Is gold the biggest scam since bitcoin?

Is gold the biggest scam since bitcoin?

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I see what you did there...

I'm tired of you goldfags manipulating me. He's telling me to buy, to help boost his portfolio and you're telling me to sell to drive down the price and make it cheaper for you.

i'm %30 in physical gold


Jew detected, how much are the banks paying you?

Yeah I suppose having something of any value is an ancient idea. can you tell me what I should have that has any value?

Its a scam if your believe it is!

Speaking of gold. Is there an advantage to buying bullion over gold coins, such as 1860s French francs?

Maybe the coins have a premium because they are collectables maybe..

Assume that the difference in premium is negligible. I'm mainly thinking of ease of reselling, processing, whatever, as old coins is generally only 90% gold instead of 99.9%.

All I know is you can buy into gold either:
>purchase a gold coin or ingot
>buy share in a GOLD ETF
>or buy shares in the miners of GOLD.
If you want ease of selling go for ETF, Mining companies
if you want the security of knowing where your investment IS in case of any end of the wrold scenario's buy the GOLD ingots or coins

3 things the Jews fear most:




Pic-related is literally Hitler 2.0

Fucking faggot, at least save enough to buy a 1oz gold bar

Yeah I goofed but it's still shiney and will out live me and you by a factor of 10,000

Also the Jews hate real money so there's that

more expensive to make and transport basically.
the smaller the piece of metal the more detail on it the more sophisticated the machine that makes it, the more expensive the merchandise is.

it's not that hard to comprehend.

why the only gold on sale is overpriced jewelry shit like this? where can I buy simple bars of golf at their market price (because these shits have like a 20% markup)

Buy ethereum

>market price
if you have a shittons of money and you buy bulk (which means tons) it's cheaper.
you will never buy physical gold at spot price unless from private seller bu then you risk getting scammed.

You can buy futures of gold. Why would you buy literal physical gold...

because of the risk associated with holding paper gold for long time. they are more suitable for the speculative market short term holds or literal short sells.

So you're going to hold a hedging instrument for years? ....k

You can hedge in much smarter ways that doesn't involve being a retard hoarding shiny metal

The fact they have commercials on tv and radio that try to trick old white people into buying gold coins and other garbage as an investment either means there is money in gold but it's being exploited or it's a huge trap for dumb people

Jokes on you, I will be buying acres of land and your family as slaves with my precious when the collapse happens. Keep being a good goy.

considering shiff is proponent of gold its the ladder

oh well the GOLD memes over time to pile into US dollary-doos.

Me too man, we will be kings ruling the land together

So whens the property shill commence..or has it already?

Yeah your right user ...your ALWAYS right!

bullion coins are different than those shitty colored commemoration coins.

GOLD memes dead...the property shill is on.

>you're going to hold a hedging instrument for years?
not going to i am.

HOLD all investments till the property bubble burst...then its to the MOON brothers!

why has gold rallied so much since the fall? Is it because of interest rates? Shouldn't strength in the dollar cause gold to drop in price?

If an interest rate hike in June is being priced in, shouldn't we see gold come down in price?

Naah it the property bubble funds will lose the value in their property portfolio so some property trusts are buying GOLD stocks.

Australian Bank (westpac) lowers the deposit rate to boost home loan volume. Property bubble grows.

More sovereigns are not accepting payment in US fiat dollars. Taking GOLD instead.

Poor form desu.

>de ebul Jews tryna steal our gold!

When will /pol/acks realize they talk about Jews the same way ghetto blacks talk about white people?

old gold coins are almost always 99.999, only coin silver is weighed as 90%

silver bullion is 99.99 or 99.9 in case of a few exceptions.

There is a difference between coin silver and silver bullion. Any American silver coins minted before 1964 are only 90% pure silver. Commercially struck silver bullion before 1964 was extremely rare and not usually accessible by the public.

Hence why I said "old gold coins" and in reference to his saying "old coins".

If GOLD is a scam would it be prudent to include the S&P as well? THE SHILL IS ON FOR US STOCKS... tell me it isn't?

Pawn broker whose business is 3/4ths "We Buy Gold."

Numismatic coinage is better for individuals who want to have a store of wealth, have a shitload of money to spend, and are willing to hold until they find the right buyer.

PCGS/NGC certified coins always run much higher than spot. A certified Quarter Eagle in shitty condition (AU-50 or below) holds only about $150 in gold, but will easily retail at $225-250. Ones in MS condition (60 or higher) can go into the thousands. Two coins I have in my personal collection are an 1905 Quarter Eagle, MS-65 and a 1907 MS-64+. Book on the 65 is $1100, the 64+ is $940. Another of my more favored pieces is a 1856 $3 gold "Princess." Gold weight is just over 4.5 grams (about $175.) Book? $2300. Again, I got each of these through my business for the spot price of the gold (and really, I could have gotten them for less.)

On the flip side of certified numismatics, you have "junk gold," just like beat up silver coins are "junk silver." Right now I've got a half-dozen 2 1/2 Pesos in poor condition (not worth sending in to be graded.) Each has about 1.8 grams of gold, metal value just over $75, saleable value of about $90-95. Compared to bullion in assay, 2 gram bars (depending on the mint,) are running about $100-110.

