What is your favorite part of Roman history? Mine is the reign of Augustus. My favorite Roman emperor.
What is your favorite part of Roman history? Mine is the reign of Augustus. My favorite Roman emperor
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Justinian's reign. Not the better for the Empire, but the most interesting in my opinion.
Completely forgot about Justinian.
Only know the basics about him would like to read more about him sometime
The battle of the early and mid republic. Stuff like the Samnite wars where the fate of Rome was hanging by a string but it prevailed. The tale of Publius Decius Mus and the devotio is a good example of this.
I unironically recommend you to read Procopius. All of it, not just the secret meme.
The middle republic is the most interesting part. 290BC - 88BC
The Grachus brothers is quite the tale. Full of high political drama and blood. They presaged the fall of the Republic.
I find the 5th century Western Roman Empire fascinating. It's underrated as fuck because people have got the misguided impression from Gibbon that it was degenerate due to its Christianity.
cucking of cicero, brutus, cassius et al.
t. marcus antonius
daily reminder to join intcraft Italy and help make rome great again
The Battle of Yarmouk is my favorite part of Roman History. The best emperor of Rome was Mehmed the Conqueror.
Takbir brother!
roaches, leave at once!
Late (4th/5th century) Roman Empire
>tfw you'll never paint a chi-rho on your shield
>tfw you'll never defend a weakening, corrupt empire while wearing these cool new things called "pants"
goat shit sister
Late Republic, ranging from the Roman wars with the Hellenistic kingdoms to the death of Julius Caesar. You get crazy fucks like Mithridates, Sulla, Marius, Pompey and Caesar running around.
You get the assraping of the last legacies of Alexander the Great, butchery of the Macedonian Phalanxes by the Legions that was so horrifying to the Greeks that it demoralized the shit out of them just seeing the severed hands, arms and heads due to the power of the gladius
Caesar's conquests of Gaul, wars against Jugurtha, Tigranes, the Civil war. Everything is so crazy
The mid republic is also good if you want to see Rome/Latins dominating the Greeks. Alexander's cousin or nephew Pyrrhus of Epirus tries to build his own empire in Italy when a Greek city state calls for help against Rome. He just ends up barely winning a couple battles and goes back to Greece in Pyrrhic victory only for Rome to finally take over Magna Graecia.
when they all died
back to /pol/ ar*bs and dumb eastern europeans.
The times of Scipio!! Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus! Africanus! Africanus! Africanus!
Lemme tell you bout Grapius