Actual Attractive Males

I find most men to be ugly. The only attractive men I know are Lachowski and Cole Sprouse. Masculine men and Chads are ugly plus they probably have poor hygiene and smoke cigs. Please post actual attractive males like Lachowski. Thanks.


god this guy has a legit perfect eye area, and a legit close to perfect face, OBJECTIVELY

completely mogs gosling, reynolds and other close set eyed cucks. just look at the women in the background eyeing him.

any woman who claims she wouldn't fuck chico is delusional, or so ugly/self-conscious that her mind automatically filters out gods like him because she knows she would have ZERO CHANCES with him

i agree. he also looks like he'd a pretty cool dude desu. chad-looking models like jordan barrett look like they'd kind of be full of themselves.

Gandy mogs all of them.


gandy was God-tier and is obviously still incredibly good looking but in fine wine kind of way. chico is the kind of guy 15 year old girls get wet panties from after they re-blog a .gif of him smiling onto their tumblr page.

lol, this entire post reads like it was written by a salty transbian

can someone photoshop a thicker neck to this dude in this black and white pic

his skull circumference is sub 23"

he looks like shit next to other MMs. chico still mogs him. at least he shits all over eyecel subhumans like leto and franco

that negative canthal tilt holy fuck
if he wasn't a genius writer, he'd be a nobody with that face

Lookism cross-siters legitimately ruined this board. These posts are cringeworthy.

They're everywhere dude. You can't escape them. They're everywhere on Veeky Forums, /r9k/, /pol/, and even Veeky Forums surprisingly

That is not a criticism you would ever be making if you had not seen some sort of thread treating negative canthal tilt like it's the next MPB.

When you are so easily influenced that even your sense of attraction has been defined by a few threads on fitness and fashion forums, it's time to stick your head in an oven

Before you ask in an attempt to prove a point, no I don't have NCT

NCT and MPB are on the same level

NCT and close-set eyes are the ultimate game ender, but NCT alone already gives you a below average eye area

not hard to do you lazy nigger

I'll hand it to you that I've never seen an attractive person with close-set eyes, but Joyce was and is, rightfully so, considered quite attractive, particularly in older age. Ryan Gosling has moderate NCT, and he's so consistently considered very attractive that it's become an entire meme around him

Gosling also has intense close set eyes

how people memed him into being attractive is beyond me

Besides, on attractive people, NTC is an essential part of the classic stoic look. Just look at ancient Greek busts, the perfect male form defined. Most of them have it

Perhaps because most people still know how to love the way someone looks as a whole, instead of categorizing every aspect of their face into memed medical terms and then judging those components individually and as inherently flawed traits

Stay away from the internet for a few weeks

how a beatiful eye do look like?

I think Tom Hardy is quite attractive.

He's quite attractive indeed

>tfw broken face
i hate my life and i want to die
i just want to know what its like for a woman to look at you and get turned on and fall in love FUCK

>t. girl who ends up with a dozen cats and some disgusting lesbian flings along the way

is that ma boi alexander?
would have fucked him t b h

The subject of that bust is uncertain. I saw one theory that it's Oedipus but no one knows for certain

>This dude
you are pleb for this educate yourself

Do women find anime """males""" more attractive than actual males?

looks kinda like confirmed alexander busts

"looks kinda like" doesn't really cut it in archaeology, sadly enough


do these threads make anyone else depressed? ill never look as good as any of these guys ever no matter how hard i try

Nah senpai, try to find joy in looking at beautiful art, clothes, people. In the meantime, be the best version of yourself you can possibly be, there's nothing wrong with being ugly.

What are MPB and NCT?


Male pattern baldness and negative canthal tilt

I don't know if they depress me but I feel like this is a terrible path to go down.
I reckon I'm an ugly guy and have attracted women I would not expect to get. That's good enough for me.

>potential MPB
>uneven eyes
>brown eyes, hair, and olive skin
>pretty girls still seem to like me
>still has crippling body dis morphia
kill me


hemingway was the real /aesthetic/ writer



guess I thought hair was similar enough
then again used to Roman busts where they all have Caesar cuts lmao

neck theory is legit boyo

follow the ways of neck brah

lachowski literally has a recessed maxilla. in looks theory he should be ugly.


motherfucker looks like an alien

>he should be ugly.
>posts this fucking half ant

yeah ikr ffs

Wtf, Lachowski looks like a woman.
OP if you're into girls, it ain't men's fault.

