Really considering having a tiny house built

Really considering having a tiny house built.

>Cheap to heat and cool.
>Relatively cheap to build
>Wont have to be a slave to my mortgage for very long and they seem pretty easy to maintain.

Fuck endenturing yourself to a regular mortgage for 30+ years on a house that youll never actually own because of ever increasing property taxes and fuck renting to some spastic minority landlord who tries to jew your rent up.

Tiny house Master race

looks like a cuckshed

Have fun paying $2000 a month for a place to park it.

Better to buy a honda element or a suburban and literally put 2000 dollars in the bank every month even with a low paying job. Or live with parents if u can.
Op i like ur attitude tho.

no room for a family

And if your lucky you might get to bring half a girl back.

The irony is they're not cheap at all - they're like $60k and you can buy a shitty house for that in USA

Is this your personal blog?

Yep - there are very good reasons not to do this.

Tiny homes are a giant meme.

that's real small i don't think i could do it. are you a lil munchkin?

here we go again

total meme for cucked millenials. it's basically a fucking 'trailer home' aka where human garbage live.
if you want to save $ don't try to be a hipster, just live in a trailer or a camper.

A nice trailer is a far superior 'tiny house' than the idea these kids have, because it has wheels.

Besides, nobody who talks about this shit actually does it.

Ita not cheaper to build unless you do it yourself

Also zoning regulations kill you unless you just move it to a mobile home park but then youre indefinitely renting the land and you just overpayed for a nice looking manufactured home

Also - you should try living in such a small space first , it isnt just long term stupid because families happen but most people cant make it past 6 months

Go look at a tumbleweed house floorplan vs a studio and compare the square footage - you think youre okay with it because you dwell in a badement as is but itll get ild real fast

There's nothing wrong with spreading the joys of living within 100sq feet like a caged rat while claiming you're 'free'

Even jacob lund fisker has a normal house

>Cheap to heat and cool.
Poorfag issue.
>Relatively cheap to build
Poorfag issue.
>Wont have to be a slave to my mortgage for very long and they seem pretty easy to maintain.
Poorfag issue.

I think a better alternative would be not being a poorfag who's willing to live in a glorified cuckshed because of all money reasons.

Get more money.

You mean for you second house, right?

you litterly have to be retarded to want a tiny home

>scared of mortgage boogie jew man

When rates are at historic lows and proporty values are increasing

> still have same maintance cost
> depreciting asset
> live in a hell hole of 200 sq ft
> finance it at a higher rate because the bank doesnt want a worthless tiny house
> fees to park it

Buy land and build it yourself.

Taxes on land are minute compared to any sort of rent. And when you don't have to pay for work, you're set. If you pay rent, you waste money. If you own land, you have a foothold.

Seriously, this is what millenials don't get. Any house is better than none, as long as it's YOURS.

>fees to park it

What fucking fees are you idiots on about? He's not buying an RV, it'll be on his OWN land!

>time is free

>implying you can't build a house yourself

My father did it in 2003, no problem. He got help from ONE mason and a company to dig the foundations. Everything else he did with his day job.

property taxes then? i'm guessing you'd buy really cheap property in a remote area with no services. solar panels on the roof, only have electricity on sunny days?

where does the poo poo go when you flush the toilet in a place like this? that's not something i want to deal with in 2016. do yo have to fucking drive to town to haul back your drinking water? who wants to do that?jesus. just get a bachelor/studio apartment in an uncool neighborhood.

Good land exists, you know. Most small towns have it, you get ALL you need and you're chilling.

>not having running water and electricity
I live in a small village and I don't have to live like that. That's like something I had on my houseboat. You're fucking dumb about real-estate. Owning land is the most important thing. You get evicted, even with a paycheck, money goes away. Land doesn't.

So many Jewish bank shills in this thread. Stay cucked under a 30 year bbc mortgage, goys.

why is paying off a mortgage on LAND + property tax + utilities better that paying fees to a trailer park?

OP is trying to live cheaply. poor people live in trailer parks ∴ it must be the cheapest way to live.

you never really own the land. besides property tax, the town is going to dictate how you deal with the trees on your property, among other things.

what about zoning? if i was the mayor i wouldn't want some weird faggot living in that tiny piece of shit in my town

What about living in a trailer park? Isn't that the same as living in a suburb except your house is
1/10th of the price?

>the city won't approve of it's construction because you aren't getting jewed enough

good luck getting a building permit

>mortgage on land
Save up more than half and you're good. Plus, all the things you listed will have more value in the long run compared to renting. Your rent is someone else's passive income. If you're getting jewed, don't get jewed all your life.

I would look at fabbing out shipping containers, or using an inflatable concrete dome, there are also earthships, which can be as big as you want, have passive heating and cooling as well as passive water treatment. There are many ways to do this, iv built a tiny home for someone and helped with container fabrications.
Its doable, and you can have a Gorgeous house for under $40k.

Depends on the area. Heating in the north for a container is murder. They don't insulste as well. They are cheap, but for the price of a new one you can get a load of building material. Here, anyway.

Doesnt work. You pop holes in them for wiring and shit and they lose strength - then you have to teinforce it - defeating the purpose (since you could have just built a frame out of the material you now use to reinforce it)

The heating / cooling is a bitch etc