Hello Veeky Forums this is Warren Buffet!
Hi Warren! It's me, Charlie Munger!
Buffet, loan me one B&H stock please.
What should we buy today?
Sell that darned jet Warren. Where's the See's candy? I'm hungry.
you seem grumpy today? how much did you lose?
A small loan of a million shares?
hello mister 3.0.5
why aapl? the dividends? would they unlock that sweet treasury of them one day or invest it all? how do you know?
thanks you much deeply sir mister b.i.g
good dubbs kiddo!
Maybe someday you'll be as lucky as me
Apple still have a lot of potential thats all I can say
ok guys heres my timestamp AMA!
Fuck you Buffett! You're a piece of shit that routinely spews shitty advice to impressionable retards.
Get yourself a Blizzard and drive your towncar into a telephone pole, you cornhusking fuck.
I've made billions of dollars using my own advice, remember im not correct 100% of the time
Go invest in a grave site you schmuck. It's the best investment you can make now.
I wish this stuffy old cunt would just give away all of his stashed money. He's not even doing anything with it.
Don't test me kiddo! I've fucked up multiple people and im not afraid to do it to you!
I've given away 40 billion! Is that not enough? Plus if I gave away all of it how am I suppose to get my wife to have sex with me?
I'm not inclined to resent the rich, but Buffett is kind of odd bird. He seems to brag about not using his money to make his own life any more pleasant, which almost seems like rubbing it in somehow. Most rich people want more security, or power, or just to live like kings, but Buffett appears to literally just want one penny more.
Like dude, I know you can afford to have a little fun.
You can lie to yourself, but please don't lie to me. We all know you haven't had sex in 20 years.
wb the grandpa everybody loves was part of metals manipulating back in 80's
Making money is like sex to Buffett. That's why he uses sexual references so often. Making money provides him the same brain chemical as sex.
Oh hi mr. Buffet, are the shrimp okay to eat today?