LSD thread

Is LSD the most effay drug there is? I know MDMA turns people into slow, vapid retards and strips them of their ability to critically think, but can the same be said for LSD?

Steve Jobs admitted to using LSD, and I doubt it inhibited his cognitive ability at all. Is LSD the safest, most effay drug?

some could argue since there's no actual risk to yourself and that you're even playing it safe with your drugs is not an 'effay' attitude

the question in itself is pretty dumb and as much as I hate to give edgy answers if you're asking 'what drugs are effay', you're not going to be 'effay'

"MDMA turns people into slow, vapid retards and strips them of their ability to critically think"

>being this fucking stupid without the help of drugs.


the answer is always heroin

>MDMA turns people into slow, vapid retards and strips them of their ability to critically think

you must be 18+ to post on this website

As a pretty introverted person lsd makes me very outgoing. I've done one full tab and two half tabs (separate occasions). Half tab is def the way to go. It'll put you in the outgoing mood and just give you all the right vibes without any existential crises and potent visual effects. You can still get visuals if you focus tho but theyre mostly ignorable

You are either two in-denial autists who have had their brains fucked by extensive use of ecstasy, or have literally never been around a person who regularly uses it.

>Falling for the "summer" meme

The irony is, you two proved how retarded you are with your posts instead of making OP look dumb.

What were you trying to accomplish

Please ensure that you know what you are talking about before letting the imbecilic shit that you call an opinion spew from your cave dwelling mouths. Christ, I have literally never seen a pair of stupider individuals who seemed so sure of what they were talking about.

i was a heroin addict and in and out of homelessness for nearly 4 years. im 8 months clean tomorrow.

ruining your life, your body, and your relationships with your loved ones is not "effay".

where to buy LSD in nyc?
can only buy weed or coke

darknet is your best bet

Nicotine > cocaine > GHB/Ether > alcohol > adderall/prescription stims > klonopin/benzos > prescription opoids > heroin >> crack > PCP/Datura

liar, opiates don't harm the body. if you chose to do other shit to yourself while on it, blame your own poor judgement

junkie detected
the problem with heroin isn't that it harms the body, pure stuff wont, aside from giving you crazy constipation, which if your colon impacts can be a big problem (though if it's cut you might be fucking yourself in any number of ways) the problem is that the addiction is extremely powerful and clouds a persons judgement to the point where it seems like a good idea to sell all your things, to steal shit from your roomates/family to pawn off in order to buy another bag, to miss rent in order to get high, to not buy food in order to get high, to rob cheat, steal etc in order to stay high.
The kind of lifestyle opoid abuse encourages is not easy on the body.
Defending the drug by putting all the blame on the people who use it for having poor judgement is ridiculous. The drug clearly has effects which encourage people to live in unhealthy ways.

nah it doesn't harm your body, it just completely fucks up your cognitive reward system and strips the pleasure out of anything else you want to do in life, no big deal really

i'll mail you some if its domestic no one can fuck w the package

You're in fucking NYC and you can't find acid? Go talk to humans.

i took that shit the other night and watched parks and rec roughly three hours into my trip and donna's eyeballs were popping out of her head that hsit was scary

>MDMA turns people into slow, vapid retards and strips them of their ability to critically think, but can the same be said for LSD
you've never done MDMA, haven't ya? your description sounds more like benzos or any other downer, if anything.

>brains fucked by extensive use of ecstasy, or have literally never been around a person who regularly uses it.
That's why you don't use it regularly. It's neurotoxic, but if you space out your rolls (1-3 months), it's relatively safe. If you treat it as something special and only do it once in a while, it's one of the best drugs besides psychedelics.

LSD isn't safest at all

>besides psychedelics
Or you could just never even test it and stick with the best drug, which is LSD.

Go ahead and tell me some of the long term effects of LSD and provide your source.

what is this, a list of popular drugs among homosexuals?

>being this pedantic about statistics

>being this fucking retarded
lsd is fucking trash unless you are tripping balls, maybe actually go out and try some drugs one day instead of having a shitty md cap and then comparing it to half an lsd tab.

Absolutely meaningless chart, doesn't even provide units.

You are undeniably, a massive faggot.

Steve jobs wasn't some ultra genius though. He was just a salesman like musk

If jobs was a genius than so was Billy mays

look it up spastic, he tried to simplify it for a simpleton like you

Yea it's how much hp it takes off you, obviously

"Relative harms of drugs"
hmm very helpful chart you have there

Thanks, Al Gore.

>LSD is "trash"
>Would rather have a drug that literally saps your critical analysis
It seems like the long term effects of your MDMA use are already showing, user.

Even so, he did design the macintosh, and he definitely had technological know-how that would not have been possible if he was cognitively impaired in some fashion.


literally just google ”drugs harm comparison” and you’ll find like 40 charts with the same statistics, sourced and everything. only difference is that some list khat or some shit like that as less harmful than lsd

if you do e for twice a day for four days, you deserve to get fucked.

even if you're stupid enough to do it more than once or maybe twice a month -- you're a dumbass

if you're only an occasional user and roll healthy (i.e. vitamins and water) it isn't a big deal though

Or just don't do it at all. It's a very easy drug to make a habit of because it feels amazing and you think "it's not addictive, so I can take it as much as I want."

>Hurdurr you live in NYC and can't find acid

just because you visited times square that one time doesn't mean you know anything

Noone buys lsd, not profitable nor worth the trouble for dealers. Why keep it on hand if people only want weed/coke/molly. Suburban child.

I know like 8 acid dealers in NYC. :P

Ketamine and DMT are the only drugs that are difficult to find a GOOD supplier for at the moment.