The other drawback to "junk gold" compared to bullion is that bullion has known values, junk gold doesn't. Seriously, if you were to be offered a 1900 Russian 5 ruble gold coin, would you know (without googling) what it's worth? Would you know what weight and dimensions to look for? (In case you're wondering, it's about $150 in gold, 3.86 grams, can be bought for about $180-200.) On the flip, you know that four 1 gram bars can be had, in assay, for $200 all day, every day from most retailers (online and brick-n-mortar.)

TL;DR, don't buy numismatic gold unless you've got money to burn, and don't buy junk gold unless you're a coin collector. Stick with bullion.

I took out about $500 in quarters from my bank about 5 years ago and checked each quarter for 1964 or earlier and didn't find one

Good thing I had a bank willing to take all those quarters back

Don't buy quarters or dimes from banks. Go for half-dollars, and *only* if they're rolled (don't bother with the ones they have to order from the Fed, those are picked clean.) You can usually find at least one 40% Kennedy in every $20 face, at least that's what I've found. Sometimes more (last time I bought I got $10 face in 40%'ers, and one 90% Kennedy in $150's worth of coins.)

How does gold hold value?

same way anything holds value. But GOLD has a long long history of being a valuable asset. You could buy an ounce break it into 1000 pieces each with a value 1/1000th of the price of an ounce.or you could do it with a paper note to i 'spose.

Actually you could buy all the metals and break them into 1000s of useful peices all based on the market prices of those metals. that would be a good GLOBAL currency.


When everything collapses, why exactly would I want to sell my land, which feeds me and provides me with everything I need, for some shiny bar?

Can I eat it? Can i use it for protection?

Gold isn't a disaster insurance like everyone tells you. Gold is an insurance for when things go pretty bad for a while without a full collapse.

When shit really hits the fan you'll want to have traded your gold for land, food, guns and ammo long beforehand.

But hey, enjoy trying to come to my property and offer me some gold bars for food. I'll gladly shoot you (as society 'collapsed' I get to do that right?) and take the gold from your corpse.

I don't think Gold can be even called a scam, because its not controlled by the people who are always defending it vehemently. Gold nuts just lack knowledge of economics.

So how will you buy land when there is nothing but a collapsed system.. ?

>STILL owns no bitcoins


But try guessing my bitcoin private key after im dead

Absolutely. It is the original bitcoin. The major market drivers are Indians buying it to make jewelry and Sovereign nations buying it (Russia, China) to shore up weak currencies. But there is no intrinsic value as it has limited industrial use. Countries buy it on the US Bond dips.

Old coins are intrinsic value. Gold never gets 'old' thus the value of old coins is here say. Don't buy decorative old commemorative coins as they havery no real market value or limited real market value.

Thanks for the explanation. Nice to see knowledgeable people on Veeky Forums.

I got in right before Mt.Gox exploded the price, but I didn't put much in there.

Wallet for proof

I purchased shares in a gold ETF.

There's a lot of volatility coming up this year with Trump (even though he is good IMO), interest rate hikes etc. So I think a lot of capital is going to float into gold.

Only regret not buying in winter during the sell-off.

you suck at this qr code thing aren't you?
there is no need for prefix in the data.

Upboat for not talking out your ass like the rest of the kindergarten classroom.

There is just something special about gold though! I think most metals are neat but GOLD is king.

>"buy gold, it can only go up in value!"
>historically gold hasn't even managed to beat inflation
what a scam

sad thing about inflation stats is that they are constantly falsified on purpose. they fuck around with the basket so that it appears lower than it truly is in official statistics.

officially my country has deflation yet everything keeps getting more and more expensive. if i order food it's 10% more expensive than last year. nice deflation. homes are 20% more than last year. gold is about 12% more than last year.

I don't think it was ever meant to go up like a share in a company. it was just a universal way to pay for international goods. and it was used as a fall back when that countries curency blew up. Nowdays thats still what people do with it.although there is a noticable divide between gold and FIAT cash supporters which makes it all about emotions rather than markets

I thought it was needed for some wallets to work right

First off, you're assuming there would some Walking Dead bullshit happening to begin with.

Second, you would want gold and silver for the economic reset that would happen during or post collapse.

I always say the most precious metal is lead. But don't pretend gold and silver aren't something to have in a collapse or after the fact.

* anonymous; no serial number
* retains value across borders and over time
* even when exchanged officially, it's usually tax free

Gold is a great tool.

>where can I buy simple bars of gold at their market price
Storage, insurance and distribution are not free.

You can approach the market price with bars of 100g or more.
Or buy privately from paranoid people below the market price.

Thanks guys, I try to spread the wealth (of knowledge, at least,) so folks don't get taken.

You're right, but that kind of thinking is what gets people stuck with chink made fake coins. They see that bright orange-yellow, hear the tink of it, and think "that's awesome, that's real wealth," without knowing they're buying a heavily plated lead slug. Like anything money, you need to take your emotion out of the equation, or you end up losing money.

Hopefully the dip gets all the fags out of gold who bought in because all the other fags were saying buy.

If i lived in Venezuela I'd want some gold

i'm just saying, if your investments aren't at least beating inflation, you're losing money in the long run

the qr code is really only useful for the atm and those don't require it.

Too bad Bitcoin destroys gold in every aspect possible.

>inb4 muh internet will be gone after collapse

If things get that bad all currencies will be useless, only food and water and weapons will count, too bad this is sci-fi.

>Too bad Bitcoin destroys gold in every aspect possible.
yeah sure after the collapse (or even just a temporary split) of the internet gold will be totally worthless and bitcoin will skyrocket right? oh wait...