Being Veeky Forums and ugly

Is there point in being Veeky Forums if you have ugly face?

The Ukrainian is a bitch. It's about your vibes, not the face. remember this.

Fuck off with this thread you already got BTFO by Veeky Forums

no, there's not point furthering yourself physically in anyway if you have shit facial aesthetics. you will never go above 7/10 at best

use the time and effort to further your social status instead

except the guy on the left clearly has way more bodyfat and less muscle, which is why his face looks like that

if "ugly" removed his glasses, raised his chin, shaved, grew his hair out and stopped looking at me like a faggot he'd be fine

FYI those two are the SAME FUCKIN DUDE

on the right he just took off the glasses, changed expression, and has better lighting

hope that makes all you insecure fucks feel better

the guy on the left isnt jason statham
the guy on the right is

the fuck you smoking

this. it's like you faggots never watched a movie in the 90s

take his glasses off he's fine

Not really look at Casey Neistat

>theyre both bald so they look the same xD
how stupid are you?

how many levels of prosopagnosia are you on right now?

Maybe. There's so many variables at play to to determine what "attractive" is. Even if you assume that there's no personal taste and that there is only one objective measure for facial aesthetics of males, you still have all the other factors like style, body, etc at play. And each girl might weigh them different.

It's all so much to try and figure out. Why not just devote the time to improving what you can control, instead of trying to figure out the exact equation of attractiveness?

he dresses in streetwear shit and his face distracts away from his fits

what's your point?

i think you have found a good topic to meme on, OP. it manages to enrage both Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums which is telling

which gender

t. ugly facelet

I think it's closer to the truth that a lot of women just consider most guys to be kinda ugly and they get used to dating kinda ugly guys.

Particularly if those kinda ugly guys have big muscles or fat wallets.

Sort of like how really tall girls have to just shut up and deal with dating guys shorter than them, most of the time.

This. People only have so much potential so you have to optimize your look to max yours out. Weak jaw? grow a beard. Ill fitting clothes? get well fitting clothes. Out of shape? Get fit. etc.

Changing your hair, facial hair, fitness, and clothing can totally transform you. Don't get wrapped up in the manlet, jawlet, canthal tilt, lookism style threads. You need to accept what you can't reasonably change and learn how to take advantage of what you have.

So yeah, there are some factors you just can't change (without surgery at least), so you just have to figure out how to minimize your bad attributes and maximize your good ones.


This. I remember watching my ex and her friend go through my high school's year book where they pointed out who they thought were good looking. They probably only considered like 15% of the guys good looking. Women judge men off more factors than just looks, but since men judge mainly visually they just assume it's how it works with the other gender which is why you get weird autism stuff like lookism

>They probably only considered like 15% of the guys good looking.

yeah that's why she's your ex gf

ur mum

are you disabled? it's the same person in both pictures except one is photoshopped

Still better looking compared to 50% of Veeky Forums.

Im 5'8 and 190lbs, but my faces top tier and I crush pussy every day of the week

I think what the other poster meant is looking at his face, it seems that he has more bodyfat.