed is revered as the perfect man than it is seen as morally and spiritually righteous to violently conquer non-Muslim lands
I'm not the same user, but they invented and popularized the concept of the assault rifle.
As always the muzzies had it coming for them.
Emigrated illegally and fucked up bhuddist villages.
the radar. automatic encryption and nightgoogles.
space rockets stolen by USA
>Taking butthurt fanfic from Christians during Roman persecution in a literal sense
It's an ideology from a very old world that didn't evolve. You can't be a good person and follow every mandate from Mohammad at the same time.
Imagine if Christians followed Old Testament word by word, it'd be chaos.
islam recognizes the blood and gore of the human condition and attempts to tame it while the rest of the world ignores it.
>progressive society
>everyone cheats on their partners and get drunk every weekend
literally only a strong economy and low corruption in governments are holding up western society.
religions aren't supposed to evolve because humans really don't change at the core level. Just because we have technology and science doesn't invalidate everything else that used to be done.
and that's the reason christianity is a joke religion to me. If you use hacks to change the game as you progressively reach harder levels, you don't feel fulfilled.
> attempts to tame it
They are literally doesn't have enough discipline to not be triggered by a pictures, to stop killing each other or even just to participate in serious science.
> religions aren't supposed to evolve
Well, why you don't stick with, I don't know, pagan gods like humans did for thousands years? It isn't like core of human being changed that much from that time anyway.