ITT: Fashionable/aesthetic musicians
ITT: Fashionable/aesthetic musicians
This thread is disgusting.
Early Quorthon was Veeky Forums.
What was his deal with not performing live and lying about literally every aspect of his life anyway?
ariel wearing the hba bondage jeans in the put your number in my phone video is iconic
lemme fix it
what the fuck is this thread
>what was his deal
It sounds very comfy to me desu. You just record records and put them out while trolling the "media".
Deutsch Amerikanischen Freundschaft
david sylvian
Glad that nu metal faggot kys'd so we can finally forget about Kurt Cobain and his lackluster whiny entitled white kid in suburbia mtv pop crap from 30 years agi
>whiny entitled white kid in suburbia mtv pop crap from 30 years agi
you mean the early 2000s?
Speaking of which