>tfw the age of conquerers is over
Tfw the age of conquerers is over
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It's literally only been a couple years since the last war of conquest.
I'll consider Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to be a conquerer.
The Chinese are poised to make some big gains in territory over the next 5-10 years. Expanding their naval presence line the South China Sea isn't just to secure shipping lanes. My guess is Vietnam and some areas of Oceania will be encroached on until a small war is provoked, with China reacting with a "police action".
>mfw in 100 years kids will learn the tales of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi
>mfw ISIS will become the new mongols
"Nobody conquers Iraq in the winter, except. ISIS. Cue Islamist montage[Muffling nasheed]"
I'm going to bet a few hundred years from now people would be romanticizing ISIS as people who fought the whole world zealously to achieve their goals and so on.
Ummati qad laha fajrun.
They'll do that with Hitler too.
The Chinese are in the process of gaining large share of South China Seas.
There's still Taiwan to be taken, as well as Sinicizing Tibet/Uighurs.
>tfw the age of crocodile tears has begun
I don't think so. Media around the world is working hard to demonize them. Even in the middle east.
They will be like the nazis. Favoured protagonists of black humour. Probably we will have some edgy people saying "I don'y agree with them, but they knew how to be cool!" just like it happens with the SS.
>>There's still Taiwan to be taken
That's not happening, not by military force anyway. The last thing the PRC wants is war with the USA.
But the Nazis did have cool uniforms though
That's conquest but probably not what OP wants. He wants great men.
Maybe we finally understood that it needs more than one great man to do something?
desu isis are pretty cool guys
And the ISIS songs are arguably very attractive. Although they're not my cup of tea at all (and I enjoy middle eastern music a lot).
Yes, but why the fuck would they want to actually conquer any of the SEA countries?
Those countries on average have populations that will definitely be largely non-complaint, less educated, and have infrastructure that will require lots of funding to re-tailor to Chinese bureaucratic purposes. The only reason they want swathes of the South China Sea is to secure a route to Africa and to be able to freely use their eventual aircraft carrier to project power into the Indian ocean to protect their cargo ships. They can't transform into a post-scarcity developed country until they do that, which is the real reason America and Europe is making huge efforts in preventing it from doing so.
They'll be handled the same way the Mongols are, I bet. It's very rare to see people deny the Mongols acted like cunts, but it's far less charged and nobody will shit down your throat and call you a terrorist/nazi/etc for saying you admire the Mongols.
WWII is still a point in history where its acceptable to make sweeping moralistic judgements. Eventually (I give it a century or two more) they'll be viewed with that detatched viewpoint of "those were just the times, you can't apply your moral judgements!"
anyone else find the graphics of ISIS hilarious? They're so cheap, you think they could get at least one graphic designer