Any advice for a white gentrifier in Harlem? I've seen a few friends with delivery service connects in BK but they're all sketchy once I ask for a contact

i always just get ket off the internet, piece of piss really
could do the same for dmt too

Acid will kick your ass if you take it for fashion. Also, if your fashion is deeply tied to your ego and personal identity, say goodbye to it now.

>nicotine, at all
>alcohol that high up
>rather benzos than opioids
don't post again please

please explain? i've only done it with the afterglow of mdma in my system. i plan on taking it alone soon because i want a deep learning trip, not just a laugh with my friends.


How are benzos not more harmful


Why wouldn't your fashion be deeply tied to your identity, aren't you trying to express yourself with your clothing?
Are you supposed to just follow every trend like a sheep to be acknowledged as "fashionable"?

I could have worded that better.

If your style is insincere posturing or fashion is a sort of security blanket or barrier used to avoid deeper scrutiny from others, it will not hold up to the magnifying glass that is LSD. And if there's a lot of self worth tied into your fashion, that revelation could be a serious blow.

Sometimes the best way to figure out your own intentions is to dose on psychs. That's why they can be so life changing/shattering.

True true.

lmao if u don't have the willpower to not take mdma no more than every 3ish months then u have bigger problems

nah senpai it has fuelled my fashion sense even harder, now it’s just more ego-dead and minimalistic as opposed to how hypebeast and gaudy I previously was. after every trip I throw shit that I don’t feel fit the objective aesthetic I am shown (A T-shirt™ >>> Bape x Supreme x LV Extra Large Bogo Edition Polka Dot Short Sleeve) out of my wardrobe as I legitimately feel emotionally bad wearing or even keeping shit that would give off a vibe of pretense

>MDMA turns people into slow, vapid retards and strips them of their ability to critically think

are you talking about benzos or are you actually stupid?

he means MDMA abuse

You're just obsessed with anyone wealthy.

Kind of weird that you idolize random people you've never even met just because they were well off financially.

It shows that you probably will be living a life of poverty since you're so focused on people you'll never meet

And only respect people if they have money

Meaning you probably lack the social skills to actually make it in a business environment you so idolize those who succeed in

what kind of shit strength molly are you taking if a. you leave the party without holes in your memory or b. you are actually making critical decisions not at all based on an extreme urge to feel even better, to feel instant satisfaction? have you ever even felt that brittle feeling of naive happiness as if you were 5 years old on your birthday again? those sudden dark clouds of sadness when some trivial bad thing happens that you simply *must* get away from?

try 250mg+ in a setting that lets your guard down (not a party/festival, preferably broad daylight on a sunny day) or simply abuse it for a longer time and I can guarantee you’ll turn into a massive childish retard temporarily or, probably in the latter case, not

i took 210mg the first time i ever did it, i also follow the 1-3 month rule

Hello newfriend. You'll be surprised to know that here on Veeky Forums, it is generally frowned upon to space after every sentence. That is literal reddit tier shit. Also, your bait was very bad. Please go back.

also bonus points if you manage to take it the said setting together with some female friend you just slightly feel attracted to without desperately falling in love with her and then constantly feeling distressed when she shows the slightest of affection towards someone else for like a month or two lol

>Any advice for a white gentrifier in Harlem?
Jesus you cacs are wearing that term with pride now?

i did it at night with my girlfriend and my best friend and we had a pretty great time, it was nice to be able to express my feelings towards the people in my life

Honestly, the unique properties of MDMA – empathogenic, and even psychedelic at higher doses – are a reason enough to try it out. Besides it's a very therapeutic drug (they use it to treat PTSD in medical trials). It showed me that I can be at peace with my self, and let me keep my confidence and calmness even after doing it, even when the afterglow wore off. And not like benzos, which make you lose your inhibitions, and you become an animal, with MDMA you're still in control. Euphoria is nice too, but it's unlike opiate euphoria, where you just nod off, with MDMA you want to do stuff, you feel motivated. You appreciate everything that's around.

>accusing Sieg of being a newfag
Listen, i hate this out-of-touch fat ass as much as the next guy but he's one of the Veeky Forums OGs

everyone has a different tolerance obviously, for people already depressed the comedown usually hits like 10 times harder for example, making the retard-effect a lot bigger

set and setting are just like with lsd most often even more important than the dosage

if you’ve actually managed to get none of the side-effects then congratulations, you’re lucky I guess

first pill made me really empathetic and appreciative of everything. the stimulant kicked in when i took the second pill and i was completely energized, i felt like a god. i have major depressive disorder and social anxiety but luckily no comedown or side effects, i felt pretty good for a few days.

David Nutt study. Look it up.

>pcp that low
wew lad

Are shrooms not the most effay drug ever?
>gives you inspiration
>makes you creative
>causes you to rethink everything you thought you knew
>by far the safest drug to take

>the answer is always heroin
LSD is mega fun, id so urge anyone to try it.
But realistically
the most effay drug

>being around drug abusers
Yeah theres ur problem buddy
>not enjoying 200mg every other 6 weeks

You'll see. Acid trips are BEST when u re alone

Are they addicting?

I need to figure my life out, so I wanna give it a shot.

I've heard people die by putting themselves in unrealized danger or flat out kill themselves.

Literally the least addictive drug.

Caffeine is more addictive, as long as you are in a comfortable environment you will be fine if you are still worried get someone to babysit you.

Not really. Depends on where you are emotionally really.

LSD changed my life. Killed my anxiety, made me much more open and understanding as a person, made me set goals for myself, gave me a new appreciation for nature, kicked my gaming habit, gave me a huge appreciation for fashion.

I've taken everything positive that I could have out of this drug and i'm so fucking happy with life right now. Don't plan on tripping again for a very long time.

same except it was mdma