Weak jaw

"you NEVER should've come here"

Reminder that Ляхoвcкий is a brown-eyed polack subhuman

I prefer effeminate looking men. They always look more attractive than wannabe masculine men and girls prefer them as well.

I loved this guy on gummo

I'd rather look like Shane MacGowan than having a pair of subhuman brown eyes.

Does he have a feminine penis though?

Out of my way, peasants!

>ywn savor his boi pucci

based alainposter

cancer boypucciposter


No, he's referring to how uncultured you are due to not knowing who "that dude" is.

very underrated


cuck jagger

brown eyes ehh, not to my taste

correct, his style kinda reminds me of how target would do SLP tho

black hair + blue eyes cool contrast but i agree that many girls would think he's weird looking, definitely still well above average though. looks better as he ages too, he's got a mannish face

lookism people would say he's unattractive but it's all subjective. top 3 all time imo. quintessential boy-ish face

standard male model man. like this is the kind of guy that lives on the bondi beachfront, and whether he's actually a model or a businessman, he's succeeded because of his genes and rich family

his lower third is kinda out of balance compared to his top half, that's kinda weird hah. goes to show that canthal tilt/eye area isn't the be all end all eh guys

wtf so many recognisable cross-posters here hahaha. we shouldn't conflate fashion and beauty but i don't know where else this discussion would go on Veeky Forums.

yeah trying to boil down attractiveness into PURELY objective terms is pretty autismo, though i think their community warrants some interesting questions on the nature of self-worth and self-acceptance. a lot of the people posted in this thread have been given a much easier path and many more options in life because of their genetics––which NONE of us can control. so plastic surgery shouldn't really have a stigma imo, it's the gift man gives himself. but others feel that we should just work with what god gave us. it's interesting, and i'm trying to read and reflect and understand every day

gonna post some more elias, that guy is brainmax and looksmax imo. i wish artists like cobain and ronnenfelt were represented more on lookism/redpill forums––looks DO matter but we should look up to people that actually do things with their lives and USE the brains inside their perfectly forward-developed skulls

just my 2 cents user

proves lower third importance is vastly overstated. hunter eyes, high cheekbones, good nose all you need

t. solid jaw and cheekbones but shitty eyes & nose

why would you even ask this?

>he should be ugly
He is

>plastic surgery shouldn't really have a stigma imo
yeah no fucking kill yourself. unless you have some severe deformities plastic surgery is one of the worst forms of deception possible

superhuman canthal tilt


out of this world

fucking underrated

eh feel free to disagree though i enjoy discussing this topic

i don't want to have kids so i don't feel like the whole genetics deception argument is so much of a factor for me. plus there are other factors that influence phenotype, like childhood diet, oral and spinal posture, etc that make initial genes slightly less important. my dad has blue eyes so i'm still carrying the recessive gene, who's to say i can't get neweyes laser to make my brown eyes blue? who's to say i couldn't have gotten braces and palate expansion?

good surgery often doesn't leave a person unrecognisable from their previous selves, i consider it less deception, and more of an enhancement and complement to existing features. which is what a lot of fashion is

Kys first

If grills like you then you probably look good. NCT is a complete meme, and I'm guessing you're italian. Just take finasteride and you can keep your hair

Makes him look feminine but he's still good looking

Your wish shall be granted on the 27th of July.

That chin is meme tier


>tfw wide fucking nose
And rhinoplasty can't even fix it all that well.

Him but I cannot find his name, anyone can help?


I unironically wish I looked and had the same psyche as a Chad but unfortunately I'm a nu-male beta which is why I satisfy myself through edgy fashion styles


young james was pretty handsome

The man in your attached image is Ezra Pound, not James Joyce, dumbo.

uhh yeah it can
just make the tip less bulbous and make sure the outer nostril skin doesn't go past your inner canthus

any good cosmetic surgeon can do it

cry about it you big baby. i'm not gonna let my genetics completely fuck me over, poorfag


best in thread


I almost went into a fight with this guy about 6 months ago



you are a homosexual

is sucking black dick Veeky Forums?

Charls from million dollar extrem

He looks weird.

Heres a better picture

Yeah i mean his jaw looks too prominent, though maybe somebody likes that